Sister Death Poem

Loss Of A Sister Poem

I wrote this poem 6 days after my sister suddenly passed away. She had survived 2 heart transplants and was in GREAT health when she was taken from us. This poem explains everything I was going through at the time and am still going through now, 3 months later. My sister was an incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. She will always be missed!

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My beloved sister, my friend, just died 3 days ago of a sudden heart attack. I still have a hard time believing the reality of it that it took me few days to even able to cry or grieve...

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If Only You Could Have Stayed

© more by Catherine Lamberton

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Constantly thinking,
never to be the same.
The tears fall quickly
just hearing your name.

Silence is golden,
yet not anymore.
Silence brings thoughts
I just can't ignore.

The nights are sleepless,
dreams out of reach.
Crying in my pillow
to you I beseech.

Surrounded by family,
I still feel alone.
My heart is so empty.
This pain I must own.

I wish I could hug you
and just see your face.
But now I have memories
to stand in your place.

Gone but not forgotten,
that's what they say.
Of course that is true...
but if only you could have stayed.


more by Catherine Lamberton

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Divina  Brown by Divina Brown
  • 3 years ago

My beloved sister, my friend, just died 3 days ago of a sudden heart attack. I still have a hard time believing the reality of it that it took me few days to even able to cry or grieve because of the shock. She lives in another country, but we felt so close as we often talked for hours, talking about our families and whatever thing we can talk about. I am heartbroken for I lost my best friend. She was the anchor for us siblings since the death of both our parents. I loved her so much and miss her so much. She'll be buried in 2 days, but unfortunately, I won't be able to attend because of its distance and still uncontrolled pandemic. I love this poem because it speaks directly from what's in my thought and the emotions I felt. I lost my best friend, sister, and my world. I feel empty. The memories we had together will forever live in my heart.

  • Sarika Pathak by Sarika Pathak
  • 3 years ago

I lost my sister February 8, 2021, by a road accident. She didn’t get medical treatment in time. Because of the heavy blood loss, she was not able to survive. I can’t explain the pain which we have been going through for 4 months. She left us with lots of questions. How could it happen to her? What were her last moments of life as she was fighting alone? No one was there for her. What was she thinking at that time when you lose the hope to survive? What was her last wish? We don’t know. She was just 30 years old, and she has a 9-year-old baby girl who lost her mother at such an early age. My sister had a great smile and big heart. She was always smiling in every single tough time. She didn’t show to others what she was going through in her life. I miss her a lot every day. Love you!

  • Tatiana by Tatiana
  • 3 years ago

I lost my sister 9 days ago - she was 33 years old. She was killed in a car accident on January 3, 2021. Her husband is still fighting for his life while I take care of their son, my beautiful 2-year-old nephew. I'm heartbroken. My parents and siblings are having a hard time; we're all having a hard time accepting this tragedy. No words to describe what I'm feeling.

  • Alvin F. Midgette, Sr. by Alvin F. Midgette, Sr.
  • 3 years ago

Truly, I feel your pain about your sister. In July 2020, I lost my only sister after a short period of illness. She was, without question, a sweet and lovely person. She was a friend to those that knew her personally and to those that passed her way. Sadly, in June of this year, I also lost my wife of 51 years. She was the thread that mended our family together and the seamstress that sewed our family back together when we became separated from the family. We all can testify that we all have lost someone dear and caring to us and they will always be a beacon in our lives. Lastly, I wish state a quote that has been with me for a long time: "IF A PERSON CAN SAY THAT THEY HAVE A LEAST ONE TRUE FRIEND, THEN THEY HAVE MORE THAN THEIR SHARE."

  • Kendra Mowery-Grayless by Kendra Mowery-Grayless
  • 3 years ago

I lost my dear Mom on March 11, 2015. Little did I know that I would be woken up just hours after her funeral service to my phone ringing off the hook. It was my niece telling me I needed to get to the emergency room now. My one and only baby sister was on her way in an ambulance. Ten minutes maximum to the hospital from my house, racing into the parking lot, I noticed my daughter right behind me. I knew I hadn't made it in time. My beautiful sister had taken her life, 48 years old with 2 grown daughters and a 6-year-old grandson. I was totally numb as I still am today. Long story short, 2 1/2 years later I lost my beautiful 11-year-old grandson to a deadly asthma attack Nov of 2017, and 7 weeks later, Christmas Eve 2017, my first born 38-year-old son was gone due to diabetic complications, possibly negligent homicide by his roommate. Needless to say, I am pretty much a walking zombie now.

