Bullying Poem

A Voice For Those Bullied And Abandoned

I'm not good with this sort of thing, but I'll try. In elementary school, I had the typical bully problems. The rumors, getting shoved around a lot, etc. When I reached middle school, it got worse. The thing that hurt the most though was when they would just ignore me. At least whenever they picked on me I was acknowledged somewhat. But their silence is what got to me the most. Some of them have actually grown up and gotten over themselves, but there are still a few. I'm better than them. So are you.

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I'm honored that you would use my work!!! I'm glad it was of some use :) I honestly haven't really written anything else after this...I kinda wrote this for a poetry project in my English...

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The Forgotten Ones


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2014 with permission of the Author.

I am the voice of those afraid to speak,
Those of us society calls weak,
Those you ridicule every day,
The ones who have nothing to say.
We have feelings too, okay?

I am the voice of those alone,
The ones abandoned and on their own,
The ones who hide their pain in their eyes,
Those you never saw cry,
Those of us you just pass by.

I am the voice of those you forget,
The ones society regrets.
Though you see us, you don't care
Whether or not we are here,
And we, like shadows, slowly disappear...


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  • Rating 4.44
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Flossy by Flossy
  • 9 years ago

I recently was in a school play about bullying and abandonment and we had to find a poem/story about bullying. I found this poem and it was perfect. Sometimes I also feel abandoned and alone, so I could really relate to it. We used in the production and I had to say it. I really hope it did this awesome poem justice. Keep on writing, your work can be a real inspiration to people. Don't quit, you are amazing!

  • Corrina H. by Corrina H. Poet
  • 9 years ago

I'm honored that you would use my work!!! I'm glad it was of some use :) I honestly haven't really written anything else after this...I kinda wrote this for a poetry project in my English class and didn't even realize what I had written till I read over it. I was kinda depressed at the time, with a bunch of crap going on. Since then I just haven't even tried. I might just sit down and try to write again. And sorry for the late reply. The email thingy still isn't happening for some reason.

  • Allie by Allie, MA
  • 10 years ago

Hi Corrina,
Your poem is really good and speaks the truth--it made me cry.
In school I felt ignored and isolated too. I wished my classmates could have gotten to know the real "me."
I hope things are better for you now. Keep on writing!

  • Corrina H. by Corrina H. Poet
  • 9 years ago

Hey Allie. I'm sorry for not replying sooner. I haven't checked this in a long time. Thank you for feedback. This is the first time I really tried writing something. And things are better now. I've found a group of people who like me for who I am and honestly I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have them. I hope things are going good for you as well.

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