Loss Poem

Poem Asking God Why

Losing the one person who mattered most is painful.

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We lost my beautiful nephew on April 1, 2017. He had a contagious smile and beautiful blue eyes. He just got engaged to the love of his life. We are a very close family, so much so that we...

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Taken From Me

Angie M Flores © more by Angie M Flores

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm sitting here in my room, looking at your picture,
wondering why you couldn't be a part of my future.
Uncontrollable tears stream down my face,
while my heartbeat starts to race.
Asking God why he took you from my life,
it was more painful than stabbing me in the heart with a knife.
I still needed you here.
You were the one to make everything so clear.
You are a part of me, and I am a part of you.
When you died, a part of me died too.
I never knew how hard it was to lose someone you love
until the day you went to heaven above.
Even though I can't see,
I know you're up there watching over me.
I miss you more and more every day,
and all I can do is pray.
In my heart you shall forever remain.



I am a girl with a deep passion for writing, my mind can go on and on. My goal in life is to complete my own autobiography. Give me a pen and sheet of paper and leave me to my thoughts. The quiet ones are always the ones who have plenty to say.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Henry Kaspar by Henry Kaspar
  • 5 years ago

This is how I feel every day since my wife passed away 2 years ago. We were married for 63 years, but we dated for two years while in high school. We had an argument and broke up. She swore she would never date or talk to me again. Four years later while home on leave, I saw her walking down the street. I stop and said, "Hi, Lois. You've changed since high school." She said to me, "I said I would never talk to you again." We talked for a while, and I asked her if she would go out with me that night. We dated that night and she was best thing in my life from that day on. Love and miss you every minute of every day, Lois Gaynor Kaspar.

  • Valerie Willoughby by Valerie Willoughby
  • 7 years ago

We lost my beautiful nephew on April 1, 2017. He had a contagious smile and beautiful blue eyes. He just got engaged to the love of his life. We are a very close family, so much so that we hung out on weekends and the cousins were inseparable. This was a devastating loss. He never did drugs and loved life, was the leader at all family get togethers, organizing and creating games! My mom, who had been ill, didn't know how to deal with all of the pain and heartbreak. She was hospitalized on April 25th and never came home. She passed away on May 2nd. The pain is so much, and our family has been crushed. There was once joy but now only pain.

  • Tiffiny H by Tiffiny H
  • 8 years ago

Hi, Tyler. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I send you a big hug. See, I lost my dad in May of 2016, and I only had six years with him. We just reconnected around that time. It was short, and I thought he’d be around to see me get married, watch my son grow, and get to see his granddaughter that was only five months old, but he never got to do those things. He suffered for a while. I'm so thankful for the phone calls we shared and the long talks we had. I miss him saying, “I love you.” I still call his old phone just to hear his voice. I look at his picture on the wall, and sometimes I cry myself to sleep. I know he's in a better place where he doesn’t have to suffer anymore and gets to walk on golden streets with God. He is watching over me and my kids. Daddy, if you can hear me, I love and miss you more than words can ever say. I bet your wings are beautiful, and we will meet again someday. Until then, Daddy please watch over me and my babies. Thank you, Tyler, your poem is beautiful.

  • Eva by Eva, Melbourne, Australia
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for writing this, 4 days ago I lost my dearest friend, a friend that I never met face to face but he touched my heart in the most dearest way, we spent every day, every night talking to each other wishing each other goodnight and sharing our day, it was akin to a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. Your poem describes what I feel as I mourn his death, he was sadly taken from me and from his family too soon by way of an accident. This poem has helped me put words to my feelings. Thank you...

  • Tyler Chapman by Tyler Chapman, St Mary Country
  • 9 years ago

My name is Tyler when I was 8 my mom died I am 12 now. I feel like when she died I died. I feel like god hates me. She was the only thing I really had. I miss her so much and I want her back. Some people don't think it's a big deal but try coming home every day wanting to say "hey mom can I have a hug I had a bad day" but you know she is not going to answer you. You know she'll never answer you again . Try knowing you will never see her again . It is sad and lonely and it eats you alive, it can change a girl.