  • Noxie by Noxie
  • 5 years ago

I am ever so saddened by the fact that I have lost my sister. She had been sick for 8 months, and in October 2018 she left me, never to be seen again. I really miss her. She was a motivator. With her, I never went wrong in any aspect of my life. She left at the age of 18 due to a heart failure. I really miss her. She was an angel, a heroine of faith. May she rest in perfect peace. I wish she could come back to me. I miss her. I don't wanna imaging my life without her.

  • Terry Connell by Terry Connell
  • 5 years ago

My beloved sister Carolyn was taken away from me suddenly with a heart attack on November 14, just some 6 weeks ago. It seems a lifetime already, and I just can't imagine the rest of my life without her. The poem is beautiful, and I relate to the words and sympathize with all comments made. It would seem life is never to be the same. My heart goes out to all, and I can only take strength in her beautiful, short life, aged just 47. Love to all, Terry xxx

  • Angelica Cardenas by Angelica Cardenas
  • 6 years ago

This poem was very touching. I lost my sister on February 12, 2018. My family and I were at my grandmother's funeral services when my sister called and said she was not feeling too well. She even called my mom to say she loved her. My father was on vacation in Mexico, and she also called him and said she loved him. She had called us on the night of February 11th. Luckily we were able to drive back 5 hours and see her. She passed away around 8:30pm from influenza B, which caused heart complications. She was not even in the hospital 24 hours before she passed. We thought we she going to get better. She was my best friend. I miss her very much. My sister was my motivator. She was healthy and strong. She leaves behind 2 young children and a husband. I still cannot accept what happened.

  • Debi Clark by Debi Clark
  • 3 years ago

I lost my one and only little sister July 28, 1988 - 14 days after she turned 16 - I was 19. She and her fiancé (17) were killed in a car accident. She was my bestest friend and only constant in my life since the very first day she was born - July 14, 1972. We were shuffled around a whole lot as young children and had formed a bond that is indescribable. I still ache for her every day and I'm still sensitive to the subject, but I've learned to manage it for the most part on most days. I hope you find solace in the wonderful memories you shared.

  • Matodzi by Matodzi
  • 5 years ago

Hi, my beloved sister, langi, passed away in 2008. She was only 19 years old. I was 9 years old at the time. I thought that as time goes by I will get used to the fact that she is no more. I'm now 22 years old, and it still feels like she died yesterday. I miss her so bad. When I achieve something, i just wish she were there. And when I'm down, I just wish that she could give me advices or just tell me that everything will be okay. I miss her.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 5 years ago

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. The poem was beautiful, and I couldn't help but reply to your comment. My sister passed away in the same exact manner. She was only 17. It was February 17, 2006. She was having dinner with my mom. Said she wasn't feeling well and stood up and collapsed. One of her lungs had collapsed. She passed away in less than 24 hours. They said it was influenza. I don't understand. I hope you and your family are well.

  • Alison Reed by Alison Reed
  • 5 years ago

My little sister, Non, died suddenly and tragically 8 months ago of viral myocarditis influenza b. She had just celebrated her 40th birthday and leaves a 9-year-old daughter, my niece, whom we are now caring for. Our loss as a family is indescribable. How could this happen? She was so full of life and an inspiration to so many. I miss her so much. Her heart failed....and my heart is forever broken from the loss of my beautiful baby sister and best friend.

  • Victoria M Elwood by Victoria M Elwood
  • 6 years ago

I lost my little sister on February 22, 2018. She went to bed and never woke up. They said she had a heart attack in her sleep. I will miss her more than I can say. We were very close.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 6 years ago

Dear Victoria,
I am so sorry for your loss. I can somewhat relate, because my little baby 4-month sister just passed away yesterday. But I couldn't relate to you, because even though I didn't know her, I am still very sad. But you had a relationship with your little sister, and I don't even know how you feel because if I lost my little sister that I had a relationship with, I would probably not be alive, because the ones you're closest to keep you motivated. Again, I am so sorry, and you and your little sister are in my prayers.

