Confused about Love Poem

Poem About Being Ignored After Falling In Love

Hey, my name is Srishti. I'm 17. I hardly share myself with anyone, and this amounts to all my feelings bottled up, so I decided to pour them out in my writing. I wrote this poem when the guy I loved started to ignore me. It hurt a lot, and I cried night after night.

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This is me, a lonely girl sitting alone...just trying to pass each day 'cause I am not allowed to show my emotions to people around me, fearing that they will not understand. He proposed, but...

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Endless Night


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

See the lonely girl,
Trying to pass the day.
Hiding her tears behind her curls,
There isn't much to say.
Maybe she expects too much,
He doesn't love her that way.
Her tears roll down that invisible ocean,
It's wet, the pillow on which she lay.

She takes him too seriously,
Loves him from the bottom of her heart,
She's trying very hard
That nothing takes them apart.

He doesn't know how much she tries,
Her impatience drives her insane,
But maybe...he's busy?
Or is it just his disdain?

She knows he is different, he won't hurt her,
But everywhere he proves her wrong
She can't cry before anyone,
So she silently weeps as she writes this song

Will he realize her worth?
Ever treat her right?
Or being loved will remain a dream...
Will there be an end... this endless night?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anna by Anna
  • 5 years ago

This is me, a lonely girl sitting alone...just trying to pass each day 'cause I am not allowed to show my emotions to people around me, fearing that they will not understand. He proposed, but I couldn't accept even though I deeply wanted to. I pushed him away. His parents would have never accepted me, and I didn't want him to leave his family. He was adamant he could have fought for me...but at the sake of what? Together we could have been happy with each other but would have been alone in the journey without the support of our families. Don't know yet whether it was worth of all the pain, but I miss him. Each day I'm trying to hide the tears. Only if his mom would have not asked me to avoid him!

  • Sagar Prajapati by Sagar Prajapati
  • 7 years ago

We have been told all our lives that what’s inside is the only thing that matter, but the bitter truth that we all know is outside beauty matters, too. If you are not beautiful no one is going to like you. Mostly it happens in India that people judge other people by their skin. If she/he is beautiful from the outside then okay, but if you are not beautiful then you don’t have the right to love someone. People use social media to hide and get away from their pain, which they hide for a long time. On social media they meet thousands of people to exchange their thoughts, and they always find that one person who realizes there is so much more than being pretty or beautiful, and finally they realize that looks don’t matter. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

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