In Memory Poem

Tribute To Mother Poem

When we began to learn to write as a child, my mother set a pad and pen in front of us and told us she would teach us to write poetry. So many times when I became upset with something, I would write a poem, and in doing just that all my anger was gone. I could look at the reason for my anger so differently. Writing poetry has helped me in more ways then one. It can bring peace, joy and happiness, like nothing else. As you write your cup runs over. Thank you, A friend in poetry, Sue

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This just reminded me of the most wonderful Mother who brought us up(12 children) so good and gave us everything, yet she had nothing, but the nothing she had was everything, miss her so much xx

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My Mother A Rose


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

A rose so rare,
one of its kind,
love and beauty a mother,
A rose without thorns,
not a petal was torn,
a perfect rose stood straight and tall,
my mother was the most precious of all.
A rose that survived the worst kind of weather
and yet the most delicate ever,
a rose with a fragrance,
there could be know other,
you see this rose is my Mother.
A rose is picked and put to dry,
the beauty is still there,
it never dies.


  • Stories 4
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joan Kerwick by Joan Kerwick
  • 10 years ago

This just reminded me of the most wonderful Mother who brought us up(12 children) so good and gave us everything, yet she had nothing, but the nothing she had was everything, miss her so much xx

  • Essien Nyaknno Iton by Essien Nyaknno Iton
  • 10 years ago

This poem described my mom whose demised took place on the 3-7-2013. Indeed my mom stood for peace, a real rose without a single thorn. The best mom ever created. Thank you for this beautiful piece and the memory it's created. GREAT

  • Mr Chris Childerley by Mr Chris Childerley
  • 10 years ago

This poem was made for my mum who died 17-2-2013, she was the best rose ever to walk this earth, this is such a beautiful poem, thank you so much xxxx

  • Annette by Annette
  • 16 years ago

As I began reading this poem, my eyes filled with tears. My mom passed on 6-17-08. She too was a rare rose indeed. This is one of the best poems I have read in a while. Thank you so much for sharing. My mom loved roses, but she never realized she, herself, was one of a kind. I miss her so much. We were very close, more like sisters for she was only 16 when she had me. Oh, how I miss her so. Her death was sudden, no time to say goodbye...

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