  • Matt Swallow by Matt Swallow
  • 6 years ago

I lost my wife very suddenly, just shy of two years ago. The pain I feel having lost her has never ebbed, because of the manner in which she was taken from me. As with all grief, I know that "time heals all wounds," and coping has become somewhat easier. I know I will never be the same. Melinda was the first person to accept me as I am, loved me anyway, and I reciprocated as best I could. The holiday season is still unbearable, when even among my siblings (we lost our parents within a span of 2 years, and my wife was gone within the following 2) and their families, I feel utterly alone. Again, I know this feeling will eventually go away, but until it does (and grief counseling has been of no help either), I remain an empty vessel.

Having read the evocative words of Catherine's poem has brought back to the surface the anguish of knowing Melinda's loss could have been prevented and that I shall never be able to get justice for her.

  • Mary Shepherd by Mary Shepherd
  • 6 years ago

My little sister passed away suddenly on January 18, 2018, at age 38. She was in overall good health. She went to sleep and never woke up. We still are unsure of the cause of death as we are still waiting on the autopsy. I miss her. She was my best friend, my everything. Thank you for your story.

  • Alyson by Alyson
  • 6 years ago

My sister died on the 6th of January 2018. She fought for 5 years with leukemia. She was 21 months younger than me. This poem is exactly how I am feeling. Thank you.

  • Rachel Auguste by Rachel Auguste
  • 7 years ago

I lost my baby sister. She was just 39 years old. She died July 26, 2017. My heart is truly broken. My sister and I were just 22 months apart. We did everything together, from getting in trouble as teens to giving birth to our children. She was found dead face down in her apartment that dreadful summer morning. She left behind a 6 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. She overdosed on heroin. We didn't even know she had a problem. She hid it very well. My heart bleeds because I didn't know she was too embarrassed to tell me. I guess she was always depressed and always on anti-depressants. Life will never be the same.

  • Bayode Adedayo by Bayode Adedayo
  • 7 years ago

My sister died on May 9, 2017. She had been struggling with cancer since last year. She lived in London while I am here in Nigeria. She came to Nigeria last year, unknown to me that would be the last time I would see her. She left three lovely kids, a boy and two girls. So painful and so sad. I'm still hurting and I just can't be consoled. A year and nine months ago we lost our Mum, and now my sister is gone also. She was just 39. If only I can see God and ask HIM why? IF LOVE COULD HAVE SAVED YOU…R.I.P MY DEAR SISTER.

  • Cindy States by Cindy States
  • 7 years ago

I lost my sister on January 28, 2017. It was the worst day of my life. She was only 47. She had chronic asthma and COPD. She went into cardiac arrest and 6 days later I had to pull the plug because she had lost too much oxygen to the brain (15 min before they revived her) that she had too much brain damage, not brain dead but brain damage severely. Saturday I'm giving her a remembrance of her life party and saying goodbye. We have been through a lot: drug addiction, alcoholic mother as teenagers, and her losing her son. She was a BIG HEARTED woman that just seemed to get the raw end of the stick in life. She always hoped to see her son again before she died. He is 10 now. Although they had a relationship via phone, she just wanted to see him again, but he was there by her bedside before she passed. My heart breaks for her because of this. I miss her so much. She was always there. Why did it have to be her? I'm sorry, my beautiful sister, so very sorry. Just know I will never forget you. RIP CIN

  • Danyell S Pumphrey by Danyell S Pumphrey
  • 7 years ago

Your story reminds me of my sister who passed away on January 17, 2017. She was my only sister. I only had two siblings. She has an eight year old son. Everything that you said in your story or in your poem I can relate to. I have always trying to find someone that can understand how I feel. You always need someone to talk to, so this poem and story really help me. Thank you.

  • Crystal Munz by Crystal Munz
  • 7 years ago

I, too, lost my sister to chronic asthma. She had stopped breathing on her way to the ER, Causing her heart to go into cardiac arrest. She was without oxygen for 18 minutes before they revived her. Two days later on January 23, 2017, she was declared brain dead. She was only 38. I feel your pain, and you will be in my prayers. Her name was Toni, and she leaves behind 3 boys.

