61. Recipe For A Life Well-Lived
Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.
Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.
Death is an inevitable fate.
Someday we have to go.
You hope you did
your best in life,
Driving home one day after hours of monotonous office work,
Saw a man sitting by the road; looked as one down on his luck.
Paid small notice to the figure; my lonely life was in a rut.
He was just another beggar holding out a shiny tin cup.
What a beautiful poem. God bless all the veterans: dead, alive, and the ones still fighting. To all of you, a proud salute, my prayers, and love.
I am worthy. There is nothing
that can or will happen today that
could convince me otherwise.
Pick up your broken pieces.
Don't leave them on the ground.
They're screaming, crying, wailing.
What a sad and terrible sound.
Strong people can
feel weak and
brave people can
feel afraid and
Are you losing faith?
Are you feeling low?
Are you crying out loud,
Craving to be loved?
Keep calm and breathe when feeling stressed,
when life is tough. If you're depressed
go for a walk, breathe in fresh air;
talk to a friend you know will care;
If you think you can reach the sky,
Why don't you flap your wings to fly?
Always give strength to your mind and soul.
One day you're gonna kick your goal.
In the face of many troubles,
Side by side we will stand.
It's not as though we crumble.
Instead, we gain to understand.
Famous Poem
With doubt and dismay you are smitten
You think there's no chance for you, son?
Why, the best books haven't been written
The best race hasn't been run,
You are enough
You have always been enough, and
You will forever be
If the mighty oak could speak the words
Of the times that it's been tried,
It'd speak about growing roots
Instead of how it died.
I am not everything
that has happened to me.
I am everything I became
while I healed.
I can't wait to hold you in my arms
And kiss your tiny nose.
Cherish every moment,
Knowing just how fast you'll grow.
Into this world I came,
The light of the sun,
On my face I craved.
In the cool breezing wind,
Keep your eyes on the prize
Watching for the finish line
Taking in another breath of air
You realize in just a few minutes
And on Tuesdays you must look at
yourself in the mirror and say
“I am worthy. I need to be here.
And I am grateful I am.
Even when you feel like a million scattered pieces,
you are still whole.
Even when you’re unsure of the path you’re walking,
you still have purpose.
This is your time
to no longer be who you were,
to rise from the embers,
to be guided by Her.