Wedding Poem

Wedding Vow Of Unity

A wedding vow of unity between spouses and God.

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From This Day Forward

Marcia A. Newton © more by Marcia A. Newton

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2019 with permission of the Author.

From this day forward and forevermore,
we're a heavenly union of two souls.
From this day forward, when two become one,
two hearts, one flesh, in the eyes of our God.

From this day forward, we walk together.
Our lives are joined, now and forever.
From this day forward, we hold each other.
We become one in our God forever.

From this day forward, we vow together
to be patient and kind and trust one another.
From this day forward, we vow together
to endure and always love forever.

From this day forward, we wear rings of gold,
for better or worse, in youth and in old.
From this day forward, until the end of time,
we are one body, one life, one mind.

From this day forward, our lives will be blessed
with children from God and a home to rest.
From this day forward, with love in our hearts,
we will be one until death do us part.


more by Marcia A. Newton

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