  • Sandra Gonzalez by Sandra Gonzalez
  • 7 years ago

Hi Cindy,
I just lost my sister on Jan 23. She was my best friend, and I adored her. She also had COPD and went into cardiac arrest that ended up with brain damage. Oh, how I didn't want them to turn off the machines! I talked to her and I sang to her. We were always singing together. It was so hard. I am still having hard days...missing her so much. She loved my boys like they were her own, and they knew they could get away with stuff with her. But they adored her also. She was such a huge link to our family. So Cindy, I say this: hang in there. WE both have memories of our beautiful sisters. Loved the poem also! They will forever be in our hearts, and we will meet again. <3

  • Shermeka by Shermeka
  • 7 years ago

My only sibling, my sister-28 years old, died Friday, January 6, due to Lupus (SLE). She was just diagnosed with it in 2016, and I've also had it since 2005. My mom also has it. This poem mean a lot to me. Thanks for posting it!

  • Jennifer Ianelli by Jennifer Ianelli
  • 7 years ago

I lost my sister back in '89. She took her own life by a gunshot to her heart when she was only 17 and I was 14. I still grieve her death. She was my only sister, and now that I'm 42, I am still not at closure. I feel like I'm alone because I don't understand why I'm like the way I am. I cry and miss her so much, and people say time heals all. Well in my case, that is not it. I have been in and out of therapy, hospitals, and everything you can imagine... My heart hurts so bad. I actually had to go on medications, but I do not want to depend on them because I feel like they mask the hurt only to hurt more after you take them. I feel such anger and sadness and dark darkness.

  • Michelle Meagher by Michelle Meagher
  • 6 years ago

My sister and best friend died more than 20 years ago. She was 26 and overdosed on prescription Morphine. I still can't breathe. I take prescription anti-depressants. Christmas is such a hard time of year.

  • Soco by Soco
  • 7 years ago

I feel the same way, Jenny. I feel anger towards my sister for leaving us, I feel anger for not being able to accept the fact that she is gone. I ask her why? Why did you leave us? If you knew you were the seed to our family. Why?

  • Leslie Cervantez by Leslie Cervantez
  • 8 years ago

My oldest sister just passed 8/25/2016, she had MS and dimentia. She was 55 for 3 days. We knew it was near, waiting for the call to go there. My sister was over 100 miles away, I needed to be there, the call that came was I'm sorry she passed. Reading these poems has helped ease my pain of not being there, thank you!

  • Chrissy by Chrissy
  • 8 years ago

I can't thank you enough for writing this beautiful poem. I just lost my sister on Wed. This is 100% spot on to what I'm feeling.

Love you forever rip Julie Anne.

  • Marget Kelly by Marget Kelly
  • 8 years ago

Searching for a poem to read at my sister's memorial. Trying to type through tears. My sister lost her battle with cancer 8 July 2016, aged 56. I thank you for these beautiful words and your generosity to share them. That's how they stay with us.. That's what sisters do. I wish you peace.

  • Alicia by Alicia
  • 8 years ago

My beautiful sister was twenty eight and died from an aggressive form of cancer..she braved loosing her leg...her hair ...her dignity at one point in time..but remained the strongest woman I'll ever know. She was my best hero. I held her in my arms when she passed....and I know I will never forget that moment..I had to let her go.

  • Denise-Anwen Morgan by Denise-Anwen Morgan
  • 8 years ago

I lost my younger sister on the 24th of April 2016 due to cancer of the peritoneum, she was 56. My older sister died in 2011 almost 5 years to the day, due to bowel cancer, she was 60 at the time and bravely fought off her cancer for 7 years. I feel alone now, but have my memories and their children and grandchildren to console me. Thinking of them always.

  • Jenny Lever by Jenny Lever
  • 8 years ago

I can not believe the pain. My youngest sister passed away on the 3rd March peacefully. No more unbearable pain from the cancer that had overtaken her 46 year old body. We are left now with unbearable pain. I wonder why it happened and I am still having trouble believing that it did. It feels like a nightmare and her service felt like it was the worst day of my life. Her ashes were scattered at the head lands near where she lived. I thought that this would bring some peace but that failed. I am not ready to say goodbye.

  • Vijaya by Vijaya
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my sister on November 13, 2016. I am feeling so miserable. She was only 62. Untimely death. I am hurting so much. It's unbearable pain. I am still having trouble believing that it has happened.

  • Theresa Horstman by Theresa Horstman
  • 8 years ago

I read your post and know all too well how you are feeling. My sister (and very close friend) Beth, 54, passed away on Wednesday April 27, 2016 after a 5 year battle with breast cancer. I was there with her when her spirit went home to be with Jesus her Savior. Her service is tomorrow. I am heartbroken yet relieved because there is no more pain or tears for her.
I'll be praying for you as you walk this journey. I certainly understand your pain.

