Hurting Poem by Teens

I wrote this because everyone is trying to live the life of others, so that's it. I hope you enjoy it.

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I am constantly made fun if and called emo because when I was 12 I tried to hang myself and I used to cut and have scars all up my arms. I was only depressed because my dad and I were close...

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Trying To Live


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

I am a poet writing about my pain.
I am person recovering and trying to gain.
I am your daughter who is trying to learn.
I am your sister who is starting to turn.
I am your friend acting like I am fine.
I am a wisher wishing you weren't mine.
I am a girl who thinks about suicide.
I am a teenager who pushes her feelings aside.
I am a student who knows nothing.
I am the one asking you to care.
I am your best friend hoping you will be there.


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  • Rating 4.42
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mega by Mega, Arkansas
  • 12 years ago

I am constantly made fun if and called emo because when I was 12 I tried to hang myself and I used to cut and have scars all up my arms. I was only depressed because my dad and I were close and then he got on drugs and now he calls me a freak and says that cutting is stupid and pointless. He even tries to make me take my jacket off in front of people knowing I have a lot of scars.

  • Cujo by Cujo
  • 12 years ago

I absolutely love your poem.. I have ALWAYS felt alone.. I get called "Emo" and "Beautiful Goth" every day.. I get completely made fun of all the time. I don't live with my real parents because I was a mistake.. that's what I have been told in recent years.. I have went through way more than a 14 year should go through. I hide who I am. I can't be myself. Why me? Why do I have to go through this Hell? I want to talk to someone who is going through the same so I won't get made fun of for telling how I feel..

  • Desirae by Desirae, Florida
  • 12 years ago

This poem is simply beautiful and in so many ways it describes me. I'm 15 and I've been cutting since I was 12.

  • Kiana Baker by Kiana Baker
  • 12 years ago

I absolutely love this poem. Threes no better words to explain how I feel.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Paoli Indiana
  • 13 years ago

I live a secret life where its all black no white
I live a secret life where the devil comes out at night.
I live a secret life where I scream in my slumber where no one hears me scream
I live a secret life where I'm in hell

  • Khaalidah by Khaalidah
  • 13 years ago

Living a secret life without being able to express myself and I've always felt on my own now I know that there's others out there

  • Brittany by Brittany, California
  • 13 years ago

This poem really is amazing. I hurt like this sometimes when my best friend doesn't understand. I turn to my sister because in the past she has turned to me, my mom doesn't understand anything so instead she covers up her own pain by making fun of me. My teachers at least try to get it. They know that I am smart. So they help me. Thank you for sharing this poem. it was amazing.

  • Chelsea by Chelsea, San Marcos Texas
  • 13 years ago

This is a really good poem. Because I can relate to it right now in my life. And I'm trying to let others know I'm hurting. But it like they don't even care. Even though I'm hurting more than I've hurt in my life right now.

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 13 years ago

I'm stuck in a place were people don't get me. they judge me for the cuts on my legs and arms. They call me wired, freaky, and Emo. I just want to live no more but day by day, I slowly die with every breathe I take. I hate having to cover my body when its hot out even with the hope of overheating then dying. I am what you call emo I guess because that's my label now from people I barely even know.

  • kevin ryan by kevin ryan
  • 15 years ago

fine, I hope you feel better now, and that you are loving and being loved. The British poet John Clare wrote a poem
with the same title just before he died in a mental hospital in I think 1865
"I Am! Yet What I Am None Cares or Knows"
It is interesting to read two poems with the same title, one by a poet at the end of his life and one by a poet starting out on her life.
thank you and mind how you go x

  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 15 years ago

This is a really good poem, When I read it I realized that it explains me in so many ways. This is how I feel some days

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