Current Events Poem

Poem Thanking Doctors And Nurses

At 8:00pm on Thursday, March 26, 2020, people across the whole of the U.K. stood at their windows or stepped outside their homes to applaud the National Health Staff who are working so hard in difficult conditions to care for those suffering from the Coronavirus.

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Thank you, Azeezah. Your response is most appreciated... Beryl

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Coronavirus - Have You Seen

Beryl L Edmonds © more by Beryl L Edmonds

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep?
From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep.
They're battling to save hundreds of lives,
Yet see so many dying right before their eyes.

Have you seen the nurses, tired and worn,
Just come from doing many hours on the wards?
Have you seen them out, walking on lonely streets
Searching empty shelves, for nourishing food to eat?

Have you seen domestics, putting safety first
Keeping hospitals clean, fighting off the germs?
Bravely they go into infectious wards,
Never thinking of themselves, no not at all.

Have you seen the porters, down on their heels,
Walking many miles, pushing many wheels?
We must respect this valued band of women and men.
Though they go unnoticed, we can't do without them.

Have you seen the caterers, keeping all folk fed?
The staff and the patients lying in their beds.
Such an important part to play in someone's health,
A role that couldn't be compared to any amount of wealth.

A great big thank to all National Health Staff
To every volunteer coming forward like they have.
You all have a part of our hearts, are in every prayer we make.
May God bless you all, keeping you well and safe.

Interview with Top Poet Beryl Edmonds

  • What makes this poem one of your favorites?
    This poem I wrote is one of my favourites because it highlights the dedication and hard work of medical teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • How has poetry helped you during the uncertainty of the pandemic?
    Poetry helped during the uncertainty of the pandemic because it relieved the emotional stress and loneliness of being separated from friends and family.
  • What do you like most about poetry?
    Poetry is magic to me, enlightening and inspiring. I like that a poem can take you to places never seen, it can stir you emotionally, whether that be for happy or sad reasons.

    I love writing poetry, how it connects
    to unknown readers perusing our text
    Poems of passion or of broken hearts
    of one's sorrows and of falling apart.
  • What is your favorite experience resulting from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    My favourite experience from being published on Family Friend Poems was that the poem “Coronavirus - Have You Seen” was picked up by a lady named Krystal Long and read out on YouTube on day one of “100 days of poetry.” I came across it accidentally, otherwise I would never have known.

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  • Azeezah Awal by Azeezah Awal
  • 2 years ago

This was a lovely poem. Very emotional and very touching!

Thank you, Azeezah. Your response is most appreciated... Beryl

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