Uncle Death Poem

Tribute Poem To Uncle

A poem written by a girl in tribute to her uncle who has died. She misses him and wishes he were still here.
In loving memory of Uncle Bruce
7/3/1944- 2/12/2002

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I just lost my uncle and this poem touched me. The last time I visited my uncle and I said goodbye, I didn't know that indeed its a goodbye for life.

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The Day God Took You


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2006 with permission of the Author.

It was the shocking news that brought tears to my eyes.
And you made me remember what it was like to cry.
On that dreadful day, God decided it was your time, your time to go,
So He took your life away.
And everyone felt the pain, the pain that you had been suffering for so long.
It's harder than I ever thought life could be without you.
So the family will always think of you,
And we will always know that you'll be looking down on us keeping us safe,
Making sure everything goes okay in our lives,
Making sure that we live a good life just like you did
Until the day that God decided that it was your time to go
And we cried as the rain fell that day.
Little drops of rain, whisper of the pain, tears of love lost in the days gone by.
I hope you were watching the day the family gathered around your casket
To see you lying there cold-faced with the look of happiness on your face,
Knowing that we were all there to show you that we cared a lot about you,
No matter how much you think we didn't care.
But the day we gathered around your cold-faced body proved we cared.
We still sit here and think about you at your daughter's wedding.
She really wished you could be there,
So we took a minute of silence in memory of you.
We bowed our heads for a minute then Amy and Brett proceeded with the marriage.
We all miss you.
We want you to come back home.
We want you back in our lives.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Delvalyn Bradley by Delvalyn Bradley
  • 7 years ago

I loved this!! I just lost my uncle!! I saw my uncle not knowing it would be my last time seeing him either when I said goodbye.

  • Ola by Ola
  • 8 years ago

I just lost my uncle and this poem touched me. The last time I visited my uncle and I said goodbye, I didn't know that indeed its a goodbye for life.

  • Ifitumi Okeme by Ifitumi Okeme, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

Death finally snatched him from us. I saw him feeling better on his hospital bed days ago. The doctor said severe malaria. The last thing I saw him eat was a watermelon which I gave him. I came from a far journey to see him. When leaving, I told him goodbye...not knowing it was the last I was going to say to him. The rain just stopped falling when I received a call that he has been on oxygen but died unfortunately. Uncle, your children will miss you, I'll miss you. We all do. Rest in Peace Uncle John. 4/3/2014.

  • Shylla Williams by Shylla Williams
  • 11 years ago

Hi, I lost my uncle over my spring break yea it sucked I really miss him and I can really relate to this poem.

  • Anne by Anne, California
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me I lost my dear uncle 11 years. ago and I can relate to this poem.

  • Brooke by Brooke, New York
  • 12 years ago

When I read this poem, it brought me to tears. My Uncle died May 09, 2012. He was a happy man and he was great to everyone. When I found out that he was going to die, it was a Monday night and it was raining. He was crushed by a car while he was helping my Dad fix it. I have never been brought that close to insanity when I went to see him at the hospital. I'm not going into anymore details other than that, because I'm sure you have some sort of idea of what he looked like. The day of his funeral, he seemed peaceful, but also not ready to go still. I miss him so much to this day and I wish he was still here to see his kids grow up. I know that he's watching down on each and every one in his family.

  • Jonathan by Jonathan, California
  • 12 years ago

Hi there nice poem. Reminded me so much of my late uncle, I lost my uncle a few years back and man I miss him so much. I would go to Mexico once a year during the summer with my family to visit my grandparents and uncles and aunts. My uncle treated me like a son we would always talk about life and he would often share stories about his life when he was younger. He would teach me life lessons I miss him. I regret not being able to go see him when he was very sick because of school since I would always go during vacation from school. But man till this day I feel bad for not going :/ to see him one more time being able to hug him. I know my Tio is up there looking over me I love you Tio Manuel may you rest in peace

  • Vic by Vic, Seattle
  • 12 years ago

I am only 17 years old though believe me I feel your sadness, I truly do. My younger brother and 3 cousins (they're like our sisters) lost our 39 year old Uncle to suicide last year and we are still crying and hurting so badly. He had everything going for him, great career, college educated never did drugs or even touched alcohol.
He loved us so much, and brought warmth and laughter to everyone. He was my moms and my Uncle and Aunts brother (the oldest son). Our grandpa was extremely hard on our Uncle both physically and mentally though loving to my mom and Uncle and aunt. Our uncle never married and we found out later, cried a lot when he was alone in his apartment. My Grandma is in shambles though stays strong for us grandchildren. We miss him and nothing will ever fill this void.

