Daughter Poem

Mother's Message Of Love To Daughter

My daughter means the world to me.

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My daughter is one of the reasons that I breathe in and out each day. I love her so much. She is beautiful both inside and out. She is 32 years old, loves deeply, and I hope she will remain...

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My Daughter


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

My daughter means the world to me!
So much out there for her to see!
I'd like to take her in my arms
And show her the world and all of its charms.
As she grows a little day by day,
God lights the path to guide her on her way.
As she blooms out like a precious flower,
She will always know God's wonderful power.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Veronica Escalera by Veronica Escalera, Texhoma, OK
  • 5 years ago

This just touched my heart on how to express my feelings to my middle daughter. It's so hard sometimes to speak to her in a way that she can understand how much I love her.

  • Ina Dry by Ina Dry
  • 7 years ago

My only daughter passed away 2 years and 10 months ago. That day my life ended. Bonnie was my daughter, my best friend and my confidant. She and I were like identical twins. We looked alike, laughed alike, and loved the same things. We wore each other's clothes and jewelry. I have never needed a friend because I always had her. She was 35 when she passed away, and a part of my soul was ripped off the day when she left. I have never felt such excruciating pain in my life.

Each day leaves you with the same hole in your gut. Nothing can fill that pain. I have 3 wonderful sons, and they have amazing families, and I have 4 grandchildren, but 1 child cannot replace another child.

  • Brenay Jones by Brenay Jones
  • 7 years ago

My only daughter passed away on May 23, 2017. My world has changed. I do have 4 grandchildren also. I know God is our comfort. I was searching and found this poem. I was looking for others who lost their one and only child or just a child period. Looking for comfort in others testimonials. I can't even began to tell you the pain. She was my baby girl, 32 years of age. We did everything together. She wore my clothes and I wore hers. I didn't need any friends either because it was always me and her until my grandkids where born and now they are with me and I see so much in my granddaughter. She is 11 and 3 boys 4, 8, 9. I prayed to God to allow me to live and raise them up and beyond and see them go to college, get married, and have children. This has been some pain to endure. I cry daily, and sometimes I think about all the plans we had made just before her passing. I miss my baby so much. Her kids are so young. But God saved me to do this. I will remind them daily about their mom.

  • Carol Kitchen by Carol Kitchen
  • 7 years ago

My daughter will be gone 3 years in August. We were the same, we looked alike. So you can say we could pass for twins. I have 2 daughters (3 counting Heather) and grandchildren. Like you said, one child can't replace another.

  • Elaine M Brousseau by Elaine M Brousseau
  • 7 years ago

How true! "One child cannot replace another child." My 38 year old son Corey passed away in 2013, on my birthday no less. I have 2 other sons and a daughter. God bless them and keep them safe. They are great kids, but there is a reason God took my Corey. He was not at peace on earth. I know he is at peace with God.

  • Helen Chon by Helen Chon
  • 7 years ago

I said to my daughter, "I love you."
She responded exasperatedly, "I know."
I queried, "How?"
She said matter-of-factly, "I feel it in my heart."

  • Jacqueline by Jacqueline, Springfield Oh
  • 10 years ago

My youngest daughter had a beautiful baby boy he was born at 29 weeks and only weighed 2 pounds and 1 ounce. He stayed in the hospital for over 60 days due to his size. Amazingly he never needed any assistance breathing. We went to see him everyday as it was only a 40 minute drive. The first time I got to hold him I was head over heels in love. He got to come home when he was almost 5 pounds. On September 20, 2013 he and my daughter were taking a nap. She called me as I was leaving school and said she didn't think he was breathing I told her to call 911 and when I got home I performed CPR until the medics arrived. We rushed to the hospital to find out he didn't survive. My daughter and I have always been extremely close. After our baby passed she grew even tighter in her relationship with the baby's father...which I completely understand because he is her link to her baby. But lately we don't talk like we used to I wonder if she blames me for not being able to bring him back.

