Miscarriage Poem

Although We Never Met

At the moment I realized I was pregnant, I fell in love. I loved my child so much and for the next two months my excitement grew and the fear that once was buried in me about being a young single parent was gone. Then one day I felt funny and started to bleed. I lost my baby. My heart is still broken, and I wish I had the chance to tell them how much I love them. Grieving the death of my child that I never had the chance to meet has been the greatest struggle of my life.

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This poem is everything I've been thinking but unable to say. I was a young mother. I'm 16 and I lost my baby. When I started bleeding they told me everything was fine. They told me my baby...

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For My Little One

© more by Cm

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2018 with permission of the Author.

I never saw your twinkling eyes
Or touched your precious feet.
I never shared a tiny yawn
Or rocked you fast asleep.

I never kissed your tiny hands
Or saw your little smile.
I never held you in my arms,
But I held you for a while.

Although I never saw your face
Or heard your precious laughter,
You're still my child whom I love
And will forever after.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rachel Duval by Rachel Duval
  • 5 years ago

I so feel this poem. I lost my baby at 18. I was 19 weeks pregnant. The next day I was supposed to see the gender of my baby. I'm still being harassed to this day because people are calling me a baby killer. I still think it's my fault. I have not grieved in a healthy way because of the people harassing me. Your poem put tears in my eyes. I have 4 other children. But I always wonder what he would be like.

  • To My  Twinkling Star by To My Twinkling Star
  • 4 years ago

Mumma loved you from the time you entered her and planned a life in her womb. I ask God to hold you in heaven till I can have you back and rock you soon. I miss my lullabies to you when it was dark and dim. I pray to God to heal you and me of this separation and bless our souls to meet soon. Mumma will always have you in her heart and will always pray for you, love. Kisses, my love.

  • Imogen Lodge by Imogen Lodge
  • 5 years ago

This poem is everything I've been thinking but unable to say. I was a young mother. I'm 16 and I lost my baby. When I started bleeding they told me everything was fine. They told me my baby was okay. However, my baby wasn't, and I was rushed into theatre the next day. Trying to comprehend the idea of having a child growing in you is difficult as it is, but to know that they have gone after you understand it shatters you. It makes you think about what you've done wrong or what, what you could have done in the past. It stops you from life because you're so focused because you feel like you have taken the life of an innocent baby, but you know it's not your fault, but you still feel like it. Then you start to think about all the things that your child will miss out on, what you as a mother will miss out on, and that's the hardest thing I think anybody has to deal with because you feel like it was your responsibility and your fault, but I know it's not, so thank you for saying the words I can't.

  • Misty Moody by Misty Moody
  • 5 years ago

I'm so sorry you have gone through this. I lost twins 12 years ago today. To this day, it hurts like hell. I can close my eyes and still feel them inside of me. I was close to 6 months pregnant when I lost them. I can feel the butterflies in me at first and then moving, kicking (they used me as their own boxing ring), but I can also remember the very moment I didn't feel right. I went to the ER two times, both times being sent away as nothing was wrong. But two days later I got a phone call telling me they were wrong and I had a bad blood infection. I told them I was heading to their office asap and was told that they were closed, and I had an appointment the very next morning. That night I sat in my car at the doctor's office. I was just holding my belly as if they were in my arms and telling them to hold on just a bit longer. At 7am the office opened and the ultrasound showed them one last time before they left. The ultrasound showed no heartbeats.

  • Cmby Cm Poet
  • 5 years ago

You are not alone with your feelings, and I'm glad my poem helped you. I was feeling literally the same way you do. And some days the feeling that its all my fault is so overwhelming, but I have found comfort in God, and I will pray for you and your baby too. You have all my love and support, and just know it's not your fault and you will be okay and God is holding and taking care of your baby in heaven until you are with him and can hold them yourself. :) Stay strong!!

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