  • Kirsty Wilson by Kirsty Wilson
  • 9 years ago

Hi Tyler,

I'm writing to you again because you have been on my mind since I read about the loss of your Mom.
Sometimes when we lose someone we love we feel we are being punished by God or just punished in general. You need to remember that for reasons we do not know people we love are taken from us early in life. You must not feel responsible or that this is an act against you. You are her child and your Mom loved you and wants the best for you. It is very hard to adjust to losing your mom but I am hoping that as you get older you will feel less pain. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you. You are a good person as your mom made you feel loved and you will have her love always. I hope that there are some other adults in your life to help you get through this. Do you have aunts or uncle? Don't let this stop you from living your life and finding the good things for yourself. That's what your mom would want for you.Hope you are okay.
Your friend , Kirsty

  • Kirsty by Kirsty
  • 9 years ago

Hi Tyler,

I am so sorry you are suffering the loss of your mother at such an early age. When you feel alone rember that there are others your age going through the same torment. As you grow into an adult try to focus on the love your Mom gave you. You loved her and she is watching over you . Make her proud and don't let the loss hurt you further. You are not alone and you will find others to comfort you in your path in life. Stay strong and focus on your life goals. She is with you always and I wish you all the best. Take care.

  • Christina Gonzalez by Christina Gonzalez, Columbia
  • 9 years ago

Tyler, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your mom. It's not the same, but I send you a big hug. I can't begin to understand how you feel, there are no words I can say that will soothe your pain. But as I write to you, my eyes are welling up with tears, as I have a daughter that is 12 & this is what I would want someone to tell her if she were going through the same situation. God does not hate you, even as adults, we don't understand what His plans are or why things happen. You must have faith & try each day to do your best...in school, in helping your family & others...it won't be easy, but all for your mom. She would want you to try and be strong and make the most of each day. Your mom will always be with you, in your heart, in your memories, and in all the things that make you smile. Tyler, I pray that you have an adult that you can talk to, this is very important, try to reach out to someone you trust and let them know how you feel. May God Bless you, you'll be in my prayers.

  • Gaynor Adams by Gaynor Adams, Western Cape
  • 10 years ago

My 15 year old son were murdered brutally (beheaded) today 17 October 2013. I'm a single mother and he was my best friend, confident and basically my right hand. Why is it that the pain seems to get worse? I cannot get over this and his 6 year old brother still cries a lot about his brother. I just don't know how to handle this pain anymore. Worst part is I have to face court proceedings and I'm honestly not ready to hear all the details about what happed that night.

  • 8 years ago

Dear Gaynor,

We honestly never has all the answers, but my heart goes out to you. May God touch YOU and your family. In Jesus name, amen.

  • Joe Perez by Joe Perez
  • 10 years ago

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I don't know if you keep up with this site but I'm truly sorry, I wanted to cry when I read this... I hope God gives you the strength to keep your head high so you're there to comfort your other son when he needs it most. I lost my brother when I was 11 and it still hurts. I'm 27 now and it never goes away. My mom Is so emotionally detached, and I think that's the hardest part about it... Again I wish you the best, God bless you and yours....

  • Jennifer Huff by Jennifer Huff, Ohio
  • 10 years ago

My son was taken away way too soon. He was only 25 years old. He passed away in his sleep at home of congestive heart failure. Leaving behind a five year old son. The day of his funeral was the day he was supposed to have his heart surgery. My son passed away on Dec 01 2013. Just two days before my birthday. I miss him dearly. No one will be able to fill that hole in my heart.

  • Kelly Mitchell by Kelly Mitchell
  • 10 years ago

I just want to say to Denise in Vancouver.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine, nor will I pretend to imagine your pain. Losing a child must be the worst kind of pain there is. 25 years ago I worked with a man (in his 50s) who had just lost his 30 year old son, I will never forget his words to me. He said "Its not right. We're not supposed to bury our children." My heart broke for him that day, just as it's breaking now for you...Praying for you and your family.

  • Denise by Denise, Vancouver WA
  • 10 years ago

My son was murdered July 20, 2014. He just turned 34. I feel like it's all getting worse. I am trying to understand it all. I need to know why my son had to die.

  • Kelly Mitchell by Kelly Mitchell
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me. I lost my best friend of 40 years 2 months ago. I am 52 years old and knowing that I have the rest of my life to live without seeing her or hearing her voice again, the pain feels so unbearable at times. I just pray to the Lord for peace and comfort, that's all I can do. If bff's can be soul mates, then she was mine.

  • Latisha Gibbs by Latisha Gibbs
  • 10 years ago

This poem reminds me of my grandma and my sister in law that recently passed away from a heart attack in her sleep. My grandma passed away in 2010 and my sister in law just passed away on May, 1 2014 and it's just hard on me right now and this poem just reminds me oh so much of the pain I'm going through right now.

