Grandmother Death Poem

I lost my nanny 3 months ago. The hardest thing I ever had to do was say goodbye. The last 3 months have been so, so hard. I've written this poem for my Nan. I really hope you like this poem. It really means a lot to me.

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My Grammy passed away Saturday morning after a tough battle with cancer. It took her so fast, and this poem captures my exact feelings. I have never watched someone die before, and seeing...

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My Beautiful Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2009 with permission of the Author.

Nan, to walk into your room and see you smile,
I walked over and hugged you all the time.
You always made me smile and always had stories to tell.
I loved sitting with you every day and listening to the memories you had to share.
You showed us that life can't be all that bad.
There is always a light at the end of a tunnel.
You were so strong.
You had faith in us all.
You had great spirit, even if the day was dull.
You weren't just my Nan.
You were my best friend.
I know you had to go.
Now I feel I'm alone,
but I know you're close.
When I feel the warmth at night, I know it's you giving me a good night kiss.
When I feel my chest getting tight, I know that's you giving me a big hug.
When I feel the wind brush through my hair,
I know you're whispering hello to me.
When I see the sun shine, I know you're happy.
When I see that bright star, I know that's you watching us all and smiling.
Now a beautiful angel watching over us all,
we pray to you each night.
Losing you, Nan, broke my heart, and every day, without a doubt,
I think of you and shed a little tear, for a Nan I loved so dear.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nicole Slighting by Nicole Slighting
  • 6 years ago

My Grammy passed away Saturday morning after a tough battle with cancer. It took her so fast, and this poem captures my exact feelings. I have never watched someone die before, and seeing someone so beautiful get swallowed up by death is haunting, but she doesn't have to be tired anymore and weak. She was in a deep depression, and I believe she has a heavenly body now. Her spirit was released from this mortal body. I'm 31, and she has been in my life since birth. We wrote letters during times apart. I told her my fears and hopes and dreams and she just was not herself in the end. It broke my heart, and I guess I have nothing but memories everywhere now. I'm haunted by the whole death but feel like God needed to call her home, and it was his wish to have her.

  • Ashley Harleysville by Ashley Harleysville
  • 9 years ago

I'm 31 years old and and having my first child. I'm 19 weeks and found out I was pregnant about the same time I found out that my grandmother had cancer. It took her very fast. She was the only grandmother I ever knew. I am trying to find a poem to be read to my grandmother at her funeral. This will be the only great grandchild she has not gotten to hold.

  • Chloe by Chloe
  • 10 years ago

To my dear grammam we loved you so much you meant the world to me and all the rest of us and we will never forget you and we know your still in our hearts.

  • Brian by Brian, New Jersey
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I lost my Nani on March 27, 2013 and I know I will never be the same. From the time I was little, my Nani was my best friend, and she was the warmest, kindest person you could ever meet. I saw her and talked to her every 3 days for almost 17 years, and it is just so unbearable now without her here. She had brain cancer in 2009, and her health steadily declined over the course of about 4 years, and sadly she ended her life in a wheelchair, unable to walk, eat without a feeding tube, and talk understandably. It was horrible to see her that way. She always told me that no matter how far apart we may seem to be from each other, that she would always be hugging me. Sometimes I feel so lost and alone without her, and I miss her so much.

  • Nicole by Nicole, Wilmington DE
  • 11 years ago

Yes LOVE THIS POEM my grandmom passed away in 2007. She had a lot of health problems and passed away at home. To see her laying there and she couldn't do nothing was very sad but she shared a lot of stories. Your poem was very inspirational thanks for sharing.

  • Stacey by Stacey, Huddersfield
  • 11 years ago

My great nana past away on Tuesday the 23/4/13 and I think this poem is lovely and it really touched me. I had tears by the end. I wish I could come up with a good poem to put in the coffin with her.

  • M Nayar by M Nayar, London
  • 12 years ago

Sadly lost my Grandmother on New Year's day this year. We had her funeral this Monday gone and it is still so difficult...even though I have a beautiful family and great friends the pain remains....

I just wanted to say hi to all the people who have posted many amazing touching stories on this site.

I am sure the pain will ease but the memories will always remain...

My Gran more or less brought me and my sister up as Mum as working double shifts...this has broken my heart and I will cry for a long time...


  • Brittany by Brittany, Kansas
  • 12 years ago

The last few years me and my grandma were super close and she was just like my bestfriend. That like you said in yours she lighted the way she could always make you smile.. and mine was the sweetest ever. I lost her the week of finals in high school, and ever since its hurt to grieve.. but I can still feel her all around me. Just remember yours is in a better place and is always watching over you.. Gone but never forgotten <3

  • Lila Schibli by Lila Schibli, Wenham Mass
  • 12 years ago

Hi Aoife,
3 weeks ago my grandmother suffered the last stages of cancer. I watched her die in front of me. When I read your poem it brings tears to my eyes. If feel like this poem was made for me. My grandma was like my best friend too! I am soo glad I can relate to you in this situation. My family is very sad about my beautiful grandmother's death. I am sorry for your loss. I know it is soo hard.

  • Bridget by Bridget, Australia
  • 12 years ago

Hi Aoife,
I too lost my nana 3 months ago (feels like yesterday) and I was very close to her and this poem I can relate to a lot; I could talk to her for hours and I could laugh with her for hours. But most of all she was my best friend.... this poem is perfect as to how I feel. I miss her soo much, it is just such a lovely poem.... stay strong

  • Kyla by Kyla, Texas
  • 13 years ago

Hey..Kyla here
just wanna say how truly sorry I am about your lost. I too lost my grandmother Saturday morning. It was a very sad moment for me too because she was in the ICU for a very long time and that really broke my heart to see her like that. But this poem really made me think of her and really touched my heart......stay strong and god bless you :)

  • Chantelle by Chantelle, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

Hi there Aoife...
I'm so sorry about your Nan...:(
I lost my Nan yesterday morning. She had been really ill in ICU for the past month. This poem, really really touched me. Its just so crazy, as it was the very first poem that I have looked at tonight and everything you mentioned about your Nan, I have experienced the same memories with mine. She was also my best friend, who I could just talk to for hours. It is a lovely poem..godbless.

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