Wife Death Poem

To my wife Pamela, who is battling lung cancer. I wrote this for her, but also to help me by expressing the feelings that I feel while going through this process.

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I lost my wife on January 1, 2021 from breast cancer. She was only 40 years old. We share 3 beautiful kids. We met when she was 17 in a night club. At midnight 24 years later, I gave her a...

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One Last Kiss


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

I have fought the feelings
And emotions inside
That fills and empties me,
Like a fast rolling tide.

There are moments of pain,
Of sorrow and hate,
Leaving me to ponder
Many hours of late.

I love you, honey.
It's your presence I miss.
And I terribly long
For that one last kiss.

But the greatest pain of all
That hurts me so deep,
Is after giving you my love
I can't have yours to keep.

To have you by my side
Always longing for more,
And have you feel the same,
To mutually adore.

You see, my love, I have given you my heart
And revealed the depths of my soul,
And now I am left feeling hopelessly empty,
Paying this immeasurable toll.

It's selfish, I know
To feel this way,
But it's how I feel
Each and every day

Always hoping and praying
For the next time we meet
For you to allow me, once again
To feel complete.

And rest assured,
I WILL see you again,
For it's not a question of if,
But a question of when.

And when that time comes
I'll be in total bliss,
For no longer will I wait
For that one last kiss.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Indran Pather by Indran Pather
  • 3 years ago

I lost my wife on January 1, 2021 from breast cancer. She was only 40 years old. We share 3 beautiful kids. We met when she was 17 in a night club. At midnight 24 years later, I gave her a bath, laid her on the bed sitting up against the headboard. I slept at her feet, and I rubbed them slowly, only remembering me saying, "Breathe in, breathe out, babe. I soon dozed off, only to find she soon stopped. Her eyes were closed with dried tears along her face. She was gone and so was the pain. A fairy tale start and a fairy tale ending. God knows best. Thank you for your poem. I read it for her 40 day memorial.

  • Nelson Varghese Chokkattu by Nelson Varghese Chokkattu
  • 7 years ago

This poem has made my day. I lost my sweetheart to Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on 22nd of October 2016 at. She had just turned 40 years. We got married in 2001 on January 9th, and we have two beautiful children. Our son is 14 years old and the daughter is 11 years old. I really cannot let her go. I am sure she is with us and looking after us. This poem has said whatever I had in my mind. I really look forward to the day I can be with her once again at the heavenly abode. There is no question of if. It is only a question of when. Longing to have those sweet kisses and cuddles. Thank you.

  • Kamal Yogi by Kamal Yogi
  • 7 years ago

I was very touched by the poem. Last week I lost my beloved wife due to ovarian cancer. She was just 38. She left behind two sons. Rest in peace, dear Deepa. I will love all my life.

  • Felix Munene by Felix Munene
  • 8 years ago

I lost my lovely wife October 30, 2015, to leukemia after a strong physical, psychological, and mental battle. She left behind an 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son. RIP Jackline Gatumwa. Will forever miss you, hun.

  • Roy E Bowick Jr by Roy E Bowick Jr
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I live in Mobile, Alabama, and I also lost my wife on October 30th 2015, 11:11 p.m. She was on her way home from work where she was a radiologist at USA Hospital. She had a wreck by herself and survived and then had a second accident immediately after that. She had been sick for the past couple of years. That Friday was her third day back to work in 2 years. We were together a little over 20 years. We first started going together when she was 12. We never once broke up like many do in school I was reading your comment and saw the date, so I had to say something.

  • Shridhar Shenoy by Shridhar Shenoy
  • 8 years ago

I lost my wife Veena on 03-03-2015 who was my angel all through our life. Struggled for 3 years with lung cancer. We were supposed to celebrate the silver jubilee of our marriage in December 2015. But the God had his own plans. Every word of the poem is written to my beloved whom I would meet her. For it's not a question of if, but a question of when. And it would be sooner...

  • Derrick Steward by Derrick Steward, Millbrook Alabama
  • 9 years ago

I just recently went back to work since I'm in the military, but this particular poem really touched me today. My beautiful wife Shelby died on March 15th, 2015. She just recently turned 30 years old, and we would of been married 8 years in June! She battled Crohn's Disease for the past 6 yrs. I miss her every moment of the day. We were blessed with an amazing 3 year old little boy that makes me want to get out of bed in the morning. I miss her kisses and hugs more than anything. Her smile could light up a room even if she didn't know you. I know one day I will be able to kiss her sweet lips again. I love you my sweet angel!

