Sister Death Poem

A woman writes a tribute to her sister who has passed. They were very close and had many good times together. She says, "I understand why God would want such a beautiful angel by his side".

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CELEBRATION OF LIFE OF CHINNY MOZIE The pain feels like yesterday, but it actually was 40 days. The reality has hit me. On that fateful day, my sister, I called 1 hour before your death,...

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A Tribute To My Sister, Patricia


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

It feels like years but it has only been months,
And yet that is still too long.
I still love you the same as if you were still here with me,
laughing during the good times and crying during the bad ones.
I miss being able to call you any time
and spend hours talking about everything under the sun.
As children we were practically joined at the hip,
But we grew up and grew apart, as most siblings do.
We had our own set of friends and our own set of goals for our lives,
but that still didn't change the fact that we were sisters.
There was nothing that I wouldn't do for you
and nothing that you wouldn't do for me.
I always wish you were still here with me enjoying life,
But I can understand why God would want such a beautiful angel
on his side from now until eternity.
Just know that I love and miss you,
And this is the tribute to you, my big sister.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Vivian Nwando Amadi by Vivian Nwando Amadi
  • 3 years ago

The pain feels like yesterday, but it actually was 40 days. The reality has hit me. On that fateful day, my sister, I called 1 hour before your death, wanting to speak with you. You did not talk, but we communicated. I thank God I had the opportunity to tell you how much I love you. That call lasted until 13 minutes before your death. Even though I suspected the reality, it still hit me like I least expected it. I cried uncontrollably. I lost a friend! I lost a sister! I lost a confidant! I lost a prayer partner! That was how August 17, 2021 became a black Tuesday for me.

You were every inch a sister. You've loved me unconditionally. You've shared my joys and sorrows. Your comforting words were worth much more than gold. You made me feel like an only sister. For everyone you knew, you gave your best. Your generosity was striking. You always tried to keep a positive attitude. I will always hold a place for you in my heart forever. Love you loads, my sister.

  • Jackie MacGaffick by Jackie MacGaffick
  • 5 years ago

This poem touched my heart. My sister Jenny passed away February 7, 2019 at 3pm in the afternoon. Jenny was admitted into the hospital with type A Flu. They almost lost her about 7 times in the ER before getting her stable enough to go to the ICU. Having her on life support, Margie called and said to come to the hospital. We spent the night at the hospital. My husband and I waited. At some point the next morning Jenny had some movement. She knew we were there by her side. That night (Thursday) I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. My brain shut off and I slept for about 2 hours. My husband had lost his father just 5 days before. Needless to say it was the worst week ever. I take nothing for granted. If I want to say, "I love you," I say it. Saying what is on my mind is the best thing to do. Anyone reading this: don't wait to take that trip or go visit someone. Life is too short to hold anger.

  • Robin McClain by Robin McClain
  • 6 years ago

December 31, 2017, I was in jail and was woken up by the guards telling me that I need to call home now. So I got on the phone and called my mom. My first thought was that something happened to my kids. When my mom answered, I asked her what happen to my boys. She said nothing and that she was fine also. She told me that it was my sister and that she was in the hospital. I asked what happened. That is the moment my life changed forever and I died mentally and emotionally. My sister was a recovering heroin addict, but she had relapsed on New Year's Eve, and she end up overdosing. She was on life support. I asked my mom to please put me on speaker phone so I could talk to my sister. I told my sister that I loved her and that I was sorry I couldn't be there. I told her that it was okay and that it was okay for her to let go that she wasn't in pain or suffering. My sister was declared dead at 11:02 am January 2, 2018. R.I.P., Sister. I love you!

  • Tiffany QLD by Tiffany QLD
  • 9 years ago

I lost my baby sister 3 weeks ago on the 7/26/2015
She was with us for 3 whole weeks. I had to take care of her all the time and I am only 15 years of age. She passed away from SIDS and I have always blamed my self for her death.
I miss you baby girl.