  • Swaylo Galloway by Swaylo Galloway
  • 8 years ago

My sister died on January 21, 2016. She had been in 2 different hospitals. She spent Christmas and New Years there. The 30 days that my sister was hospitalized I never got to touch or talk to her. Christmas night I did get to go see her and she was sleeping so peacefully that we wouldn't wake her because she had had a bad, painful night. She told my daughter that she was tired. I left her a note that nite told her I had been by and I would see her the next day and most of all, I loved her. I miss her so much and wish I could take back all the fights and fussing we did back. I had one of my cousins to read this poem at the memorial. It is so BEAUTIFUL.
Rest In Peace Sister Dear Until We Meet Again SELECIA J. CORBETT--4/22/64-01/21/16'''.

  • C by C
  • 8 years ago

I lost my sister today and this poem says everything I'm feeling right now. I will forever love and miss her. Gone too soon :(

  • Joan Dow by Joan Dow, Strathclyde Scotland
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for sharing your poem with the world.
I lost my youngest sister aged 35 to Cervical Cancer
(Ladies everywhere please REMEMBER to go for your scheduled smear test) Leaving behind 2 little brave boys aged 11 and 9.
My sister passed away 19th August 2014 the day after my Birthday, and the day before our youngest brothers Birthday. I am blessed with another 2 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers,whom I love very dearly.
Not a day goes by without crying, I miss my sister so much, and with each passing day it is not getting any easier. Your poem just slots in with how I am feeling and thinking. Bless you for sharing and I do hope each day gets a little easier for you and for others out there who are grieving a loss.

Regards Joan.

  • Cailey Julian by Cailey Julian
  • 8 years ago

I lost my sister a year ago on December 27th, 2014. She was a diabetic and had pneumonia. Her pneumonia coupled with her low blood sugar made is so that when she finally laid down to rest after being awake all day, her lung collapsed and she couldn't save herself because her sugar was so low that she couldn't move. I miss her every single day. No one should die at 24 and leave behind her family and fiancee, but for some reason she did. She was beautiful and I am not saying that because she died. She was smart and going to graduate school to become a history professor. Life is cruel sometimes. Your poem was beautiful and I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Andria by Andria
  • 9 years ago

Thank you so much for this beautiful poem. It perfectly describes how I've felt every day since my sister died last year. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. This poem encompasses everything I feel so well that I have gotten a tattoo for my sister with the quote "if only you could of stayed" written below it.

  • Bobbi T by Bobbi T, Prescott
  • 9 years ago

I just lost my sister yesterday unexpectedly (my one and only sibling) and my heart is breaking into a million pieces. She was only 49 and was older than me by 21 months. This poem expresses EVERYTHING that I am feeling but couldn't put into words. Thank you for this.

  • Jessie Rose by Jessie Rose, North Dakota
  • 9 years ago

My sister passed away just a few hours ago, after a long battle with a chronic illness. My heart is breaking and this poem expressed the way I feel. She wasn't just my sister, she was my best friend. There is a huge hole in my world, but she is at peace and no longer suffering.

  • Renee by Renee, NJ
  • 9 years ago

Thank you...
This is the one. The one poem I have finally found that encompasses every thought, feeling and emotion I have felt, and continue to feel ....four years later.
They say, "Time heals." Well, I continue to wonder when I will be healed. There's really not a day that goes by that a thought, a memory doesn't enter my mind. But I have learned over these years to embrace these thoughts & memories of her, my best friend - my sister Keren.
Although I'm embracing, I'm still experiencing every emotion and feeling that you are expressing in your poem.

Thank you for a Beautiful poem. I will keep it near.

  • Whitey Olson by Whitey Olson
  • 10 years ago

We lost our sister 3 months ago at the age of 53, way too soon. This poem meant a lot to me. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. She is missed by me, her brother and many family and friends. Don't worry we will take care of Ron and Skylar. Miss you Karin, your brother, Whitey :))

  • Cathy Collinson by Cathy Collinson, Arkansas
  • 10 years ago

My oldest niece passed away 2 weeks ago today (6/21/14). She was only 33 years old and had a 7 year old son. Her sister, 22 months younger, was looking for something to express how she felt about her. She found your poem and knew she had found it. It expresses what how she felt about her sister. The girls didn't get along so well when they were younger, but by the time they were married and had kids, they were the best of friends. Thank you for providing a work everyone can attest to!

