Poem about Sadness

Feeling Empty And Lost

I had written this two years ago. I was sitting with my friends, and we were laughing about something, but I remember how hollow I felt on the inside. I remember feeling lost and sad - feelings I'm sure many of us go through. They may sound clichéd, but that doesn't make them any less real or any less of a suffering.

I wrote this to put words to those feelings. I hope that anyone out there having similar experiences knows that they're not alone, that they're understood, and that it gets better.

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Meghan L Wong © more by Meghan L Wong

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

I can't hear the noises around me
Over the silent voices inside my head.
I don't feel the ache that should come
When I laugh with my friends.
I look around and I try to see
Anything that can make sense to me,
But everything is a blur.

This heart that beats within me,
What does it beat for?
What do I call myself
When I feel so much
And do not shed a tear?
What am I
When the chaos within and without
Leaves me unfeeling and cold?

I feel like I'm underwater,
But I'm only drowning in air,
Gasping for breath,
Struggling to stay afloat.
I don't have the strength to fight
The dizzying darkness that clouds my mind,
It wraps around me, snug like a blanket,
Just without the warmth.

It's overwhelming
To feel the pain and the aching,
To feel the wistfulness and the longing.
To feel everything.
To feel nothing at all.


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