Father Poem

Dad Poem From Daughter

My dad was amazing in every way. I wrote this for him when he was in the hospital and put it on his wall so he always knew how much I loved him. He sadly passed away, so I put this poem in his hands so it was with him always. Love and miss you so much...always and forever...your baby girl!

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I really loved this poem. It's very touching and helpful because my dad's not here, but he is always in my heart. It helps me when he's gone.

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My Daddy

© more by Ranja Kujala

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2009 with permission of the Author.

I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
And you are always there next to me.
Each and every day you were helping me grow up,
And making me be the best that I can be.

Your love was forever strong,
Your cuddles forever tight.
Every day since I was born,
Your love was always in sight.

I will always be your Baby Girl,
And you will always be my Dad.
I know I will always be the luckiest
To have the best Dad any girl could have had.

My Daddy, I love you with all my heart,
Much more than I ever say.
You are my world, my everything,
Each and every day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ontario by Ontario
  • 11 years ago

I really loved this poem. It's very touching and helpful because my dad's not here, but he is always in my heart. It helps me when he's gone.

  • Karen by Karen
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem very much. it was very touching. I realized that my father is so special to me and the same for him for me.
I will always keep this in my heart!!...I love you daddy

  • Pikake by Pikake
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched my heart. I am really going throw a lot, when I read this poem I cried because I miss my dad a lot knowing he's in heaven with god. But I will always know that my dad is always by my side and will always be in my heart no matter what. My dad is my hero.

  • Juany Padilla by Juany Padilla, Alamo NM
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me in every ways. I am going through different things right now and my dad is always there for me. I will always love him and he will always have a piece of my heart. my daddy my hero

  • Harv by Harv, London
  • 14 years ago

Brilliant poem helps to remember memories from the past.

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