Father Poem

Father Teaching Son How To Be A Man

My father showed me the path to being a man. During his 10-year battle with crippling Parkinson's, he did not once complain. My father humbled himself before God, and through all of his medical issues, he kept family, friends, and faith a priority. His love for my mother (his high school sweetheart) was unwavering, and the love he showed us was epic. I will miss my pal, my buddy, my dad.

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My Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2017 with permission of the Author.

He wasn't faster than a speeding bullet,
but he was quick to come to my defense.
Unable to leap tall buildings, 
but could lift my spirits when life didn't make sense.

He did not have the strength of a locomotive,
but the size of his heart could crush any man.
He faced all that the world could throw at him
and always told us it was God's glorious plan.

He didn't wear a cape, a mask,
or have any super powers.
But ask any of his friends,
he was there in their darkest hour.

So now he has gone to heaven,
and in God's arms he will be.
But this loving father of eight
was a superman to me.


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