Compassion Poem

Poem About Caring About Others

I wrote this poem because of my compassion for people who are suffering. I have been writing poetry for over 50 years, and most of it is about caring for others.

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There's beauty all around you in what we see with the human eye. But there is a beauty that exceeds further that we can imagine. It's the beauty within yourself that shows the world a beauty...

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Beauty And Scars

© more by Marla J. Frazier

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2019 with permission of the Author.

Close your eyes and picture beauty.
What is it that you see?
A baby, a mountain, a river?
Or maybe an old oak tree?

There is beauty all around us,
But some of it's hard to find,
Perhaps in the eyes of a weary soul
To which life has not been kind.

Maybe a life so shattered
And their world torn apart.
Hurting and so very alone,
They live with a broken heart.

Look beyond what you see.
Love them for who they are.
Do this, and you will find
Beauty beneath the scars.



I just love writing poems! I have always had the sincere desire that my words would be able to help another person. To lift them up, to inspire them, and to help them through a difficult time. That is my hope, that my words would reach those that are hurting.

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  • Noah Sanchez by Noah Sanchez, Amarillo, Texas
  • 2 years ago

There's beauty all around you in what we see with the human eye. But there is a beauty that exceeds further that we can imagine. It's the beauty within yourself that shows the world a beauty that no words could ever describe...the human soul that has characteristics of God.

  • Rosalie Thomas by Rosalie Thomas
  • 4 years ago

I think words put together in a certain order can be amazing or sometimes hurtful. Scars are inside and out. Some don't think about the ones they don't see. Thank you for your poem. It helped me today. I'm very up and mostly down on myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Reading good words put together in a certain but individualized order can change a person's way of thinking. Even if just for a day. Thank You. I needed to read this.

This is a lovely poem. It's easy read and it shares a beautiful message. Many thanks to the poet.

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