R.I.P grandma and sister in law. love you all and miss you all much.

  • Peggy Rickard by Peggy Rickard, Lewiston Ny
  • 10 years ago

My heart still hurts over the loss of my 16 year old son. He was my baby. I thank God he gave us 5 days with him in children's hospital. I prayed hard that God would heal and spare him but it was not to be. This child of mine was so loving and forgiving and my best friend. I feel lost without him. This poem pretty says how I feel.

  • Mary by Mary, Ontario
  • 11 years ago

I read through these poems and hope it is going to help me through but i cant find the strength just yet. I lost my 21 year old niece, 2 1/2 year old nephew and unborn nephew January 11/14 in a house fire. Still very surreal

  • Melissa by Melissa, Indiana
  • 11 years ago

My husband died, November 15,2013. He had cancer. All I do is sleep. I miss him so much that my heart aches. He died 2 weeks before our 21st Anniversary.

  • Gorah Marvin by Gorah Marvin, Zimbabwe
  • 11 years ago

I really loved your poem, it really understand the pain and the feeling. It hurts so much to know that you are never gonna see the person you love no more. I wish I were with my brothers and sister who are long gone.

  • Amardeep Kaur by Amardeep Kaur, India
  • 11 years ago

This poem is full of pain and it is so touching that for a moment I felt these are my emotions coming out of me in these words. I lost my dearest papa on 2nd July 2010 because of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma. Till the date I couldn't come out of this grief and pain.

  • Leena by Leena
  • 11 years ago

Thanks for this poem. when I am reading this poem I was crying. It's so hard to lose someone who means everything to you.

  • M.V. Aubrey by M.V. Aubrey, Victoria
  • 11 years ago

I can feel your pain and I know how painful it is too lose someone that you love so much in life.

  • Trinidad. W. I. by Trinidad. W. I.
  • 11 years ago

It is touching and sad and reminds me also when I lost my mother a few years ago. Sometimes it is difficult to overcome such a tragic loss. The best we can do is to try and cope with it. Mother is mother and can't be replaced.

  • Kimberly Cantwell by Kimberly Cantwell, Virginia Beach
  • 11 years ago

My Dear Husband, It's been almost a year now and that pain that everyone one says "It will get easier in time" it hasn't gotten easier. In fact, it has gotten worse it feels like I have this pain that aches so bad and it's deep down in my soul since you left.
Everyone says "I need to let you go that I'll always have a special place in my heart for you." I don't know how to do that I still love you the same as when you passed away and you have a special place in my heart already. I don't know how to let you go and I don't want anyone else to share my life with. Living without you and not seeing your face and smile or hearing your voice is so hard to do. I've prayed for God to give me strength to move forward and to make things better.
My heart aches to see you every day and I can't wait to see you again. I pray that you are now happy and at peace and in no pain. I pray that you know how much I love you and that now you know God's love and forgiveness.
Love always,
Your Secret Admirer

  • Eileen Beyer by Eileen Beyer
  • 8 years ago

I lost my son, Karl, nearly twenty three years ago and the pain, though easier to bear, is still there. I understand it will always be there but the intensity one feels at first slowly eases. It took many years for the pain to ease. One year is not a long time and everyone is different. You will likely think of your loved one every day no matter how many years have passed. Blessings and healing sent for you.

  • Terry by Terry, Md
  • 9 years ago

I just recently lost my mom. I have people telling me the same thing, it gets better/easier to deal with the pain in time. I see that your post is over 2 years. I want to know if it has gotten any easier to deal with the pain of losing someone so dear to your heart?

  • Jenya by Jenya
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom 2 months ago, this poem speaks the words I couldn't express myself about how much I love and miss my mom!

  • Melinda P. by Melinda P., Fl
  • 12 years ago

My daughter Kerri was 25 yrs old when on Dec. 21 2011.
She was taking my grandson to daycare on her way to work. She went off the road and hit a tree and the car caught immediately on fire. There was a fireman driving behind her and by the time he got to the car he was able to break the window, cut the carseat belts and got my grandson out, he tried to get my baby girl out but was too late. My grandson got burned but he now turned 5 years of age in 2012 and is doing great, but I miss my only daughter severely.