  • California by California
  • 11 years ago

My daughter is my life, I love her so much. She's a sweet, loving, caring 10 year old. I pray she stays close to me as she gets older. I'm raising my girl to be STRONG, INDEPENDENT, and most of all RESPECTFUL. When you meet her you just instantly love her. Morgan your the BEST thing that has ever happen to me, and my love for you runs deep. I promise to always PROTECT, RESPECT & LOVE you.

  • Linda Kiley by Linda Kiley
  • 6 years ago

Your message was so inspirational for me, and I promise you that your relationship with your daughter will just be bonded with more love and respect than you can ever imagine. This age is so important for daughters to instill the openness and confidence in your commitment to be a stability in a world of difficult circumstances young teen girls will face. Proud of you, and continue your love and bond with your daughter!!

  • Megan Loeb by Megan Loeb
  • 7 years ago

My daughter is one of the reasons that I breathe in and out each day. I love her so much. She is beautiful both inside and out. She is 32 years old, loves deeply, and I hope she will remain close to me. I raised her to be STRONG, INDEPENDENT, and RESPECTFUL. Should you ever find yourself in her company, you will know without a doubt why I love her so. Megan, you are one of life's blessings to me. I promise I will always LOVE, HONOR, RESPECT, and THANK GOD for sending you to me. You are such a wonderful mom to Colin and Dwight. Your love for Darryl amazes me.

  • Zara Hmm by Zara Hmm, Ashburn Va
  • 11 years ago

I love my daughter so much. It haunts me when she said, "mom, when you left I waited for you and you never came back." This hurts me to my very core. I wish, I only wish I was awake like I am now. I would have never done what I did. Oh I wish I have been there for my daughters when they were growing up. They are such sweet angels. I wish I can rewind time. I lost that opportunity forever. Now I am praying for God's healing power to heal us all. I hope someday in heaven I will have that chance.

  • Gessy by Gessy
  • 11 years ago

God blessed me with a gorgeous little girl named Jaylianie, she is 5 months old now. That little girl changed my whole life completely, in a good way though. She brought happiness to my home. Being a only child I can give her the world! Every time I look into her eyes it makes me want to cry of pure happiness and joy!! I can honestly say she is the only girl who stole my heart since day one!! I'll give my life for that little girl!! Jaylee, baby you are my everything make me want to live, for you I'd do anything!!

  • Toronto by Toronto, On
  • 11 years ago

To : Macayla King...

Your 3rd Birthday just passed an I wasn't there, not because I didn't want to be because I wasn't allowed ! It's been over a year and I miss you like crazy , I think about you everyday ! You and your sister are the most beautiful girls I've ever seen ! I'm so happy you two are together and doing so great ! I just want you to know I love you an miss you and that will never change !

Love : Your Mom ! Xerox

  • Tonya Hall by Tonya Hall
  • 11 years ago

I am blessed to have three beautiful daughters. The oldest is a great mother of a 16 month old baby boy. The (MIDDLE) one is in her second semester of college. Her goal is to own and operate her own daycare. My youngest daughter is a sophomore in high school. She has so much personality that she beams with an inter glow that's hard to explain. All three of my girls are wonderful people and I am so lucky to have them.

  • Ainna Khan Zadran by Ainna Khan Zadran
  • 11 years ago

I suffered emotional mental and physical abuse, I suffered it before as a child, maybe that's why I suffered it for so many years. My 3 oldest children witnessed so much of the abuse, but mainly my eldest son who even though he was so young always tried to protect me, but he was only a baby himself, I had no-one to hear my cries and no-where to run. Now out of my 7 kids I have lost 5 to the man who abused me I'm to blame as I should have left years before, its had a big impact on all their lives I'll never be able to rewind time but I love you all so much and I miss you we were always so close now there's nothing but distance, I love you all so much. I need you all to know this pain of being without you all is the worse kind of pain I have ever felt, the silence, distance the anger. I'm so sorry I ruined all your lives. I pray one day you will find it in your hearts to forgive me for allowing you to witness it and put up with it for so long, I love you all with all my heart, love mum xx

  • Toni Webb by Toni Webb
  • 11 years ago

Shannon began her first year of college out-of-state this fall I'm happy to learn that she enjoys campus life, is developing new friendships, and learning in a new academic environment. I am so proud of her for leaping into new challenges and I know she has the knowledge, commitment, and confidence to forge ahead as she creates a new life for herself. I ask that God watch over her. She is a precious jewel in our lives.

