Cancer Poem

Dealing With Feelings Of Betrayal

Having gone through this myself, I've attempted to draw comparisons between the feelings of betrayal by one's own body to that of an unfaithful lover.

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© more by Cynthia C. Naspinski

Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

You betrayed me.

While I went about my days,
Blithely oblivious,
You kept your dark secret.
It festered, insidious.

Had I missed any signs
Of your covert activity;
Too smug in my assumptions
And foolish naivety?

Once the truth was revealed,
I was left reeling.
Didn't know how to process
All that I was feeling.

Your treachery was exposed,
Examined, excised.
Though tough times ensued,
I got on with my life.

Now I keep watch for signs,
Another smoking gun.
This breakdown in trust
Can't be undone.

I want to go back
to being carefree,
But cancer has stolen
That innocence from me.

I can't look at you the same,
There are scars that remain.
You betrayed me once,
Will you do it again?


more by Cynthia C. Naspinski

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Followed right along, well versed and emotions well described!
Keep Healing

Thank you, Donna, for your well wishes. Your kind comment is also very much appreciated.
Best wishes,

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