  • Monica Grajeda by Monica Grajeda, Oregon
  • 12 years ago

I cried with your poem it's exactly how I feel I've lost two son's. One was 14 that was 11 years ago he would be 25 and recently in September 2010 I lost another son he was 20. It has been so hard for me especially this last one, because we had so many conflicts it has been so hard for me to accept and face not being able to say I'm sorry and how much I truly Loved him.

  • Brett W by Brett W
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me because I lost my brother on 7/22/2012, don't know what caused his death at this moment, but went peacefully in his sleep. We were getting close over the last four years and now I feel there is void in my life without him here.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

This poem I relate to so much ,I lost my one and only son Patrick on the 31.10.2010 very suddenly the biggest shock ok my life I miss him more than words can say. I also lost my father on the 1.9.2011 I believe my father was taken to be with Patrick and I have got to think that or I would go out my mind I miss my dad so much but cannot think of him as much because all I think of is my son he was only 27 years and had so much to live for he would be 30 on the 30.11. This year oh I wish he was here why oh why God Bless you my son and my dearest dad stay close together .

  • Caro by Caro, l Cleveland Tenn.
  • 12 years ago

I lost my wonderful Loving husband and friend Christopher Powers on Feb. 9,2012 and every day is hard and I can't seem to pick up the pieces. The poem "Taken from me" says everything I feel and my life has been shattered turned upside down and inside out. We were married 13 years. I miss hearing him tell me he loves me he told me that numerous times in a day. I hear people tell me it will get easier then read those that have lost their spouse for 5 years or more to Me it never gets easier and never will, if you truly love that person And I truly love Christopher & will miss always. Love you always and forever your Loving wife Carol

  • Linda Shrauger by Linda Shrauger
  • 12 years ago

My husband Gary my bestfriend died 4 years ago. He was my whole world. I miss him every day. Everyone says I need to move on. It is so hard. This poem is so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes.

  • Omaha Nebraska by Omaha Nebraska
  • 12 years ago

My friend Tom Coleman battled cancer for 4 years ..and he passed on Monday the 9 July 2012
He was the best friend you could ask for he was a wonderful daddy too he has two wonderful daughters who he was ever so proud of even when they were royal pains ...daughters are a blessing ..he suffered and I will never forget how much he loved and never let on that he was so miserable .. even at the end ..I love him and will miss him ./. too the kind friend who loved me for me...

  • Amy Scheer by Amy Scheer, Kansas
  • 12 years ago

This is sad. I just lost one of my best friends and he was like my big brother I can always look up to. R.I.P Cody Stevenson

  • Peggy by Peggy, Milwaukee
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem, I lost my husband February 22, 2012, It hurts so bad, we were together almost 40 years, decided to get married on April 21, 2011. I miss him so much and I pray that God will ease my pain.

  • Joly Wright by Joly Wright
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband and this poem says it all, he has been gone for 3 short months and I can't seem to move on without him

  • Caroline by Caroline, Australia
  • 12 years ago

My uncle died two weeks ago from suicide and when I read this poem I started to cry, thought of him and all the good memories we had together. I felt so hurt when I heard that he was. Out of all the uncles my best one was gone forever. He was like a second father to me. :( I didn't know what to do and how to react, I was confused, lost and I didn't believe he would leave me.

miss you uncle.

  • Brenda by Brenda, Savannah
  • 13 years ago

I just lost 2 grandsons on April 14, 2011 and then lost my mama on August 13, 2011 and lost my grandmother, my 2nd mama on April 16, 2008. It has been a rough time but god has given me strength to keep going, and this poem reminds me of them.

  • Mitchell by Mitchell, SD
  • 13 years ago

This poem, "TAKEN FROM ME" is how I feel I just lost my husband due to cancer and it was not to be this way. I found out in Feb 2011 that I had cancer and he was my rock and still is but in Oct we found out he had cancer and Nov 21, 2011 he passed away it was way to fast and it should not have been him that went first, I miss him more every day and don't believe it will get any easier. Thanks for the poem.

  • Chris by Chris, UK
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much for lovely poem. I lost my mum just a few days ago and this really sums up how I'm feeling right now. I just really hope it's true what they say and that time is a great healer.

  • Brittany by Brittany, SC
  • 13 years ago

I know how you feel, I lost my best guy friend last year because of cancer and I still cry to this day.

  • Susan by Susan, Scotland
  • 13 years ago

I loved your poem lass. I lost my dad to a sudden illness 3 months ago. I miss him terribly. I hope that all our loved ones are looking down on us and saying "don't you worry about a thing" thank you for a lovely poem. God bless you sweetheart.

