Featured Published Poets
Published: February 2022

Family Friend Poems would not exist without our wonderful poets. We’ve had the honor of publishing poems from thousands of poets, and we are thankful for each of them for sharing their hearts with our poetry community. We are incredibly grateful for the poets who have been faithful contributors over the years. They consistently submit high-quality poems that we publish, and they engage with our community by leaving comments on other poets’ work.
We are excited to say “thank you” by showcasing favorite poems by our top poets. These poems have been hand-selected by the poets themselves. We had the opportunity to interview each poet to learn more about why a particular poem means so much to them. We also found out where they get their writing inspiration, why they love poetry, and their favorite experience from being published on Family Friend Poems. The interviews can be found on each poem page in this collection.
Thanks again to everyone who makes Family Friend Poems a community that shares the highs and lows of life. Let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the poets who vulnerably share their hearts with the world.
20 Favorite Poems From Top Poets On Family Friend Poems
My Soulmate
I still say I Love You,
But now there's no reply.
I always feel your presence
As if you never left my side.Featured Shared StoryChris, It's 21 years since I lost my lovely wife, after 35 years of marriage. It's the anniversary tomorrow. I was so in love with her. When we went to the supermarket. I would leave her to...
The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew
She never got to dance
Or go to her own prom.
She never got the chance
To forget where she came from.Featured Shared StoryThe poem was very touching. I enjoyed reading it, and it reminds me of someone I know and is part of my life. She is none other than my sister. She was always on her feet doing things just...
My Mother, My Angel
Once upon a time an angel held my hand.
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand
Our time on Earth is brief; there are lessons to be learned.
Each precious day God gives us, another page is turned.Featured Shared StoryIt will get better, I promise you, and there will come a day when you remember moments from your childhood with smiles and joy. I thank God every day for my mother even though she has crossed...
Remember When
Remember when we first did meet,
our hearts rejoiced and skipped a beat.
Remember our first kiss goodnight,
the hug we shared that summer's night.Featured Shared StoryI believe this poem had been written for my spouse and me to let us know that what we share is much greater than the trials we had faced and will ever face. It reminds us of the times we had...
Smart Phone - Dumb User
My new phone is "smart." I guess that I'm not.
Amazing what all this here smart phone has got.
TV and Weather and Internet, too.
There's just no limits to what it can do.Featured Shared StoryI loved it. I never knew poems could be funny too. This is actually my first and it surely left a mark. This is exactly what most old people feel when it comes to techy stuff. We teenagers...
Renewed By The Morning Light
I sit upon my front porch stoop
Beneath the morning sun.
Grateful for the moment spent
Away from everyone.Featured Shared StoryThis poem is absolutely beautiful! I, too, spend as much time as possible outside with Nature! The birds and trees help to start each day, no matter the weather. I do my best thinking,...
in Grief Poems
I wasn't there to say goodbye,
to reminisce of times gone by.
I wasn't there to make you smile,Featured Shared StorySix years ago, my mother was in the hospital. She had congestive heart failure. After my dad would get back from the hospital, I would always ask him if she was getting better. One day, he...
A Still Moment
Take a moment.
Put the worries behind.
Take in the beauty around.
Let it relax your mind.Featured Shared StoryThis makes me feel the opposite of what I feel when I need to finish my hours of homework. This poem is a work of art that makes you feel so centered and calm. If this poem was my stuffed...
Till My Last Breath
I cannot promise
you that there will be no sad moments in your life,
But I promiseFeatured Shared StoryThis poem is so lovely, simple, truthful, and sweet. What a perfect poem to read as part of your marriage vows. If I ever do get married (at 68, probably never), but if I did, I would ask...
If I Don't Make It Home
in War Poems
If I don't make it home, please remember it wasn't because I didn't try.
The last thing I wanted was to make you cry.
I wanted more than anything to make it back to you,Featured Shared StoryThis was a beautiful poem about the plight of all the men and women who sacrifice their lives daily for our freedom. The families and friends they leave behind for the love and cost for...
If You See My Mom In Heaven
in Spiritual Poems about Death
If you see my mom in heaven,
She won't be hard to find.
She's God's masterpiece of
Motherhood.Featured Shared StoryMy Mom passed away about 2 weeks ago. This poem really struck home. When I go through her pictures, I get teary eyed. I love my mom. She is the core of my family. Now being in heaven, I know...
Coronavirus - Have You Seen
Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep?
From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep.
They're battling to save hundreds of lives,
Yet see so many dying right before their eyes.Featured Shared StoryThank you, Azeezah. Your response is most appreciated... Beryl
Sea Of Change
in Change Poems
The clouds never break
Like blue waters do
On this Island of Pain.
How can I stand true?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Accepting One Another
We are not the same,
Not in creed, in colour or name.
Yet together we inhabit this earth,
We should value each other's worth.Featured Shared StoryThank you, Silas, for your comment. I am pleased my poem resonates with you.
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The Old Christmas Card
I found a little Christmas card.
‘Twas in a box of stuff.
I opened it and read it.
Its verse was written thus.Featured Shared StoryExcellent. I lost my father 4 years ago, and ever since, I have been saving Christmas Cards given to me by my mother. At age 85, there is no guarantee she will be here this or next Christmas....
You Take Me There
in God Poems
As I search for your saving grace,
I know one day I'll see your face.
Waiting is the hardest thing for me.
I know with you I will be so free.Featured Shared StoryThis poem is so great. I can feel the love and faith of God.
Do You Dare?
in Earth Poems
A world of peace, a world of hope.
Not full of violence, crime and dope.
I want all that's bad to be stopped in its tracks.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Letter To My Daughter
When I first held you in my arms,
You were so perfect and so small.
You are a full-grown woman now;
And I am proud, oh how!Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
The Workout
I need to lose weight, just a pound or twenty.
If I could lose fifty, well that would be plenty.
I could join a gym, but I don't have the gumption.
My legging clad legs aren't for public consumption.Featured Shared StoryThis was positively delightful! I'm quite sure this sums up just about anyone who has ever tried to exercise, only to be utterly fed up with it in no time. This definitely got me laughing,...