  • Hope by Hope, Long Island
  • 10 years ago

February 8, 2014 at 3:46 pm, my sister Sandra "San" was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Her truck tipped over, no other cars were on the road. Today May 6, 2014 is her 53rd birthday. I couldn't cope with being around anyone, so I left work early. I know it was GOD that took you away because he knew you were in harms way and he wanted to bring his best worker back home. I'm sad and happy at the same time because I know you are watching over me. Seven weeks Later our sister-in law Michelle joined you, it's a double whammy. Just know I love you both past the moon!!

  • Avitha by Avitha, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Tomorrow - 08th November is 7 years that my sister Shami Harripersadh has passed on. Her death has been such a shock for our family. We miss her laughter, her warmth. She has left such a hollow in us. Miss you so much big sis.

  • Tracey by Tracey, Johannesburg
  • 11 years ago

On the 28th July 2012, my whole world came crashing down, when I got that call that you left this place. Aids had ravaged your young lifeless body and we couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer, so Michael the Angel intervened and told us he was going to you. Nothing prepared Mom as she tried to shake your lifeless body back to life.
At 29, I could not believe our baby was gone, I still try to tell myself this is just a dream. Mom goes to your graveside all the time clinging on to just maybe, just maybe you will come back.
As the days go on we know our lives will never be the same, when you left, you took a piece of our hearts with you and will only be restored the day we see you again. Love you forever and always. RIP ROSEANNE GOLDSTONE: Born 03/08/1982 Died 28/07/2012.

  • Nelly by Nelly, Grahamstown
  • 11 years ago

I read all those stories but how do you cope losing an eight year old sister. When I got the call on the 7th of February this year I was at school and I thought it was some kind of joke but when I got home she was no longer with us. It turned out it was true but how do I go on, how do I let go of her, how do I accept the fact that she's gone and move on? It's not easy for me because she was a piece that completes my whole. She'll always be a part of me and memories are all I'm left with. RIP Chrissie I'll always miss you.

  • Amal by Amal, Lebanon
  • 11 years ago

My sister died on December 2013 she was only 22 and she was 5th year in medical school and the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She died unexpectedly due to a coagulation. She is my big sister and also my mother she was everything to me we were so close and now that she's dead I'm taking it very hard
Love you and miss you Fadwa

  • Deidra by Deidra, Albuquerque
  • 12 years ago

I feel this poem lot, I recently lost my twin sister a few months ago. She passed away April 1st, 2 weeks after her 1 year anniversary, and a 15 days after her husbands 27th birthday. She was my world, younger than me but so full of life. I loved her so much, I don't understand quiet yet why things went the way they did, but I am constantly asking why. I just have a lot to miss her for, we were together about everyday till we moved on in life, even then we talked daily at hours a time, just because we were used to it. Wish I could just hear her sometimes you know, just miss her...

  • Gale by Gale
  • 12 years ago

I lost my sister Roxane Jones Gilbert last June 28, 2012. It has been two months and some days since she was taken from us. Every night I cried as if I just got her death message. In the day I wish someone can call and let me know this is just a dream. Then my sister will appear. Loosing anyone is very hard, but I think loosing a sibling takes a piece from you that just cannot heal. Reading that story bring me comfort and some peace.

  • Anne-Marie Jordan by Anne-Marie Jordan
  • 12 years ago

I lost my sister Karen, last year at Christmas, she was only 29, and I miss her everyday, I couldn't cope with death, but she's right here in my heart and there's not a day that I don't think about her, love u loads Karen. xxxx

  • La Renna Crosley by La Renna Crosley, San Francisco CA
  • 12 years ago

My sister La Trena died on December 27 2007 she got hit by a bus. I miss her so much I cry everyday my life will never be the same I'll never see my sister again. La Trena was only 15 when she passed away it's been 5 years now I still can't believe it. I thank God for helping me stay strong because my sister was a part of me I loved her more than I love myself. It just hurts me that my little baby sister is gone. R.I.P La Trena Marie Rochelle Crosley. I will always love you baby always and forever love your sister La Renna

  • Johannesburg by Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I lost my sister in law 2 years ago. Her little baby girl was 4 months old and she was suffering from post partum depression.
I spent the last weekend with her, she unfortunately took her own life on Tuesday 13 April 2010. She was like my baby sister especially since I had know her since the age of 7. I still battle with her death on a daily basis... Your poem has touched me but also I have not stopped crying for the past hour... It is so hard!!!!

