Son Death Poem

Poem About Missing My Son

This poem is another dedication to my son, Liam, who died tragically last September. Since his death, I have found little comfort in anything apart from putting my feeling down on paper and conveying my thoughts to him in this way. I will never forget him, and I look forward to the day we will be together again.

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He had just found the meaning of what life should be. A son of his own on the way when he taken from me. As a mother of others, I am not alone, but there's a place in my heart that only he...

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For The Need Of You

© more by Deborah Robinson

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

I need you to touch,
I need you to see,
I need you so much,
I need you with me.

My life feels so empty,
My heart feels so cold.
I need you beside me,
I need you to hold.

Why were you taken?
I ask that each day,
But no one will answer,
I therefore now pray.

I pray that you're happy,
I pray that you're safe,
I pray that I'll hear you,
And that I have faith.

That's all I have now
I have to believe
In life beyond this one,
We all must achieve.

Come to me, son,
And whisper my name.
Tell me you're happy,
and I'll be the same.

My life at the moment
Is empty and dark.
The light that once shone
Has gone out in my heart.


more by Deborah Robinson

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brandy Prater by Brandy Prater
  • 3 years ago

Your poem touched me as I read it. I, too, am a mom to a 26-year-old son who left us way too soon in July 2021. Cody was a dad to 3 children that he loved very much. He was going through a separation from his spouse and made a choice to end his life. His heartbeat was brought back, and within 48 hours we were told he was pronounced brain dead. We made the choice to donate his organs so that someone else would have a chance at life. His organs saved 4 lives. My journey now is to tell his story and help others. I believe someday I will see him again. He will always be my son and I will always love and miss him every day of my life.

  • Kelly English by Kelly English
  • 3 years ago

Your poems were as if my heart was speaking the words. My son was murdered on July 4th 2021 He makes my 3rd son and a daughter in heaven. My heart is empty..
It helps me to be able to read these poems. If only for a few seconds, the pain & emptiness is at ease. Our children should never go before us. But it happens. People tell me how strong I am to lose 4 of my children when all I feel is empty and lost - but also safe that they are safe in heaven, and I will be with them when it's my time. So please keep posting, and thank you.

  • Isamar Diaz by Isamar Diaz
  • 5 years ago

This poem touched the core of my soul as my weeping heart cries silent tears that just fall down my cheeks like a rainy afternoon. I lost my 6 year old 18 months ago, and not a day goes by that I don't wish I could have done much more for him. I wish I didn't lose him so tragically. I could have lost both of my sons that day, but I guess God knew I needed one of my angels here with me. I just wish he would have let me keep both of them. Till this day I still don't understand why. He was so healthy full of life. I will never forget our last conversation as I walked him to his classroom that morning to telling him I'll see him when I get home, and I will never forget that beautiful smile of his as he glanced at me as we were giving our see-ya later hugs. My sweet boy, my Giovanni.

  • Gilly Clayton by Gilly Clayton
  • 6 years ago

There is a huge, gaping hole in my heart. I feel lost and empty. I cared for my disabled son for 38 years. He was cruelly taken from us within 24 hours after a 9 year life-threatening condition. I am now alone with my grief. We still have to say goodbye to him again next week, I don't know how I will cope with that day. He was unique; he laughed when he should have cried. He hid his pain so well; he smiled through to see others weren't hurting as he was. He was my world, and my love for him will never fade. I am so honoured to have had such a special person in my life, but I so wish he was still here by my side, just to be able to touch and hold him one more time, to tell him just how much he will be missed, as he never woke up from the night before. This is also my second son I have lost, losing my first at birth. How does one cope with this again?

  • Morgan Skinner by Morgan Skinner
  • 6 years ago

I lost my son on August 22, 2017. He was born on April 24, 2016. He was 2 days shy of being 16 months. This poem took the words right out of my heart and soul. I honestly don't know how to go on some days...

  • Georgia Greco-Georgantis by Georgia Greco-Georgantis
  • 6 years ago

I lost my 27-year-old son that day as well. I have been praying every night for that to be my last night on earth. I feel your pain. It's like never being able to take a breath.

