Dying Poem

Poem Heartache Of Watching A Loved One Suffer: A Son's Story

A boy watches his father in wallow in sickness. He is torn between his desire for his father to escape the pain, and his desire to continue to see his father live.

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This made me cry, such a great poem. My dad has multiple sclerosis and has lived in a nursing home for 16 years. I'm only 20 so almost my whole life he has been in there. I know once he dies...

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My Father


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

My father is ill
And fading away
Still here for a while
And a few more days
I'm grateful he's here
Not a moment to spare
I love him so much
For him I care
I'm wishing he stays to see me wed
And see my first baby in its tiny bed
Him being gone I could not handle
Every night I would light him a beautiful candle
If he was to go
I'm happy to know
To fly away he would spread his wings
And listen as his guardian angel sings
I'll be happy to know he's in a better place
Even though I'll never forget his lovely face
A great father he is
No daddy is better
No one will ever be
No matter whoever
He is also very handsome
With his baby blue eyes
And his jet-black hair
It makes me cry
He has so many tubes and liquids to gain
I wish he would just go
And feel no more pain
In a way, I want him to stay
And hear him say,
' My sweet little daughter it will be okay'
If God wants him free
I'll need one last touch
He'll be in a better place
And I will miss him very much


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jaclyn by Jaclyn, Michigan
  • 11 years ago

This made me cry, such a great poem. My dad has multiple sclerosis and has lived in a nursing home for 16 years. I'm only 20 so almost my whole life he has been in there. I know once he dies he will no longer be in pain but it's hard to want to let him go. This really was touching and described how I feel. Thank you so much.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 14 years ago

Man, this made me cry. It shows what I feel inside, but not for my father but my mother. I'm very sorry so have to hear that you have too go though this pain. but it will be okay one day. Time does heal all wound it's what you do with the time.

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