Heartbreak Poem by Teens

A sad love poem about a girl who was cheated on. One of the best poems I've ever written.

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I’m almost 15, and about a month ago I found out my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me. He’s 16, and we were dating for about a month when I found out. I don’t think I’ve ever cried...

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Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

When I hold his hand, I become invincible.
Nothing could ever go wrong.
When I hear his voice, it makes my day.
His voice is a beautiful song.

When I look at him, my legs turn to jelly
His eyes sparkle like stars.
When I kiss him, you can feel the love
From as far away as Mars.

You protected me, you held me,
From the day that we did meet.
When you're around, my heart thumps
A fast and loving beat.

But the love I thought would never end
Vanished into the night.
The love I thought we'd always share
Had taken away my sight.

I knew that you loved me, but you
Loved another much more.
You simply used me as a stepping stone,
Left me crumpled on the floor.

I sleep no more. I lie awake,
My pillow stained with tears.
My heart has broken into two
And left me with nothing but fears.

I tell myself, "I don't need you,"
But I know it's a lie.
Because, if I'm without you, then
I will surely die.

By Jess Austin, aged 12


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anonymous 15 by Anonymous 15
  • 5 years ago

I’m almost 15, and about a month ago I found out my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me. He’s 16, and we were dating for about a month when I found out. I don’t think I’ve ever cried that much before. Then about 3 days later I found out that all my close friends knew about him cheating when it started and they never told me. Instead, they laughed at me for being stupid enough to fall for him.

  • Phumudzo by Phumudzo
  • 10 years ago

I'm only 14 with my boyfriend who is also 14. He cheated on me with my friend and his friends told me that they where talking together. When I asked him he said to me he doesn't love my friend they're friends but every time when I'm around my friend he doesn't treat me the same.

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