Mental Illness Poem

Broken People Are Still People

I have always struggled with mental illness. Pretty much everyone struggles with something. I think that everyone has missing pieces and gaps that need to be filled. My mental illness affects my daily life and religious beliefs. If your focus isn't on the person and their well-being, then what are you trying to fix? Everyone has worth because they are a person, not because of anything they say or do, especially not something out of their control that they are born with or into.

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Hello, I Love You, Goodbye


Published by Family Friend Poems January 1, 2024 with permission of the Author.

hello, I love you, goodbye.
Sometimes I wonder why I try.

most days seem the same;
others still seem to cause some pain.

I tell you I'm happy
but it's hardly the truth;
it's just easier for me to say to you.

I seem fine on the outside,
but inside, it worse -
always wondering about my ride in the hearse.

you tell me I'm fine,
I tell you, look harder.

my worth doesn't come from being someone's daughter.

you see, we all have struggles, no matter our age,
and while others are trying to pick up our pieces -
they drop some, we lose some, everything freezes.

so please, look closely when treading the ground -
there's pieces of people scattered around.

Now, I'm not trying to blame or
cause any trouble,
I'm just stepping outside
my own little bubble...

I'll always be here for you,
out among the rubble.


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