Wife Death Poem

Death Is Not The End

After losing a loved one, life is never the same. I lost my wife, Ann, in 2010. I believe death is not the end.
Even now 8 years later, all these little signs in my poem give me comfort.

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Gentlemen (and ladies), My heart goes out to you. I need help. I will be gone soon. My wife has had to endure my sufferings and deal with all that comes with my disease. Before marriage, I...

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Little Signs

John P. Read © more by John P. Read

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

When a loved one passes on,
Their spirit never dies.
And as we journey on alone,
They're always by our side.

Yes, I believe this happens
From little things I see.
Each day a little message
An angel reveals to me.

A whisper of the breeze
On a quiet summer's day
Is a voice from an angel
Who sadly passed away.

The gently falling rain
That lingers upon my face
Are the tears falling from heaven
From a wife I can never replace.

The first snowflakes of winter
Are an angel's frozen tears.
A reminder of the love we shared
Telling me you are near.

A falling leaf in autumn
Is just another sign
To let me know you're watching me
And I'm still on your mind.

Yes, all these little signs,
They help me to believe
That death is not the end
And you're still here with me.



John Peter Read was born in the East End of London in 1948. He was brought up by his Nan and mother, as his father left home when he was 5 years old. At the age of 15, John left school with just a basic education. While in school, he wrote little rhymes just for fun. A couple of his religious poems were published by the Christian church in the...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Benjamin Schwartz by Benjamin Schwartz
  • 5 years ago

Gentlemen (and ladies),
My heart goes out to you. I need help. I will be gone soon. My wife has had to endure my sufferings and deal with all that comes with my disease. Before marriage, I begged her to deny me for her sake, trying to protect her from a hard road ahead. My doctors gave it to her straight, but she didn’t waver. I do as much as I can to show my appreciation, but nothing's substantial enough to let her know how much I love and appreciate her. WHAT CAN I DO...? I have been writing and saving letters en masse, making recordings, and scheduling text messages, emails and packages to be delivered to her once I am gone. What more can I do to ease the pain once I am gone? How can I let her know how meaningful the depth of her involvement has meant to me? How do you thank the most important person in your life who sacrifices everything day to day?

Thanks for your feedback. Keep your heads up.
Ben Schwartz

Hi Ben,
So sorry to read your story. I'm sure you have done all you can in letting your dear wife know how much you mean to her. When my wife Ann passed away, she knew how much I loved her; no words were needed. God bless you both.

  • Larry Williams by Larry Williams
  • 5 years ago

This has captured my feelings completely. I lost my wife of 55 years to pancreatic cancer in 2014. Nothing matters to me anymore, and I feel like I am just playing out the string until we are together again. I used to look forward to our shared experiences, but now I feel like just a shell. God bless you. You are not alone in your feelings.

  • Mike L. Johnson by Mike L. Johnson
  • 5 years ago

I lost my dear wife to cancer in March of 2017. I understand the need for comfort that this author is trying to convey, but I can't get there. I wish I could. I feel alone no matter where I am or who I'm with. I can't see signs, and nothing is comforting. I just ache for her.

  • H McGarry by H McGarry
  • 5 years ago

Mike L. Johnson,
I lost my wife of 50 years, together for 55 years, in March 2017 too. I feel exactly as you have written. I too cannot see any signs of getting anywhere. Every day is just relentlessly full of pain and tears of sorrow. I was lonely in my hometown living with my aunt. I was lonely when I first went to London as a 16-year-old and lived on the streets for 5 months during a bleak cold winter. I was lonely when I finally managed to get a job and secure myself some dwellings and get my act together, but none of that loneliness can come anywhere close to the loneliness that I feel now without my beautiful, loving wife.
Nothing matters anymore. I put on a brave face, or at least as best as I can, but inside I am dead. All I want is to be with my beloved wife and nothing will ever change that longing for her.

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