Famous Friendship Poem

Freeman Edwin Miller (1864-1951) was Oklahoma's first poet laureate. In "To One Who Pledged Her Friendship" the poet expresses gratitude for the rarity of true friendship in a world filled with deceit. The poet acknowledges the value of having just one faithful and trustworthy friend, considering it a blessing. The use of contrast between the "false world" and the sincerity of friendship underscores the significance of this connection. The poem's straightforward language and rhyme scheme contribute to its heartfelt and sincere tone. The poet finds contentment and solace in the belief that the recipient of the poem's affectionate words is that one true friend, emphasizing the preciousness of their bond.

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Famous Poem

To One Who Pledged Her Friendship


Within this false world we may count ourselves blest,
    If we have but one friend who is faithful and true;
And so in your friendship contented I'll rest,
    And believe I have found that one blessing in you.


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