  • Canada by Canada
  • 12 years ago

I lost my uncle today. He was the best person I ever knew. Very generous, loving and peaceful with everybody. Yet he was murdered. I'm still asking why. This poem is a little comforting, but its still so hard. Thank you for sharing

  • Shanine Annah Gayle by Shanine Annah Gayle
  • 12 years ago

I watched him fought for his life on that hospital bed, only to knew the person he was wrestling against was the defending champion himself Mr. DEATH. I lost my uncle on the 17th of July 2012......

  • Brandi Ohio by Brandi Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This is a very touching poem I just lost my uncle today (7/24/2012) thank you for sharing your feelings with me and everyone else. God Bless.

  • Raegan by Raegan, Usa
  • 12 years ago

My uncle died four hours ago. Thank you for the poem. I feel like I'm not awake yet, that everything is just a dream.

  • Chantelle by Chantelle
  • 13 years ago

I was the one that found out last but I loved my uncle very much. He will be up in the sky looking down at me and my family we miss him so much but god thought it was his time to go so she put him up in the sky with the stars. My uncle always used to say to me all the stars in the sky and all the fishes in the deep blue sea.

  • April Thompson by April Thompson, North Carolina
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched me. The day my uncle passed it was not raining, but everything else is like the poem said. He had his ways with kids and everyone else. He had his days that he would be so cranky and you really could not talk to him then he had days where he would want to joke and pick around. The day I found out my uncle died, it about killed me. I was pregnant at the time when I found out he had died. About a month later I had my son. He is truly missed and thought about every single minute. He had touched a lot of peoples hearts and everyone in the family that knew my uncle sits here and talks about him to our children that never had the chance to know him. They know so much about him right now that they even love and miss him and don't even know him besides from word of mouth. David, You are Very LOVED AND MISSED can't wait for the day that we all get to see you again. LOVE YOU MAN!!!

  • Kelly Ruf by Kelly Ruf, Los Angeles
  • 13 years ago

This morning my Uncle James, who was in his early 60's, passed away in Winnipeg, Canada, from cancer. He is already greatly missed. He was the one that got us all laughing at parties with his funny stories. He reminded us so much of Howie Mandel! Our family get togethers will be so quiet now without his extremely enjoyable presence and love of life!

  • Angel Marie Cowan by Angel Marie Cowan
  • 13 years ago

I was the one that found out last but I loved my uncle very much. He will be up in the sky looking down at me and my family we miss him so much but god thought it was his time to go so she put him up in the sky with the stars. My uncle always used to say to me all the stars in the sky and all the fishes in the deep blue sea.

  • Emily Bartow by Emily Bartow
  • 13 years ago

Me and my uncle were really close I looked at him as a dad and recently he was murdered and sitting at his funeral was unbearable I couldn't believe he was actually gone and not ever gonna come home and hug me again so this poem touches me

  • Texas by Texas
  • 13 years ago

My uncle Ed he was taken this year on January 1 of 2011. the night before we were talking about death and then I was awaken to hear that he was dead. That day I couldn't believe it but I know now he is not in pain like he was before.

  • Brittnee by Brittnee, Gladstone
  • 14 years ago

My Uncle Mark was taken on the October 19, 2010. He was very good to me. I told him things I couldn't tell anyone else. I wish I was with him because we were so close

  • Aubrey by Aubrey, Turner
  • 14 years ago

My uncle Shane passed away June 8, 2010. I miss him so much. This poem reminds me of him so much.

  • Roxy by Roxy, Crewe
  • 14 years ago

I sadly lost my Uncle yesterday through Cancer. I'm only nine and am really upset. My Gran has flew over but didn't catch him in time, my mom was at the hospice over in Wrexham everyday whilst I was in school. I was staying over at peoples houses whilst my mum was up all night with him. He has now left us and I am so upset. He was such a great man.

  • April by April
  • 15 years ago

I lost my Uncle to cancer and we still miss him to this day. This is a very touching poem.

  • Di by Di
  • 16 years ago

I love that poem. It really has touch my heart. My Uncle just passed away. (10/23/08) I will miss him. My Uncle is a wonderful guy...

  • crystal by crystal
  • 16 years ago

that was a good poem because my uncle is dying right now and is all I want is for god to come down and take him I love him to much to see him in a lot of pain

  • aimi jones by aimi jones
  • 16 years ago

this poem has touched me, as my uncle passed away today(18/08/08). it was raining when I found out. I really miss him.

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