  • Gina by Gina
  • 13 years ago

My dear sister I lost her on January 9th 2012 she died of pneumonia. I will miss her she was a very strong woman to go through all of her pain and I will never forget her I learnt so much from her God has a place for her and I know she will be alright. I will always hold a place for her in my heart forever and I always love you Andrea.

  • Amanda. Hyde Park Ny by Amanda. Hyde Park Ny
  • 13 years ago

I lost my sister July 31st 2011 in a tragic drunk driving accident. my sister wasn't driving her boyfriend was. She was only 21. There is not a day that goes bye that I don't think of her. I try to visit her grave every once in awhile. We were real close as children but over the years we fell apart up until her last day on earth. God wanted her for a reason and we will never know. He got a very beautiful angel. Gone but not Forgotten

  • Jhanvi. India by Jhanvi. India
  • 13 years ago

I lost my sister 3 months back, it all jus happened in a week , she had a viral disease. My baby was just 16 years old and she was my darling lil sis. I can't yet believe it she is no more!

  • John by John
  • 13 years ago

MY sister was also killed in a car accident. On March 15 2011. Things will never be the same with our family. My two nieces now have no mom. It is really hard on them. We will always and forever remember our Sarah

  • Crissy by Crissy, North Carolina
  • 13 years ago

My sister was killed in a tragic car accident on my sons 3rd birthday 10/02/2010. She was the single mom of our little 4 year old angel girl. My niece has been so strong during all of this. I am so proud of the little person she has become. This poem really touched my soul. I never knew what it felt like to loose someone that close to you until her death. Makes you really think about life and every decision you make. Sometimes the grief is more than I can bare so I try to smile on the outside even when I am screaming on the inside. I always remind myself she was my sister but my parents daughter. Her death has really brought my mom and I closer together. We are now raising kids together.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

My big sister passed away two months ago February 8, 2011. We were best friends, twins, more than best friends, more than sisters its just a bond I can never explain. This poem made me think of my babygirl, everything does. She has a beautiful daughter who is 4 years old that we take care of the way she always did and how she would want us too. I love you more than anything Brittney Rose Crawford and miss you all the same!!! Love forever your lil sis

  • Steph.F by Steph.F
  • 13 years ago

I lost my 14 year old sister when I was 6. I am now 16. She passed away due to a car accident. My oldest sister's boyfriend was the driver and decided to play chicken with a 18 wheeler truck. this poem really made me think about things, I would like to say thank you.

  • Bunyan's Cove by Bunyan's Cove
  • 13 years ago

my sister was going to work when she was in a car accident. she was killed within 20 minutes. I can't get pass it at all. the day before she got killed I went to work with her. this poem really touched my heart thank you.

  • Sennette Gaoses by Sennette Gaoses, Keetmanshoop, Namibia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my li'l sister Oumait in a car accident about a month ago on 19 Sept'10. it's so painful to deal with this pain and this poem reflects exactly how I am feeling right now. I would have done anything for her and I know she would have too. I try to accept that God had his reasons for taking her from us.

  • Heather C. Pollard by Heather C. Pollard
  • 14 years ago

My big sister passed away in '04, two days before my 15th birthday, at the young age of 19. A car accident suddenly ripped her away from my mother and I. Not a day goes by that I still don't think of her, there is not a time that I visit her grave and I don't shed tears. I remember she used to ask me to iron her clothes or to sew buttons back on her clothes, and I would. And when times got tough she was the one I could go to and we would hold each other and cry. The poem reminded me of how my sister and I used to be. I miss you, Stacey, and always will.

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