  • April Dingus by April Dingus
  • 13 years ago

I lost my nephew 4 weeks ago and he was only 12 yrs old!! He was the light of our lives and I miss him so much that I can't even put it into words!!! He was such a wonderful, big hearted kid and he touched everybody's lives and he left us so suddenly and it's like we don't know how to go on anymore! Your poem is how I feel too! Thank you and god bless!!! we love you Michael!!!!!!!!!

  • Annie Clark by Annie Clark
  • 13 years ago

On January 14, 2009. My 17 year old daughter left for school. Later that day she called and ask me could she go to a basketball game. That was the last time I heard or saw her alive. Later that night after calling the police to report her missing. I received that knock at the door to let me know that my child had been murdered. Then poems and stories on this site have really helped me to grieve and feel better about my situation. You see I have a 10 year old daughter, who was only 7 years old at the time of Brittany's death. I had to remain strong for her. My heart would ache so bad because I could not let her see me break down. I would have to beat my chest just to ease some of the pain that I felt. Even now, when I feel pain for the lost of her I have to just shake it off because I feel that if I let go I might not be able to return to sanity.

  • Scotland by Scotland
  • 13 years ago

This poem reminded me so much of my husband who passed away on May 16th. Everyday I told him I loved him, and said I would change my name to too, as he always said I love you too...........Miss him like mad and wishing he was here. Married thirty years in May. Great guy with huge big heart.

  • Shirley Larue by Shirley Larue, Sparta N.C.
  • 13 years ago

As I read your poems it really help me. You see on July 5 2011 I lost my husband to a heart attack it hurts badly. I was only with him for 8 years I would give any to hear his voice again.

  • Liberty Barrios by Liberty Barrios, Roswell NM
  • 13 years ago

My sister passed away two years ago and not a day goes by with out me thinking why. She was two months pregnant with her first baby and was about to get married and then on March 3 her life ended and mine I think went with her. My sister meant everything to me. She was more like my mom then my sister. I could go to her for anything and she always gave me her hand she never judged me or asked questions. I just miss her so much and I would give any thing to have her back.

  • Kathy Greer by Kathy Greer, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

This poem tells exactly how I feel I lost my mother eight weeks ago today, then three weeks ago today I lost my 39 year old daughter in a accident, they were also my best friends, prayer partners and my whole family's world is upside down. Trusting God to help me to help my family and her dad her husband, son and little girl to cope with huge loss. Our hearts are shattered.

  • Miss Dancer by Miss Dancer, Pennsylvania
  • 13 years ago

Early this year I lost my god-father. He meant everything to me. I never got to say goodbye. My parents wouldn't allow me to visit him the day before he died. I headed to an audition that night with my brother. I was the only person in my family who cried when we found out he was dying. I miss my Uncle Don!

  • Maxine by Maxine, Yuen Long
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched me a lot... I lost the person that was the world to me in April 2011... My husband and father to my four children... We all miss him very much and I know somewhere he is watching over us...I love him so much, and I just wish he was still part of my life.
This poem makes me think about how much I loved him and miss him.
Thanks for sharing this poem.

  • Annette by Annette, Ar
  • 13 years ago

I lost my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years 4-4-06. Monday will be 5 years since he left us and I miss him more & more every single day. Have been searching for a poem for the town paper and this one is it. I had tears in my eyes while I read it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • Ashley by Ashley, IL
  • 14 years ago

This makes me so sad because I lost my dad when I was only 7 yrs old and I miss him so much.

  • Natalie by Natalie, MO
  • 14 years ago

My cousin who was 17 died in a car accident, and after reading this it reminds me of how I feel right now. Thanks for finding the right words to describe the indescribable feelings.

  • Verona by Verona, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I lost my best friend Dec '09. He committed suicide, and till this day I am broken inside. He was like my twin brother to me and now my heart aches because of the pain of knowing I won't ever be able to hear his voice again... I miss him sooooo much it hurts more everyday that goes by, we have never in the 15 years that we were bffs had this long time of no communication. This poem brought tears to my eyes, thank you!

  • Cindi by Cindi
  • 14 years ago

This poem really pulled on my heartstrings as I recently lost the love of my life and he was way too young to be taken. The emptiness that surrounds you is overwhelming all you can do is pray and give your broken heart to God.