  • Shami Joy by Shami Joy
  • 7 years ago

I lost the youngest of my twin sons 04/04/2017. He was only 17 months. It was a terrible accident. The pain is here every single day. Time heals everything as they say. But I'm still at this point where I can't find any reason why it happened. I'm still full of misery. Looking at his older twin makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because they should be growing together, experiencing what life has to offer. I sometimes think if only I had a choice to bring them back inside me so I can protect both of them all the time. Just to feel them squirming and turning inside me. I miss my Aidrik Colin so much it hurts.

  • Amber N Taglieri by Amber N Taglieri
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my 15 month son on July 25, 2017. He was born April 4 2016, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him. They said that he was my twin, and every day it's hard to look in the mirror, but when I do I see him, and I know that he is forever with me. I pray that each day the load that you’re carrying becomes a little bit lighter.

  • Gina Turnstill by Gina Turnstill
  • 7 years ago

I lost my 15 year old son 12 years ago today. He had a tragic accident. The pain my daughter and I go through every day is immense. We feel the hurt of losing such a big personality who lit up the room every time he walked in it. People say time is a big healer, but you never get over it; you just learn to cope. Over the years things like a song on the radio, or someone who looks similar to him or the fact that you see his friends growing and getting married and having children, that to me is the hardest to cope with. We miss him every single day and we will for the rest of our lives.

  • Sharon Walker by Sharon Walker
  • 7 years ago

Some things I thought I would never writing an obituary just for you. Through the grace of GOD it had to be done, for the wings had come for my only son. Suddenly you are gone at the age of twenty nine. Never ever should I have to bury a child of mine. Your deeds were good. YOUR heart was so, so sweet. I was left with your two children, a boy and a girl. Oh my, what a treat. They look just like you, and that gives me joy because their hearts were made from my baby boy. Your sister and I miss you, but your sis has a lot to do, but I don't and one day I will be there with you. It's been seventeen months yesterday, and my tears still flow daily as if you left me yesterday, my son.

  • Susan Aowrang by Susan Aowrang
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my son and only child, Frankee, to a single car accident on 7/15/17 at age 22. He just turned 22 on 6/23. My world has turned upside down. I can't imagine life without out him. I sit here wishing he'd come home from work, the gym, or from hanging with his friends. I keep asking God why did you take my sunshine away? He's all I had in this world. I have no more purpose in life anymore. Never thought it would be us.

  • 7 years ago

Seven months ago my only son left for work in the best of health, like he did for the past 8 years. We had a lovely conversation that morning. Little did I know that was our last talk. A stone's throw away from home he got off the bus to wait on his second bus to take him to work and collapsed and died, just 28 years old with no health problems whatsoever. He went to the gym, cooked his own dinner every single night, never put rubbish in his body, but he was gone in a split second. I, too, never thought I would have to bury my child. My heart has been shattered.

With all the troubles in the world today you were well behaved and mannerly. Your sisters and I miss you dearly. You were our king, as you called yourself. They say time is a great healer, but I ask how long is time? Because for me I know time is the rest of my life. I will always carry you. I remember as old as you were how you would run from the kitchen and jump unto my lap and say hold me like a baby. You lit up my life. Love always, your Muma Bear.

  • Roberta Wilson by Roberta Wilson
  • 7 years ago

Dear Sharon, how my heart goes out to you. I lost my second son in a road traffic accident five years ago this June 2017. I still feel so heartbroken, but we have in common the fact that he was also 29 years old. On his birthday I had to give consent to turn off the life support. I have four other sons, but the one you lose is still precious to you and to them. God Bless and keep you xx.

  • Hilary Mathurin by Hilary Mathurin
  • 8 years ago

I lost my older brother 2 days after Thanksgiving this year. He was only 23, and I'm 18. The pain I feel since is heart wrenching. I can't get him out of my head, his smile and laugh. We weren't close, so I feel so guilty and bad for not appreciating him more. They say don't take what you have for granted because it could be gone in the blink of an eye, but I never imagined my older brother being taken away the way it happened. It's not fair.

