Abuse Poem

Poem About Healing From Abuse With Writing

I was sexual abused by my uncle, stepfather, and my aunt's boyfriend when I was growing up. This poem is talking about how writing basically got me through my situation. I always say that when I feel like no one understands, or like I'm not being heard when I try to speak, I just write because my paper and pen understands me.

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I was raped two days before my birthday by some stranger. I was about to turn 15 years old, and that night, a part of me died and I was never the same again. Now I'm in a relationship with...

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I Just Write


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the Author.

I can't talk to anybody,
I feel like nobody understands,
So I pick up some paper and grab me a pen.
You see me smile, but if you only knew
The things that I hold onto
And just can't seem to let go.
I know I must forgive, and I said that I do,
But I don't really think that I actually do.
Forgive my mother, my uncle, stepdad, and aunt's boyfriend
For the pain they put me through as a kid.
I spoke up, no one listened.
So it continued on and I just didn't mention
The things that went on in the middle of the night.
It happened before, so maybe it's all right.
At 5, at 8, at 9 and 10.
Over and over and over again.
She caught him, forgave, got married, nothing changed.
I'm over it now, I really am.
I think about it every now and then.
Have trouble sleeping at night.
I laugh about it now, especially when I used to sleep with a knife.
I know the only way to get over it,
Is to open up and speak,
But when I spoke when I was younger,
No one heard me.
So you tell me, WHAT THE HECK DO I DO,
When that voice in my head keeps saying,
You're wasting your time, no one cares about you.
I can't shake that, I've believed that my whole life.
I'm just glad that God gave me a pen, paper, and the ability to write.
'Cause when I feel like no one hears me,
I just write.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nomcebo Shoma by Nomcebo Shoma
  • 1 year ago

I was raped two days before my birthday by some stranger. I was about to turn 15 years old, and that night, a part of me died and I was never the same again. Now I'm in a relationship with this wonderful man, but I still fear for my life.

  • Janet Bursott by Janet Bursott, Pontiac
  • 9 years ago

I would highly recommend That anyone who has suffered the terror of childhood sexual abuse find a really caring, listening Psychologist to pour out the pain and anger that they had to suppress in childhood, in order that they could survive. The writing, whether in stories, journals, or Poetry is a great survival coping mechanism. I am 69 years old and I am still journaling my thoughts, feelings and reactions. My parents were extremely abusive alcoholics. I went to Foster Care at age 6. Then endured more abuse at the foster homes. Fortunately, I found, after much trial and error, a fine psychologist who did Group Therapy for "ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS". I've spent many, many hours reliving and expressing so many of the horrors that I had to endure. Private therapy sessions have helped me endure the Post Traumatic Stress that victims of child abuse always experience. My best wishes to all Survivors. I pray that you find the "right someone" to help you.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie
  • 10 years ago

Oh boy do I know that feeling way to well. For many years now I've looked to my pen and paper for the support I needed that I wasn't. Able to get from the people I expected It from. At times when I so mad and confused By my abuser all I wanted to do was look him directly in the eye's And ask, "Why, why me?"
But I was to scared. So I would write a letter to him. Expressing my truest feelings towards him. I may never mail them or let him read them it's helped me to no longer fear him. Sometimes when I get a trigger of flash backs I'm able to go and read them. It's my own therapy.

  • Nia by Nia, Swansea
  • 10 years ago

Hiya, I know just how you feel!:(, I was sexually abused from the ages 4 till 14 by someone with the same blood as me, a close relation... Thinking about it makes me sick, I'm currently waiting for it to go to court as I told someone about it a year ago.., you're not alone xxx

  • Tye'ler Masion Lanham by Tye'ler Masion Lanham
  • 7 years ago

I know what you mean I was sexually abused by my dad from ages 3-15 and I'm now 17 and no one has listened to me about it. I have a 3-year-old son and I tried taking it to court, but no one will take my case.

  • Lashana Young by Lashana Young
  • 10 years ago

It's happened to me also, I am so thankful to have music in my life, it has really helped me through so much. Tc

  • Raven by Raven, C
  • 11 years ago

I know what that feels like I have been there. From the age of five I was raped it stopped when I was 10 for five years I endured that. For five years it was Hell. Since then I have never been the same. I'm a drug addict for 10 years now trying to forget what has happen to me but I never will.

  • Kay by Kay, The Bahamas
  • 12 years ago

Wow this was like I was reading what I went through, growing up from the age of 11. I know the feeling. Know one believed me and I express myself through writing little poems to take away my hurt and to stop me from committing suicide. Please stay encourage. God sees and knows everything.

  • Shara by Shara
  • 12 years ago

I know how you feel people still don't believe me but I can't write about it, I can't talk about but I know what happened and so does he and I think that is all that matters. No one is here for me either as it happened in my family, but I am here for myself and in a way if I am strong I know I will get through. But I'm still scared and I am seventeen and I can't even go out of the house on my own just in case he is there.

  • Kayleigh by Kayleigh, London
  • 12 years ago

Hey, I know how you feel...no one ever believed me I kept telling my mum what was happening but she never believed me until the day she walked in on us she was so shocked to think her brother could do such a thing.
It started when I was 5 and I didn't start telling my mum till I was coming up to 7 not that it made a difference she never listened. He got put in prison and is now out and living opposite me, I'm now coming up to 15 and I still think about it everyday. I never talk about it and if I do I can only do it by writing it down..I've just started to get a councilor but find it hard to talk to her I find it embarrassing. Hope your ok? Xx

  • Abi May by Abi May
  • 6 years ago

Please don't be embarrassed. I can relate to you. It's not your fault. I'm still learning that it wasn't my fault either. Just get help.

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