Moving On Poem

Poem About Deserving Better

I wrote this poem because everybody gets hurt, but it's not the end of the world. Just take it for what it is and move on; he didn't deserve you, anyway. Someday you'll look back and wonder why you even cared about why he left because, in all reality, he did you a favor. It's not about you getting hurt; it's about what you get out of it.

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I loved this poem. It absolutely spoke to my life right now. A lot of heartbreak and pain, but this poem helped immensely.

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You Taught Me To Let Go...

© more by Ashley Fields

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

I used to listen when you said you would always be there.
I sit and think about all the times we had together,
and how I thought I used to love you, when you used to care.
I'd last through any weather,
but when the our storm came, you left at the first sight of rain,
leaving me here
to deal with all this pain.
I sat there crying, thinking what did I do wrong?
I looked to my mother who said, "Baby, stay strong,"
so I wiped my tears and began anew.
New me, new life, and happiness without you.
Someday you'll miss me, but it will be too late for us to be.
You didn't know what you were missing,
but now you do, calling me crying saying, "Baby, I love you."
I love you too; that's why I'm letting you go.
I'm a hell of a good woman.
It's too bad it took you this long to know.
What we had is in the past, it's a reason we didn't last,
but whenever you get discouraged about why we're through,
just look in the mirror
because it's all on you...
I hope next time you learn from your mistakes,
and when that girl needs you do whatever it takes.
always remember this, I love you, but I love me more.
I had to learn that when you walked out the door...


more by Ashley Fields

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Novalee by Novalee
  • 5 years ago

I loved this poem. It absolutely spoke to my life right now. A lot of heartbreak and pain, but this poem helped immensely.

  • Alexis Johnson Sioux City Iowa by Alexis Johnson Sioux City Iowa
  • 10 years ago

I loved this poem. It was beautiful and inspirational at the same time. Sometimes you have to just accept that that person isn't what they used to be anymore. It hurts but you get through it and become stronger through time.

  • Cristal Tx by Cristal Tx
  • 12 years ago

This poem is awesome it actually connects to me, and yeah it's better to move on. Love yourself in order to love others.

  • Ashley Fields by Ashley Fields
  • 12 years ago

I wrote this poem in 7th grade. I didn't even know they posted it. I can't explain my how I feel I just wanted to let people know there's life after the pain..I'm glad you all liked it..but always remember just because somebody is perfect doesn't mean they're perfect for you.....

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 8 years ago

I'm so happy you wrote this, I can relate to this on everything. Thank you. This helped a lot.

  • Gaby by Gaby, WA
  • 13 years ago

When I first read this poem I thought it would just push me down into a deeper hole than I already was in. But it helped me see that I don't need someone who always puts me down when all I've done for them is be there. He can say that it's my loss, but really it's his. Because he just lost the one person who would never judge, never give up on him, or do anything to hurt him. I just wish that he could have seen that sooner before he threw everything that we ever had away in an instant.

  • Hiba by Hiba
  • 13 years ago

I first read this poem as a beautiful song aloud and thought that the author of it is a very independent and strong female.

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