  • Sally Oldroyd by Sally Oldroyd
  • 8 years ago

It’s heartbreaking how much I relate to your poem. My beautiful boy has now been gone a whole two years. He was 25. It’s unimaginable, really. I have two other children…daughters, who I know are suffering too. Troy was a truly loving brother. All I know is that I want to be with him in the blink of an eye if I could. But I can’t, so I try to honor him by living life and fighting the disease that took him.

  • Jo-anne by Jo-anne
  • 8 years ago

My heart goes out to both of you and your families. My little man has now been with the angels for the past 26 months. The missing never goes away. The pain I am hoping will ease eventually. The longing for that last hug, giggle, laugh and love. I sit daily and speak to my little man. He was only 18 years old when he passed. I, too, have another son and am truly blessed that he is in my life. Sometimes I wonder if it was cruel or a gift to have had my Matty in our lives, and then I smile with all the beautiful memories he gave us, and I realize he was a gift from God. I was only allowed to have him for that time. He was a courageous warrior and he is missed on an hourly basis. Blessings to all that are reading this and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are not alone but very loved at all times.

  • Samir El Batsh by Samir El Batsh
  • 8 years ago

I lost my brother, I lost my twin. I remember the good and the bad. I wish I loved you more, I wish I showed you how you were the light and love of my life, something a friend could never replace.

  • Marilee Foster by Marilee Foster
  • 8 years ago

He had just found the meaning of what life should be. A son of his own on the way when he taken from me. As a mother of others, I am not alone, but there's a place in my heart that only he owns. The days seem to get harder as time passes by. I can't shake the heartache, not even with tears cried. Why did you only get 27 years? Your leaving so soon has filled me with fears. How will I get through the pain of each day? I'm scared that too much of me went away. You'd be proud of your son that was born after you passed. I promise to answer all the questions he asks. He will know that you loved him and the great man you were and you would be here with him if the accident didn't occur. I don't understand how a parent should grieve. I never imagined you'd leave before me. So now I am left with this unimaginable pain and the fact that I will never see you again. I'm not sure about heaven or where you might be, but dream of a day you will be back with me. Marilee Foster

  • Denise Elliott by Denise Elliott
  • 10 months ago

I know your pain I lost my 18 year old son. Jun 27th, 2020. It what they called it was a tragic accident. It occurred at the End River in NC. I haven't been to the site yet, but I have to go there to see where it happened.

  • Michael Schaaf by Michael Schaaf
  • 7 years ago

I know the pain. We lost our son at age 27. Our deepest sympathy and our prayers to you. God bless.

  • Toni Taylor by Toni Taylor
  • 8 years ago

I can empathize with you. My first born son died at only 27. It was four years ago, but people ask me how long ago did he die (should the conversation come up). It's like I should be over it now....they seem to think. But the pain only hurts more each day. He's my first thought when I wake - before I sleep and in between. I'm thankful for the time we had with Brett. He was everything to me. Yes, I'm still a mom to his brother who he loved so dearly. I just want see his face, touch his skin, or have that last laugh or kiss. God, oh Lord, why did he have to go before me? Fly away, my angel, to the light. I did not want you to be on the 27 club. I still hear you singing and playing your smart, so bright, my baby...

  • Robert by Robert
  • 8 years ago

My wife and I lost our 33 year old son over a year and a half ago.
You poem describes exactly how she feels. I am so terribly sorry for your loss and truly know the sense of loss you feel.

  • Jeanne Rathburn by Jeanne Rathburn
  • 7 years ago

I have lost two sons now and wonder about going on with a hole in my heart that deep and wide. My first was our baby and now our 23 year old son died a year ago in a car accident. The sadness only seems to grow, and I don't think friends understand this place that I'm in, still grieving for him, and they tend to stay away not knowing what to say. The tears still flow as I think of him. Wonder how I will go on...

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