Children Poem

Poem For Parents Of Children With Disabilities

Parents of children with disabilities want their children to be accepted, included and appreciated for their abilities while being shown compassion. They are often faced with rejection and fear. This poem speaks to the need that we all have to be accepted fro who we are. We all have more in common that we think.
Poem by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed., Special Needs Consultant and Trainer

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This is an amazing poem!! It touched my heart and soul. I have a 5-year-old son. He is the brightest light in my life. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when he was 14 months old. It was...

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Come Touch His Cheek


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2013 with permission of the Author.

This child of mine you stare at so,
Please come closer so you will know
Just who my child is and what I see
when those sweet eyes stare back at me
I see no limits to my child's life
Although I know
It will be filled with strife,
I'm hoping that doors will open each day
I'm praying that kindness
will come his way
You look frightened?
You tremble with fear?
Come, come closer
touch him my dear
Touch his cheek so soft
so sweet
Be one of those people
he needs to meet
Someone who will look
and hopefully see
The skill, the talent
The ability
Please come closer
You don't have to speak
Come a little closer
Just touch his cheek
And when you do
you will see
this sweet, sweet child
is no different
than you or me


visit Gary S. Shulman's site

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 3 years ago

This is an amazing poem!! It touched my heart and soul. I have a 5-year-old son. He is the brightest light in my life. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when he was 14 months old. It was due to lack of oxygen at birth as well as prematurity. He was born at 30 weeks and 6 days. He weighed 3 pounds 14 ounces. So many look at children with special needs as a burden. No child is a burden, special needs or otherwise. Yes, sometimes it may be a little more work and hard work at times, but in my eyes, my son makes my life easier and happier to live. The littlest things he may do can make my day. I am soooo grateful to have been blessed with him as well as his 17-year-old brother!

  • Gary Shulman by Gary Shulman Poet
  • 2 years ago

It warms my heart that my poem touched your soul so deeply. Thank you!!
Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.

  • Michael Jenkins by Michael Jenkins
  • 6 years ago

My 21-year-old son has a very rare genetic disorder. He weighs about 70 lbs., receives his nutrition via a feeding tube, and suffers approximately 5 to 10 seizures per day, which is down from 30 per day after recently implanted VNS to assist with seizure control. He does not speak, although he is very verbal. He is almost never angry because he is always smiling. His mode of mobility is a wheelchair, but he does not mind. He loves it. I am so proud of him. When I look into his eyes, I see love, contentment and complete peace. I can feel the love emanating from his eyes to me. For all who have no desire to experience that, I feel so sorry for you.

  • Marian Jordan by Marian Jordan
  • 6 years ago

This brought tears to my eyes. The feelings of the parents have been very well-expressed. It couldn't have been said any better.

  • Gary Shulman by Gary Shulman Poet
  • 4 years ago

It warms my heart that my poem touched you so deeply. Thank you!!
Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.

  • Thobekile Masango by Thobekile Masango
  • 7 years ago

I'm am touched by the writer of this poem because I have a 3 year old baby boy who has a leg problem. He can't walk properly. He stand on his tip toes, and he is not able to talk properly. I salute you. Well done. You just make me realize that I'm not alone.

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for speaking up for children in need. I hope that thru this poem, their voices will be heard.

  • Prisella  Hodge by Prisella Hodge
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me so deeply. I have a son who had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a speech impediment. He has been ridiculed on several occasions. I am there and have his back and always will. He is doing a lot better with his speech and is learning to deal with his ADHD. It's not over but we aren't stopping! Thank you for this poem. May God bless you and your son.

  • Michael .J Samakayi by Michael .J Samakayi, Zambia Africa
  • 10 years ago

I was born on 27 April 1995 in Solwezi the village in Zambia. I am the first in family of three children. I am Zambian citizen and Deafness is my disability. I was born with health hearing and I was diagnosis with spinal meningitis at the age of 12 and unfortunately I completely become deaf. It's hard to accept it because I thought my world was end at that stage.
Later, Despite losing my hearing. I went to school of hearing student. I started facing so many obstacles. Being the only Deaf at school of hearing, it was challenging. Because I couldn't understand the explanation of the teacher with my hearing and I was loner at school, most student were laughing at me and bullied me. It was really hard to cope with that. During final examinations for grade 7, I passed with good results better than hearing students.
Then I was taken to Deaf school. I continue learning sign language. After becoming aware of deaf community in Zambia. It really hurt that the government has not recognized our right and plight. And the only opportunity for the deaf in Zambia is teaching: No deaf lawyer or doctor.
As for me I want to do something that I wish of my choice. I don't view my deafness as disability but we are equal expect hearing and my deafness was a new birth of becoming deaf advocate for youth and children in Zambia and rest of the world.
I'm the founder and director of (International Deaf Education, Advocacy and Leadership- Zambia) I.D.E.A.L Zambia which is affiliated to the headquarter I.D.E.A.L in San Diego, USA.
My dream is in the USA for University so that I make reality of advocating so that make the world better place.

  • Rumbi by Rumbi
  • 8 years ago

I'm very touched with your story. I have a daughter with some learning difficulties. I do really understand what you are going through. May God bless you and accomplish your dream.

  • Madiha by Madiha, Pakistan
  • 10 years ago

Excellent. Beautiful poem. I just hope people start understanding that how painful it is for those parents who see their disabled children daily suffering and how much they want their children to be normal like other children. Hats off to the writer. A very heart-touching poem.

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