  • Bryon K. O'Reilly by Bryon K. O'Reilly, Spokane
  • 9 years ago

This poem says exactly what I am feeling. I just lost my wife of 25 years on 4/15/2015 to Ovarian Cancer. She battled it for over 3 years. She was my best friend for so many years and taken way too soon. She was only 47 at the time. We met on my birthday in 1988 and we got married on September 3, 1989. I fell in love with her the moment that we met. She had the most wonderful sense of humor. She loved to travel and see new places but was also happy to just stay home and be with her family. We have two beautiful daughters. Our youngest is expecting our first granddaughter to which it breaks my heart that she will not be able to hold her. But she will be our guardian angel from now on. So until we meet again my sweet Julia, I will long for that "One Last Kiss". Thank you for all the wonderful years we had together. I Love You!

  • Harold E. Jackson Sr. by Harold E. Jackson Sr., Edison
  • 9 years ago

The love of my life went home March 7, 2015. We would have been married 23 years on July 11, 2015. But have been together since September 1985. This poem opened my eyes to the love and respect that we had for each other. I will see Ann again someday, I love you. God Bless Harold Sr.

  • Rakesh Tuladhar by Rakesh Tuladhar
  • 9 years ago

This is a very much heart touching poem. I went thru the similar phase of my life and I lost my dearest wife on 2/7/15 due to colon cancer. I still can't accept the fact that she is no more with me and still can't let her go.

  • Charles Vella by Charles Vella
  • 9 years ago

I lost my wife to cancer a few months ago. She was only 17 years old when we met. I loved her at first sight. Two years later we got married. She was my wife for 52 years. Every day I miss her more and more. She was an inspiration to so many who knew her. She taught me a lot, to be a better person, to be kind and to have compassion. I took care of her during her long illness, every time I hugged her I cried. She would tell me not to cry. But watching her suffer with pain was so hard. I would look into those beautiful blue eyes and see so much pain. My last kiss to her was before she got cremated, she looked so peaceful. There was no more pain and suffering, Rest In Peace Sweetheart. I visit her almost every day as I feel that she's waiting for me to visit her. I still tell her that I miss her dearly and love her.
The Poem really touched my heart and my wishes for the author is to keep strong. Taking care of a loved one during sickness is God's gift, he expect us to take care of the sick.

  • Stanley Winchester by Stanley Winchester, New Jersey
  • 10 years ago

I really love this poem. I lost my wife on Valentines Day of this year. She was fighting breast cancer for 1 year . This poem said everything thing that I was thinking.
Thank You.

  • Dallas Coleman by Dallas Coleman
  • 10 years ago

This poem was just what I needed today. It describes exactly how I feel at this time. My best friend and wife died on Valentines Day 2014 after a nearly 2 year battle with cancer. Thank you!!

  • Kunal by Kunal, Majumder.Barasat Banamalipur
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem. I am not married .But although I love this. I have a girlfriend and she went from me. So my feelings brought out by those word of 'ONE LAST KISS'. Thank you.

  • John Hosfield by John Hosfield, Akron
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem as I continued to read it, tears rolled down my face, as this reached that place. I have lost my life wife and best friend I too have become way to old. She died on 06/27/12 and I have been at a loss for words to explain even to myself just how I feel. This helps me to know that someone else knows how to kneel. So I thank you my friend for allowing me to feel what you feel is real.

  • Donna by Donna, Florida
  • 12 years ago

On June 7, 2011 I lost my Mom that resided in Fortson, Georgia. She has been my angel and continues to be even though she has gone on to heaven. Bob my Dad is grieving so hard and long. They were high school sweethearts and had a very good long long marriage. Thank God for sending Mom to Dad that day. She loved cats, life, and nature AND my DAD. May she watch over life until God calls us home. I love and miss you so much!!
I love and miss you.

  • Anna by Anna, Santa Fe
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched me. I was looking for a poem to send to my cousin's family. Recently my cousin passed away and left her husband and three kids. I wanted to send them an encouraging poem and I came across this one which is awesome. Thank you

  • Debbi Gagne by Debbi Gagne
  • 14 years ago

Your poem has brought me to tears , I lost my boyfriend to lung cancer 04/03/09. I feel the same way I know we will be together again I just don't know when and I too long for the kiss only this time it is for eternity.

  • Talia by Talia
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem. Its one of my favs. My mom has had cancer and know has M.S.. I know how you feel. I love the emotion displayed. Your wife is an inspiration to me. I am only 14 years old.
Thank you for putting this poem up.

  • Dr Steve by Dr Steve
  • 14 years ago

I lost my wife to lung cancer also I have to say that this poem is how I feel also in my heart. We found out on our first wedding anniversary on our second she had little time left on 10/28/09 she passed in her sleep. I hurt each day we didn't say till death do us part we said to eternity I will see her again when my time comes.

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