  • Minnesota by Minnesota
  • 11 years ago

My lovely daughter off to college. The youngest of my children and the first daughter of our family.

I am so sorry that I missed so much of our time together serving this country, and that you had to see the physical and emotional pain I brought home, and that you were hurt to the core by your mother and me getting divorced.

I also am so very sorry that I am unable to pay for your phone anymore but I have to keep a roof over my head to help house your step brother...and we are barely keeping ourselves from being homeless. I struggled with that decision for a long time and sacrificed much to be able to hear your voice on the rare occasion you chose to answer the phone...that always made me so happy, just to talk to you.

You are missed. Wish I knew the reason why you don't want me in your life. I love and am so proud of you always my lovely daughter.

Love Dad

  • Michelle by Michelle, California
  • 9 years ago

First, please accept my sincerest gratitude for your service to our country! Second, your letter to your daughter brought tears to my eyes and if I may tell your daughter & the many other children of divorce, be grateful that your Father (or Mother) wants to be a part of your life, take them for whatever love they have to give, they are trying and that's what counts. See you could be like my two incredible, amazing kids whose dad, after 20 years of marriage, decided he would rather be with a girl half his age. I even set my anger aside in hopes that he would still be a dad to our kids, instead he turned his back on them & in the past 7 yrs he has only spoken to our kids twice & both times they tracked him down, it's sad really but very much HIS loss, so please those of you who have a parent who is wanting so badly to be a part of your life, let them, you can never get this lost time back and remember, nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, even you. Happy Mothers Day!!

  • Chester  Pa by Chester Pa
  • 12 years ago

I love my daughter with all my heart. She is 2 years old and I'll give everything for her. She is the light of my eye, she is my heart if she is not with me I'll die.. Because that little girl is everything to me. I love her so much that if she cries I'll cry with her...she is everything I have and I thanks God for putting her in my hands she the prettiest girl I have ever seen..love you my baby.. Mamy love you

  • Niki Neenah by Niki Neenah, Wisconsin
  • 12 years ago

I want to dedicate this to My daughter Megan, I want you to know that I love you, and you have grown to a teenager and its like your growing up to Fast But, I hope no matter what path you may take its good one and always follow your Dreams. You're a bright and Smart Girl and I love you...

  • Savior by Savior
  • 12 years ago

TO RIZ: Go find your daughter and let her know how much you miss her and regret the past. It doesn't matter how many times you need to try, never give up on getting your daughter back in your life. Don't beat yourself up because of whatever it is that happened, you have changed and so has your heart, go find your daughter and tell her and show her no matter how many times you have to, how much you care and love her. Never give up on love. Your daughter is only 10, she wants you just as bad as you want her, go get her Riz. Good Luck.

  • Riz Khan by Riz Khan, Burton On Trent
  • 13 years ago

I cannot explain in words how much pain I have as my daughter is not in my life anymore. She is my world. She is 10 and is intelligent, polite and I have never come across anyone who has a caring heart as hers. My wish is to see her happy for the rest of her life. Even to write this message it brings tears to my eyes. There is not a moment I do not think of her..and its true when they say that 'we never appreciate things till they have gone' I wish I could bring the time back and I would never let her go..even if I have to spend my life alone. I love my little girl and the day she went away...I write in my diary how my day went without her. One day she will read and remember how my days went without her. God bless those in pain...

  • Myrtle Watson by Myrtle Watson, St. James MO
  • 13 years ago

My daughter is very special to me. right now she is going though a hard time, her husband left her and the children for a younger girl. I'm really proud of her for being there for her two children giving them love and warmth of a home, she's a wonderful mother and I adore her in every way, she works, goes to school activities, keeps the children safe and most of all she loves them very much. She's the greatest mother and I'll always be there for her as a mother should be.

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