Falling in Love Poem

Poem About Hope For New Beginnings

When you stop believing in love because of a broken heart, it's often hard to start over without having remnants from the past. However, when you meet someone who pulls at your heart strings and knows you better than yourself, you start to question where you were and where you are heading.

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I was married when I was 22 years old and became pregnant with my daughter. He left me when I was pregnant, and I divorced him. I did not date again for 10 years. I met my 2nd husband and he...

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Starting Over


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

You have given me hope for a better tomorrow
like an angel guiding me out of my sorrow.

My fears I want to let go
but can my past I forgo?

I ask you this as you have my heart
will you always be there so we may never part?

I don't have much to give
but I will give you my every day to live.

I love life and what it has to give
because through the depths of sorrow I have learnt to live.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Marci Pates by Marci Pates, Midwest
  • 6 years ago

I had 3 divorces under my belt and told myself never again. And then one night at work, a man I'd known for 15 years came in the store. We talked briefly and asked me if my son was busy the next day, and if not, could he mow his lawn. Well, I ended up doing it. He brought me out a glass of the worst iced tea I'd ever tasted. The rest is history. Less than a month later, I moved in. Three and a half years later I'm planning a fourth wedding.
We'd had our share of problems, but I knew with hard work and dedication I could mend our relationship and make this marriage work. How wrong I was! We married in 2010, divorced in 2016, but it's not over yet. On the weekends, his "girlfriend" went back to her husband. I went back to mine, for a little over a year. Until my baby brother passed away suddenly, and with them being best friends, I thought he'd be there for me. How wrong I was! he beat me down so verbally and emotionally during that time, I tried to commit suicide in front of my son.

  • 7 years ago

I was married when I was 22 years old and became pregnant with my daughter. He left me when I was pregnant, and I divorced him. I did not date again for 10 years. I met my 2nd husband and he was abusive for 13 years of marriage. I finally left with our son whom I am raising by myself. I have not dated anyone now for 7 years due to being heartbroken and feeling all love is lost. I have decided to find my one true love, soulmate because I know I am a great catch for the right person, but I have to at least try because my son and I deserve happiness. My only problem is trying to get past all this trauma and mend my heart.

  • Nompilo MNYANDU by Nompilo MNYANDU
  • 7 years ago

The guy I loved betrayed me by dating a woman who was my neighbour. They both used me. She acted like my friend, knowing exactly what her intentions were. It took me a long time to get over him. He was my first. We shared so many things together. We have a baby boy. He doesn't even care about him because he's no longer my man. It's sad because he needs his father. It's okay, though, 'cause I've moved on with my life. I'm happy, but it's still hard to fully commit because my trust has been broken.

  • Matt Bonner by Matt Bonner
  • 7 years ago

Please believe there are still good men out there. Not all of us are dogs. I believe that you will find yourself a good man. Let go of your past wrongs. The future is so much better with an open heart than with a scorned one.

  • Thandolwethu by Thandolwethu, Pelham
  • 10 years ago

I dumped him not knowing I'll be in danger, I really didn't love him but loved his friend. I was told I made a mistake, stupid and silly me ignored it, after a while I crawled back to him not knowing anymore where to go. But chased me away like a stray cat, like giving your enemy food dirty tray, he plays every strings in my guitar, but was I sure enough they weren't missing? I miss talking to him laughing shouting at each other, it is at least funnier then not talking to strangers about your miserable life I MISS HIM

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