Pregnancy Poem

Teenage Pregnancy Or Abortion

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I can sense the real art of poetry and l like it .

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Bravest Of Us All

© more by Jarrod Dillon

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

The bulging belly tells a story
Her naked hand is a cause for shame
She is scared
And alone
Fornicators look at her
And laugh
Three fingers point back
She thinks her only way out
Is to destroy the thing inside
Angels and demons struggle in her head
Fighting for life

She goes to church
Pro-life people shun her
They whisper:
"She is not married"

Against all odds she decided to tell her family
She is going to see this through
She encounters anger
What a little whore she is
God seems to not love her

She makes an appointment
Tears in her eyes she ascends
The stairs
Carrying the weight of her cross
The doctor will see you
Then behold
A miracle
A women dressed with the sun
Do not harm this child
Take comfort my daughter
I have been where you are
I have received their teasing
Do not listen to them
God himself has touched you

The bulging belly tells a story
Her naked hand proves how brave she really is.


more by Jarrod Dillon

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Michael by Michael
  • 8 years ago

I can sense the real art of poetry and l like it .

  • Amber by Amber
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched me because I am 16 years old and pregnant. I go to school and have people say things about how I am pregnant. I keep my head up and stay brave. I don't believe in abortions, unless there is a reason.. I am expecting my little girl on Feb. 24th 2012. This will be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  • Honore' Akram by Honore' Akram
  • 13 years ago

I know what all you girls went through and I understand because I was 15 when I found out I was pregnant and all I thought about was my life was over and how could I give my baby girl the things she needs... but I went through with it and 3 months after turning 16, I had a healthy six pound baby on May 2, 2011 and now I couldn't be happier with my choice because she brightens my day no matter what she is 5 months now and is as happy and beautiful than I could have ever imagined!!!!!!!!!!

  • Felicia Miller by Felicia Miller
  • 13 years ago

Hello and God Bless all Mothers in their essence. I was a teen mom, had my first child at age 15, second child at age 17 and third child at the age of 18 so I know 1st 2nd & 3rd hand what teen moms go through, the sacrifices made along with the feeling of shame, guilt and being an outcast in your family and community. Being a mom at any age can be overwhelming especially if you are a single mom. Be encouraged you will make it through it all many of have. Stay positive, motivated, strong for your self as well as for your kids. Stay in school fight for a better life for your child and never accept your circumstances. Believe they can always get better. Know that your baby counts on you and it is your responsibility to take care of yours to the best of your ability. The most important thing is to pray and stay encouraged it gets better. My children are grown and I decided to have 2 more lol. My husband and I are enjoying our grandchildren, I am so thankful for my children.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 13 years ago

I'm thirteen, I'm pregnant.. this poem is really touching, it just shows how brave some of us girls can actually be.. I'm not actually getting forced into an abortion.. I have the choice.. I'm really not sure if I should go for it.. this poem has really made me think.. I actually want my baby no matter what badness it makes and does.. it would really haunt if I got rid of him/her:(.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Ireland
  • 14 years ago

I am 17 years old, I lost my baby due to a miscarriage, only 3 weeks after finding out I was pregnant. This poem is touching, and made me think of my little baby, who never got to see the world

  • Emma by Emma
  • 15 years ago

This poem broke my heart, I know what its like. I'm sixteen and am due April 19 2010. I love my baby to death, but almost made the wrong decision. My mom, dad and most everyone I know pressured me to get an abortion, even the father of the baby, but I told myself this wasn't about them or me anymore it's about my baby now.

  • Larenda by Larenda
  • 15 years ago

This poem I can relate to. I would have had a 3 year old, and I was told I was too young, that I didn't belong in my family. I was 14 when I found out I was pregnant. but sadly 2 months after I found out I lost my baby. from my dreams I could tell that it was going to be a boy. he talks to me when I sleep. I didn't have an abortion like people wanted me to. I got in a car crash and lost my baby boy.
I'm glad your keeping your baby
if I hadn't gotten in that accident I would of had mine to

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth
  • 16 years ago

This really is going to help me I am thirteen and I was going to have an abortion and now I am glad I didn't. Reading this story made me realize that maybe god did want me to bring this baby to earth and give her away to a loving family or to keep her that I do not know. but thank you!

  • Molly by Molly
  • 16 years ago

This poem means so much to me! I am just 15 and am expecting a baby June 8, 2009! People are always telling me that I am too young but I believe that I can make it because I know that I am Strong! Too all of the Pregnant teen out there, just keep your head up and stay strong. You can do this!

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