Baby Poem

The birth of a baby inspires love and awe in the eyes of its parents.

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It's so nice to see a mother's perspective of their very own little child. I really hope I didn't disappoint my mom and her expectations for me. I think I love baby poems the most because...

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My Little Girl


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2006 with permission of the Author.

Ten tiny fingers,
Ten tiny toes,
Two little eyes,
And one little nose.

A beautiful smile
Curly blonde hair
A perfect angel
Just standing there

A blank slate
For me to mold
A little girl
For me to hold

She watches my every move
Sure not to miss a beat
I can't believe I am a mom
It's different, but neat

My hero, my savior
My own little me
The love of my life
It's hard to believe

An unbreakable bond
Between her and I
No limit to love
When it reaches the sky


  • Stories 4
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  • Rating 4.37
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  • Top Secret;) by Top Secret;)
  • 11 years ago

It's so nice to see a mother's perspective of their very own little child. I really hope I didn't disappoint my mom and her expectations for me. I think I love baby poems the most because it's filled with so much love and innocence.

  • Monique by Monique
  • 14 years ago

Hey there that poem was amazing it describes the way I feel about my little girl .. I loved it that much I am going to frame it ... my girl has grown so much I can't believe she is turning 1 soon.. time flies and you really need to enjoy everyday with them and show them how much you love them. because you never know what the future will bring.

  • ashley by ashley
  • 16 years ago

OMG I loved this poem! being able to hold her for the first time was the greatest thing I could ever feel! right now she is 4 months almost 5 on the 16th and does all these things that amaze me! without her I know I be truly lost!

  • jessica by jessica
  • 16 years ago

I have not gotten to see or hold my baby girl since she was born I miss her to much I don't even know what she looks like until tomorrow her father is sending me pictures b/c I've been locked up for most of her life I miss her and my 3 little boys so very much!!!!!!

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