  • Nicole by Nicole, CT
  • 14 years ago

My sister passed away of suicide in Dec of 07. As I was reading this poem it brought tears to my eyes. There are so many parts that sound like poems my sister and I have wrote. I feel as though you and I were both in the same shoes. I know from experience that that is one of the only ways of loosing someone when you don't know whether to be angry at them, or sad for them. If I am right about the situation I commend you for being stronger than I could have ever been when I went through it.

  • brie richards by brie richards
  • 15 years ago

my Nan died recently and I'm only 12 she died from smoking
this poem touches my heart and when I read it , it reminds me just of her

  • Brittani by Brittani
  • 15 years ago

That poem blew me off my feet. So Emotional so deep, and so touching! I lost my boyfriend of 2 years, a month ago and everyday I pray for his safety and just to tell him I love him. The part it says ' its just like stabbing me in the heart with a knife'.. my boyfriend died of 6 stab wounds to the heart, and all that night I had horrible stabbing pains in the chest. to only think what my baby was going through, thank you so much for sharing that poem that really touched me.

  • tonya miller by tonya miller
  • 15 years ago

I lost my husband this poem reminds me of him. I love him & miss him soooooo much

  • kassandra by kassandra
  • 16 years ago

This poem touched me because I lost my older brother who was my bestfriend..I love him so much..when he died I always blamed myself but now I know it wasn't my fault...I miss him so much and this poem reminds me of him...

  • Jill Knight by Jill Knight
  • 16 years ago

This poem really touched me a lot... I lost the person that was the world to me back in April 2008... My husband and father to my 3 children... I still need him and that isn't going away I need him desperately every day but I know he is watching over me and the kids.. I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old and 9 month old... I know he would be very proud of his kids and I know he is still here somehow and I know 2 of them will never remember their father but I know somehow he will be alive in each of our hearts... your poem really outs some of my thoughts into words... and that is hard to do

  • Alexis Davis by Alexis Davis
  • 16 years ago

My Pop just died Friday, December 12, 2008 of Lung Cancer. He was my only grandfather, my other one is my dad's dad and that side of the family has nothing to do with me. My Pop was like a father to me as well as my grandpa. I often find myself in my room looking at his picture and bawling, asking God why. This poem is terrific, and it's very heart-felt.

I love you Poppy, you are my angel!

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 16 years ago

this poem reminds me of my grandma..
she died of lung and brain cancer..=[[
I miss her a lot!

I love this poem..
its really good..=]

  • sasha by sasha
  • 16 years ago

This poem is extremely captivating. My twin sister suffers of breast cancer, unfortunately she did not make it, and our 25th birthday just past. I miss and love her so much, and I just wish she was still part of my life. This poem makes me think about how much I loved her. I am truly touched. The person who wrote this poem, may God always be with you. GOD BLESS YOU! xoxoxo

  • Stephanie by Stephanie
  • 16 years ago

My Best friend and the person I loved the most is gone and this poem reminds me so much of how I feel

  • shelia jolly by shelia jolly
  • 16 years ago

This poem touched me in so many ways while I was reading this poem I got to thinking about my daughter that I lost in 1995 she was only 8 years and 10 months. She was my little angel. I still love and miss her so much its hard when you lose a child.

  • mary by mary
  • 16 years ago

This poem makes me cry. My brother-in-law Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski was shot and killed May 3rd. I truly miss him. My sister and I feel the way this poem feels. We just sit and think about him and wonder why? Why did happen? My sister and him had there whole lives to live now it is gone in a second. She is stronger than I ever Imagined. She has showed me how to be strong but it has been hard on all of us.

  • Jason by Jason
  • 16 years ago

My mother passed recently. We were both born on Sept. 24. I was born on her 30th birthday and in many ways we were like twins. Never ever apart. Now that she is gone I feel as though I am in shock. I take medications and go to therapy but nothing seems to help. I feel as though my life ended when hers did. I am not sure this will ever change although others tell me it will. Please God I hope it does or I too will die from a broken heart.

  • babalwa ndzimakhwe by babalwa ndzimakhwe
  • 16 years ago

It really touches when I'm thinking about the recent lost of my dearly young sister I read this poem because it says what is really on my heart.

  • somer bridgewater by somer bridgewater
  • 16 years ago

I know just how you feel...
my Nan meant the world to me and when she died I just gave up.
it was like I didn't have the strength to carry on any longer.
I would do anything just to have my Nan back in to my life again.
I love you Nan

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