War Poem

A limerick for our veterans

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So many in my family went to war. And most came back. I am lucky and want to recognize all the people who have lost their lives to protect you.

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Veterans Day Limerick

© more by Neil Dickinson

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

There are times we want to forget,
Like when troubles and sadness we've met,
But this day in November
We'll always remember
The heroes to whom we're in debt.

They were young, full of life and ambition,
But some dreams never reached their fruition.
With their lives put on hold,
They were daring and bold
And accomplished their ultimate mission.

Most returned when the battle had ended,
Some with wounds that would never be mended.
Many others did not,
Having died where they fought
While ensuring our home was defended.

But in spirit they'll always be here.
To our hearts they will always be near.
While our eyes may be wet,
We will never forget.
Let's remember each day of the year.

War is with us again on this day.
We have daughters and sons in the fray,
So let's wish them Godspeed
And the wisdom we'll need
So they'll never again go away.


more by Neil Dickinson

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  • Norah Bruce by Norah Bruce
  • 6 years ago

So many in my family went to war. And most came back. I am lucky and want to recognize all the people who have lost their lives to protect you.

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