Hurting Poem by Teens

A poem about wishing you could cry and give in to your emotions when for some reason you can't.

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A very, very nice poem. Thanks for writing and sharing. Sometimes emotions get buried in the heart and refuse to come out. You remain unaware of these buried emotions whether it's pain, hurt,...

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I Wish I Could Cry


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2012 with permission of the Author.

I just wish I could break down,
let it all out, finally be found.

I'm tired of hiding from what hurts;
either way, I still feel like dirt.

I hate the fact that I can't cry.
Day by day I'll sit and try.

But it's all somewhere inside,
refusing to come out, choosing to hide.

If I could only show my true feelings,
my head might stop its constant drilling.

How great it would be to relax,
look forward to the future and forget about the past.

When will it happen? I don't know,
but I'm ready for this moment, let the pain show.

How much is it going to take
for me to finally give in and let my wall break.

One day I'll look up and stare at the sky
and fully break down, finally feel myself cry.


  • Stories 6
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  • Rating 4.47
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anupama Wangoo by Anupama Wangoo
  • 5 years ago

A very, very nice poem. Thanks for writing and sharing. Sometimes emotions get buried in the heart and refuse to come out. You remain unaware of these buried emotions whether it's pain, hurt, or anger.

  • Angelina Nunnely-Tucker by Angelina Nunnely-Tucker, tuscaloosa
  • 5 years ago

I gave up crying a long time ago. No one sees the pain or hurt or even the tears. All they see is a girl who wants to be seen. Not a girl who wants help.

  • Bolt Dreyar by Bolt Dreyar
  • 8 years ago

This poem really reached out to me as I have many years worth of emotions piled up behind a barrier that refuses to come out.

  • Rihana by Rihana, CA
  • 10 years ago

A beautifully written story, I understand how you feel and yet I still cry, when I don't want to I do. My friends want me to go to counseling but I'm afraid of what they will think. And if I am put away I ..... don't want to be alone.

  • Student Sinchu 2 by Student Sinchu 2
  • 3 years ago

I can understand how this feels. I hope that you got the help that you need and that someone was there for you without judgement. All the best.

  • Niana Business by Niana Business
  • 11 years ago

That was truly honestly AMAZING! That poem might just have described my day. A lots been going on lately and it's all been bubbled up inside until I watched this sad movie and felt myself start to cry, for a split second, about the movie, then crying about my own problems. It felt really good. That poem was amazingly well written and I'm so proud of you for writing such an excellent work of art! I LOVED IT. Stay gold, keep writing.

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