Grandfather Poem

Goodbye Grandpa Poem

I wrote this for my granddad when he died from cancer

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This poem is so moving. My grandpa died Thursday. It was hard on all of the family. We always went to him for comfort. This poem is helping me get through my grief.

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© more by Jessica Styles

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

The smile on your face is a lasting memory in our hearts,.
Nothing in this world, not even life or death, can keep us apart.
You have always been the one we went to for advice,
Whenever we were just upset, or even just a bit uptight,
You always seemed to know the right thing to do and say,
But don't worry, you're still the one we go to.
We'll be together again one day.
We want to say thank you for being the best that you could be.
You're our confidant, our best friend, the head of our family.
Now it is time that you can finally stop worrying about us.
You can relax, have fun, you no longer need to fuss.
We know that if we need you, you'll be here by our side.
We do believe that even though you're not here with us,
This will never be goodbye,
We love you, and the happiness you have given us will last a lifetime.


more by Jessica Styles

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Victoria Rose Gray by Victoria Rose Gray, Illinois
  • 9 years ago

This poem is so moving. My grandpa died Thursday. It was hard on all of the family. We always went to him for comfort. This poem is helping me get through my grief.

  • Houston by Houston
  • 12 years ago

This made me cry my eyes out. I lost my grandfather 8 years ago all my sisters have dreamt of him and him telling them he loves them but I haven't. For 3 years straight I cried myself to sleep blaming Jesus why he took my grandfather. That didn't do me any good so I stopped blaming Jesus and prayed all night till this day forward!!! I would do ANYTHING for him to come back......anything

  • Jessica by Jessica, PA
  • 14 years ago

My grandpa died 5 years ago. I was the last to know he had cancer I was the last to see him before he left us. To me its like yesterday we said good bye. He was my best friend some one I looked up to someone that I wanted to be like. He left us with nothing but love and this poem make me think of him thanks.

  • Abhilasha by Abhilasha
  • 14 years ago

Hey this poem is simply wonderful... I lost my grandad less than a month ago.. he died in front of me and my family.... this poem has given me soo much support thanx

:) Abhilasha

  • Jessica by Jessica, Warnes Bay
  • 14 years ago

That was absolutely touching, Jess! I was crying straight away! I know how much Grandfathers mean to people. Mine is 75 and I never want him to pass away. That was FANTASTIC! You should make more and publish them some how! ( If you can do that...)

I'm very sorry about your grandfather.
Jess :)

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