Funny Love Poem

Love Is Out There

What's this thing called love? For some, it's as if their heart had wings! For others, it's like their heart was being crushed! Still others see it as entrapment and ends up being a big pain in the butt! We all have our own recipes for true love. Mine is truth, trust and time.

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A Lost And Found For Love

© more by Brian A. Bendall

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

There're many women I have met
And loved throughout my years.
Some provided joy I'd get,
But most provided tears.

There were those in fancy clothes
Who'd show me their affections.
Less fancy dressers then arose
And showed me new directions.

But all would leave, I'm not sure why,
For other loves or interests.
So, with the last tears that I'd dry,
I vowed to end these contests.

No longer would I give my heart
To have it sliced in two!
Too many dreams were torn apart
By women that I knew!

I became an island to myself,
With interests born anew.
My hopes of love placed on a shelf
Where mold and mildew grew.


The best laid plans of mice and men
Do often go astray.
I saw this truth one evening when
She came in sight one day.

She looked at me with lonely eyes,
I'm sure mine looked the same.
It took some time to realize
Attraction was to blame.

The vow I'd made to hide my heart
Began to fade from view.
My new love seemed so far apart
From the other ones I knew.

Today, my love is with me still,
So many years we've shared.
My love and trust have been fulfilled
And formed a love that's not compared.

For those out there, please don't despair;
Don't squander your affections.
Don't hide your need for love to share;
Don't dwell on your rejections.

Love is there, I'm proof of that,
No matter what your setback.
There's someone there who's where you're at,
Who'll show the joy you'll get back.

At night, when we both lie in bed,
She shows what my love's meant.
I stroke the hair upon her head;
She whispers sweet contentment.

What makes a moth fly to a light?
Is it need for what they see?
Or does it seem, their useless flight,
Is just curiosity?

I guess it's both that brought us close,
Our lives of different walks.
But now, to please my love the most,
I'll clean her litter box.



I was born, raised and have lived in southern Ontario, Canada all my life. In my teens I developed a keen interest in music, art and writing. I went to art school and eventually became a mildly successful graphic artist. But music, at that time, became my only true love. Mom bought me my first guitar with ten books of green stamps when I was...

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  • Sharron by Sharron
  • 4 years ago

Bravo! I think there are many who find the humor and honesty in these lines!

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