Rape Poem

Raped By Grandfather

My Grandfather tried to rape me from the age of 12-15, I finally told a family member and he ran away. No one has seen him since. This poem kind of got me through it.

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I don't know what to say...your words really touched me, I couldn't stop crying when I read about your story not because I pity you no..becouse you never experienced your childhood in...

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Door Of Pain


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

In my life you're the one thing I fear,
And before you die, this you must hear.
Every day we were out to play,
we'd laugh and joke, and together we'd stay.
Even Saturday's we'd go to the mall.
our great rapport was never to fall.
We had our favorite restaurants and we loved to eat,
in our famous foot race, I was never to be beat.
We'd get in your truck and drive off to town,
I was so happy, my face was never to frown.
And as years passed by, your pecan trees grew higher,
and our relationship bond grew tighter and tighter.
Something felt wrong and I hoped it wouldn't happen.
But it did, and I face it each day of my life,
I've got to be strong, I've got to put down the knife.
What you did was so wrong and disgusting, might I say,
you'll never understand how I felt that day.
When people walk by and they start to wonder,
I feel like the rain in a dark cold thunder.
I'm slowly coming down from this misery I'm in,
I'm taking back what you have given because I'm giving in.
I can go to psychiatrists and spill out my thoughts,
they can prescribe me pills and say I've been taught.
They can look at me and say "It's ok, I Understand"
But they will never feel the fear of a,
'Grandfather's Hand'.
You don't look back on what was begun,
you're losing yourself in who you've become.
Now you're gone to where you think it's safe,
where no one knows about the pain that I face.
It's so sad that your neighbors have no clue,
all the people around you don't really know you.
Well, congratulations for fooling the world,
but shame on you for hurting this girl.
Don't worry too much, but a day will come,
when revenge will be given for the damage you've done.
For right now I'll sit in the back of your mind,
while you remember how I used to be kind.
And later on in your old pathetic life,
you'll see me and how badly you ruined mine.
You soon shall feel what I have felt for years,
My head will turn, as your eyes fill with tears.
Now before you die I hope you comprehend it,
The pain you left now that it's ended
I hope your new life is better than mine
I'm sure you're going on like everything's fine
And the day it hits you ... what you didn't see before,
Will be that final day that I close that door
No more ........

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amanda by Amanda, Stafford Va
  • 9 years ago

I have no desire for pity. I just want to take a burden off my shoulders for a while. My parents divorced when I was only months old though I have no idea why. Both my parents later on found another partner. My step mom was a liar, cheater, and a abusive person both mentally and physically. My father would take her side. I remember once when I was around five, my father beat me so hard, that I fainted from the pain. I felt like a rag doll being pushed and beaten. My father was terrifying. Later on, I was molested by a teenage boy when I was 5. My babysitters son-in-law sexually used me when I was around 6 years old. When I was 9 I moved in with my mother. I loved my mother more then my dad at the moment because she didn't hit me or insulted me and I felt that she would protect me from any harm that may come. Months after I had moved in, my step-father would come to my room at night and molest me while my mom was asleep. That happened a few times until I finally told my mom about it. I cried hysterically while I told her what happened. I thought, "maybe she could help alleviate this fear and hatred I have inside me?". I was wrong about my mother. She didn't even look at me while I was explaining what happened to me. A week later my mom confronted my step father. He denied everything. She believed him completely and told me that I was probably just having nightmares. My mind shut off completely. That's when I figured out that she loved him more then her own daughter. Months later she married him.
I tried to get over it. I did really, but I felt disgusted. I didn't feel truly happy. After their marriage, we constantly went to church. That's when everything got a little better, but then my step father's brother noticed me. He started just feeling me all the time, then it went to undressing me. He penetrated me with his hands. Then one day, he came from behind and grabbed me. That's when I cracked. I screamed no let me go. I was tired of being used all the time by my step father, my step father's step dad, the "family's friend", by my step father. Thank God I was able to get out. Some time ago, I've been having so many nightmares about being raped and every time I would wake up, I would check if there was blood or signs of me being raped. I live through that hell of a life before I even hit puberty and it still went on.
I don't want pity because I know that there are others that had it worst. I just want to see some of my past typed out as a simple story. One that has been long gone.

  • Rasemako Dimakatsi by Rasemako Dimakatsi
  • 8 years ago

I don't know what to say...your words really touched me,
I couldn't stop crying when I read about your story not because I pity you no..becouse you never experienced your childhood in peace,l ove and that kind of warm love from both parents....you know sometimes a girl needs her dad but Thank God you're leaving the past behind. I am really proud of you. #stay True I love u

  • Wanda by Wanda, Holyoke
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched me deep inside. I was abused too it wasn't easy for me to live and deal with this situation. My mother always make herself the victim it wasn't her fault that this happened to me. She saw the guy molested me, threw him out and let him come back again.

  • Jodie by Jodie, West Virginia
  • 11 years ago

This story was very touching to me. I was once molested by my biological father. I was only 4 years-old at the time it happened. Now I'm 13 and I still have to deal with the pain. I'm in a behavioral treatment facility for anger caused by him. I some how can't trust anybody around me or myself.

  • Shanea by Shanea, Ny
  • 12 years ago

Well it was just a couple of months ago where my grandpa touched me and he thought I was sleeping so I was up that one time and I felt violated, very violated and I went to tell my sister and I was crying and then my sister told my mom and then my mom started cursing at him and he started making up excuses but he left 15 minutes later, but then we had to tell the detectives and I had to get tested for std's and then we have to go to court and I'm only 12 going on 13 April 3 and I wont forget and I talked to my godmom about it and turns out she has been a rape victim to but not by my grandpa that day and you now I hate old men to this day I think they're jerks lml hope you feel better

  • S0ftb@ll by S0ftb@ll, Il.
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so touching. I was too raped by my mothers dad (I don't call him grandpa) from the age of 6 to 13 and I still have not told anybody about it. I am way to ashamed of myself and I feel like I deserved it. :...(

  • Sydney Mccullough by Sydney Mccullough
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched me. I too was raped by my step-father and a male cousin. I just want to let you know that you're not alone, and reading your poem has given me the strength I need to tell my story, and let go of the pain. Thank You!!

  • Shamwow by Shamwow, PA
  • 13 years ago

Hi. I just read your poem and that was amazing! I, too, was a victim of rape when I was 14 until 16 by my own Grandfather and then I had to watch him die in my house of a heart attack. It was really hard for me. I'm 22 now, but the nightmares don't go away. Sorry for your pain, but you are not alone.

  • Persephone by Persephone, Hawaii
  • 14 years ago

I agree. Karma Does Suck and one day he will realze how much damage and hurt and pain he's put you through. There are many sick people out in this dangerous world we live in but that sickness and pain should never have to come from a grandfather.

  • Bella by Bella, Washinton
  • 14 years ago

This makes my stomach turn. I absolutely love and trust my Grandfather. To feel violated like that by him? I can't bear to think of it. He'll get his karma. They always do.

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