In Memory Poem

My husband died of liver cancer, June 18, 2008. He was supposed to have 2 years, but suffered two months and lost his battle quietly, with his wife and family at his side. He is deeply missed and loved by all.

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My husband died 1-22-10 from a lung condition caused from Arthritis and complicated by pneumonia; he was 73 years old. He had never been ill; his death was a great shock to me and his whole...

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Remembering You


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

Tinkering with old gadgets,
Riding on that old tractor.
You lived to be outside,
Under that big blue sky.

You were happy most any place,
It didn't take much.
A can of snuff, a beer in your hand.

Never a minute was wasted,
You found plenty to do.
You said, "Life is what you make it."
Simple things, your garden, your tractor,
A piece of meat on the grill.
It was worth millions to you.

The tales you used to tell to the grand-kids,
They did believe.
From gunshot wounds to ships you won.
OH! One of these we would love to hear.

That little smirk or wrinkle on your nose,
Your big brown eyes I adored.
All these things were your own design
And of these we wish we could see.

Things you said can never be replaced,
Some so funny, you had to laugh.
We lived to see what you would do next.

We had special days and special times,
From just a quiet moment or a ride
Or dinner at Travelers,
You made it all so special each time.

You liked to tease, you would not cease
'Til you got a reaction,
Then you were pleased.
That was just you, and you loved it.

Not much money did you have,
But you said,
"You were rich, just look what I have,
My family, my property, and my wife."

What a man, this man of mine.
Just one last touch, holding his hand,
And hearing his voice,
This I do crave!

But now he is gone,
No more to see.
But I will just bet
On a tractor he can be found.

Just look around,
His memories you will see,
And above all,
I know he is waiting,


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Christine Hammock by Christine Hammock
  • 13 years ago

My husband died 1-22-10 from a lung condition caused from Arthritis and complicated by pneumonia; he was 73 years old. He had never been ill; his death was a great shock to me and his whole family. I was so surprised when I read this poem, it fit him to a tee. In early life he was a successful coach; then later he was a minister and we had a farm; he said he could speak to God on his tractor. Also, he loved family - his grandchildren (14) and great-grandchildren (4) and would tell them all kinds of tales. Thank you for the poem. Reading it blessed me. May God bless you and give you peace. Christine

  • Maggie Oates by Maggie Oates
  • 15 years ago

This poem fits my grandaddy like a glove. I can easily picture him as I read through this. I love the entire poem except for the fact that the last sentence is capitalized and has an exclamation point. I think it kind of ruins the mood... Thank you very much though.

  • Penni L. Platz by Penni L. Platz
  • 15 years ago

Remembering You is one of the best poems I have read since I lost my husband Ron to bladder cancer, he was 49 years old, we were told of his cancer two short months before. I am very happy he did not suffer but I never expected it to take his life that fast. I sat with him day in and day out for two long weeks watching things being done to him that I have never seen before. He told me it would not beat him he would beat it, he was right what beat him was the septic shock infection from having a port put in, it was the saddest thing and the most horrible thing I have seen one person go thru. I love this poem it describes him so much I was shocked when I read it. Thank You for the poem.

  • Erin Ashby by Erin Ashby
  • 15 years ago

This poem reminds me of my grandfather who also lost a battle to cancer (Pancreas). Keep your head high and remember the memories.
God Bless

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