  • Brittiny by Brittiny, Michigan USA
  • 10 years ago

This poem made me cry just thinking of my sister. This is also very beautiful at the same time. I just lost my 14 year old little sister in September 2013 to suicide. I miss her so much there are no words to desribe this pain and sadness. I have written a poem for her as well and read it at her funeral, and she also has a copy of it in her casket with her. I miss her more and more every single day. Wherever I look it seems she is always there. I miss you and love you babygirl. RIP Nicole

  • Katie by Katie
  • 8 years ago

I also lost my sister to suicide in Sept 2010. I feel your pain and sadness. Just know they are in a better place. They have peace now.

  • Garnette by Garnette, California USA
  • 10 years ago

I lost my younger sister to cancer in May of 2003.. I'd been mad at her for a couple of years over some stupid sister thing but in May of 2002 I was driving to work and it was just a beautiful day. I decided I was done with being angry and wound up calling her and making a trip to visit a couple of weeks later. Just a few short weeks after my trip we found out she had very advanced ovarian cancer. I was her caregiver the last months of her life and I will forever be grateful that I contacted her before I knew she was sick and that I was given those too few months to be a real sister to her again. I will miss her always~

  • Helen Costa by Helen Costa
  • 8 years ago

I lost my Sister on the 16th of November 1994, to Cervical Cancer. She was 35 years old. They say time heals, it does only because when you lose someone so close to you, you eventually try and block it from your mind, so it makes it easier for you to deal with your loss. It's not because you are forgetting that person close to you, it's just easier to block your mind. That's how I have dealt with this over the last 21 years.

  • Samia Chowdhury by Samia Chowdhury, England, UK
  • 9 years ago

I lost my sister (only sibling) to ovarian cancer last year. She was only 31 when she passed away. I was her caregiver for three years. I miss her so much, she was my best friend. Everyday feels harder, I don't see how things will ever feel better :(

  • Jean by Jean, North Wales
  • 10 years ago

My sister has terminal cancer and doesn't live close by so I may not be with her when she passes away, this poem and the further words from others who have lost their sister too, have helped me so much they say exactly how I feel too.
I am writing a letter to her which is to go with her at her funeral, it is from me to her and for no one else to see and the words from others have helped me say how I feel to her and it will go with her spirit to wherever her next journey takes her.

  • Laura by Laura
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart. On July 2013 my best friend committed suicide. Leaving family and friends behind. We will miss her forever. Even though we will never know why she did it I just wish she would have stayed. It will never be the same without her.

  • Denise by Denise, Leeds
  • 10 years ago

I read this during another sleepless night since the loss of my beautiful youngest sister 2 and half weeks ago. It sums up everything that is happening and everything I am feeling. I have three other remaining sisters, am surrounded by loving family and yet still feel alone. Thank you.

  • Eben by Eben
  • 10 years ago

My immediate senior sister was buried two weeks ago and it is difficult to bear the pain. Her fond memories keeps hitting me now and then and cannot bear the heartache especially, when I am alone. This part of your poem is so real and that is my case;

Surrounded by family,
I still feel alone.
My heart is so empty,
this pain I must own.

  • Maribeth Addona by Maribeth Addona, Palm Beach Gardens
  • 11 years ago

Dear Catherine,

What a beautiful poem. I lost my youngest sister to Ovarian cancer in April. She was my best friend and I miss her so much. It is so hard for me to comprehend that I will never see her or hear her voice again. The pain in my heart is so heavy, words cannot describe. She was so brave and courageous and I admired her so much for that. She never showed fear.
I will try not to be sad for what I will miss, but strong for what she has left me with, a heart full of love and a life full of the best memories a sister could ask for. Thank you for your poem.
It speaks volumes about your sister and your love for her. Maribeth

  • Renee Hart by Renee Hart, Colfax La
  • 11 years ago

Your poem really touched my heart. I lost my sister Annette in September 2012. She died suddenly. She died of complications with her diabetes. This poem you wrote hit it on the nail. I miss her so much. I would love to see her and touch her again. This loss has been really hard for me. She was the oldest of 4 children. I am 2nd oldest and she helped me in so many ways. As did your poem.

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