Sickness Poem

Poem About A Daughter's Struggle With Diabetes

My daughter was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of 13. She is now 28. We have been through some rough times with ketoacidosis, and I have known what it is like to have a doctor say, "We are doing all we can." On October 5, 2013, she will have gone one year without a hospital visit. She is struggling with some of the complications of diabetes in her digestive system and it is becoming harder for her to control her blood sugars. This poem is about my admiration for her.

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This is very similar to my younger sister. About 2 years ago she was really sick. I look back on pictures of her before she was diagnosed (T1D) and I can't believe I didn't notice something...

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She Is Strong


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

At birth,
she was strong.

It was her
who knew
that her
pink and soft-edged
was about
to become
tangled in pain
and without
a guarantee.

she was strong,
even through
the highs
the lows,
she stayed strong.

some nights,
her mother
beside her
in a hospital.
Coming there
in confusion,
slipping away,
in an ambulance
or a helicopter,
with tubes
and needles
and anxiety,
then relief.
Always love.
"Why her?"
"Why us?"

as she finally
just as she did
as a baby,
and the adrenaline
fades away,
and the pain
gives way
to such beauty,
her mother
thinks to herself,
"Thank God,
she is strong."


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  • Rating 4.30
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Xzavia Mccovery by Xzavia Mccovery
  • 7 years ago

My life was normal. Then one day I just got sick. My energy levels were low. I didn't want to eat. I was going to the bathroom a lot, and I slept longer than I used to. My mom knew that something was wrong, so she finally took me to the doctor. In the E.R. they checked my blood glucose level, and it was way over 900. I was admitted to the hospital for 2 days. The doctors told my mom that I was in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis). My mom came back into the room after talking to the doctors. She gave me a hug and told me it was going to be okay, but I could see it in her eyes it was bad news. I was hooked up to an insulin drip. I had to go to see an endocrinologist for my diabetes. At first I was scared, but aren't we all. My whole life began to change. My family was my support. They helped me cope with my highs and lows. But now I'm 16, and I couldn't be happier with my life. I play on the varsity soccer team at my school and I run track. I hope this will help anyone overcome their fear like I did.

  • Hannah Wock by Hannah Wock
  • 2 years ago

This is very similar to my younger sister. About 2 years ago she was really sick. I look back on pictures of her before she was diagnosed (T1D) and I can't believe I didn't notice something was wrong, she was so incredibly thin. Eventually my mom took her to the hospital. They checked her blood sugar, and it was nearly triple what it should be. She was also in DKA. Thankfully, she's doing much better now. I'm glad you managed to get your life back on track. It really is a big change and definitely takes some getting used to.

  • Hanna Jarvis by Hanna Jarvis
  • 8 years ago

This poem speaks so beautifully of your daughter. I am 19 years old, and am also a type one diabetic. I have been in ketoacidosis at least 150 times or so. I am actually having stomach and digestive problems as well now too. (Plus Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis.) I understand her pain and have seen my grandmother struggle with the same questions as you have as a mother. She's lucky to have you.

  • Mary Ann Millward Parks by Mary Ann Millward Parks Poet
  • 7 years ago

Thank you. My heart goes out to you. I pray every night for a cure so that young people like yourself can live a simple, free, and unfettered life with no more pain. Remember, there will always be someone who understands what you are going through.

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