Rape Poem

The Day He Took IT Away

It has been 13 years, and the only way I can talk about it is through poetry.

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My sister's dad forces himself on me when mum was late home Mum was also 6-7 months pregnant for my younger sister It was hard for me to tell her that her husband forced himself on me ...

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My Virginity


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

I think back to when it happened,
think back to that awful day.
The day when it all happened,
the day he took "it" away.

Fighting. Yelling. Crying.
It didn't matter how loud I screamed.
Nobody came to help me.
Nobody came to set me free.

I still dream of running,
of trying to break away.
Of feeling him catch me,
every damn day.

I see him in the shadows,
even while I'm at home.
I close my eyes and pray he's gone,
only then I can't help but feel him.

To this day I feel him,
his tight grip on my wrists,
The pressure of his body
as I tried to resist.

He continued to thrust away,
as I fought and yelled and cried.
It didn't matter how loud I screamed,
Nobody came to help me.
Nobody came to set me free.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Wahito Margaret by Wahito Margaret
  • 1 year ago

My sister's dad forces himself on me when mum was late home
Mum was also 6-7 months pregnant for my younger sister
It was hard for me to tell her that her husband forced himself on me
But I finally told her the truth through the help of my friend
I think I'm now a strong brave girl after speaking up

  • Natara A. Whisenand by Natara A. Whisenand
  • 3 years ago

Hi, I was only four years old when I was raped by my father. I still remember like it was yesterday. I was scarred for life and my whole body was ruined by him. He is in prison right now because of a probation violation.

  • Pina Cirillo by Pina Cirillo
  • 5 years ago

Hello Skinny Cow, I wanted to give you distant gentle hugs and say to you that the greatest love of all is in your heart. If you can reach in and forgive within your own mind you will be blessed in return with peace of mind and body. Thirteen years is a long time. I hope you can just begin to let go of this traumatic experience, maybe through poems of letting go of such darkness in your life. Wishing healing and peace.

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