Brother Death Poem

How Life Would Be

This year would have been my brother Nicholas' 21st birthday on September 15. And on that day we'll put a proper gravestone over him. He died after just 13 days with us due to a heart condition, and although we never met (I was born almost exactly 2 years after), I couldn't help but think about him and who he would be. I tried to fit my family into the poem, so each of us have a line in the poem that explains us, and if he perchance would be like us in those ways.

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This is so perfect to how I feel. My brother passed away before I was born and I was named after him, so I have always felt this massive connection and sometimes emptiness and jealousy that I...

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I Often Wonder


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me.
I often wonder if you'd make them proud, would you be quiet or would you be loud?
I often wonder if you'd be class clown, bring someone up if they were down.
I often wonder if you'd be bright, be the type who is always right.
I often wonder if you'd be like Dad, and be the rock for those who're sad.
I often wonder if you'd be like Mom, and the one to keep us calm.
I often wonder about you brother, and how us five could use another.

I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me.
I often wonder if we would bond, would you be like me and blond?
I often wonder if we'll meet one day, about the words we'll choose to say.
I often wonder, I must confess, if us not meeting hurts more or less?
I often wonder if when we cry, is that just how we must say goodbye?
I often wonder, I just can't resist,  to think about the good times that you have missed.
I often wonder late at night, if on a cloudy day, you're a ray of light.

I often wonder how life would be, if you were still down here with me....


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Miki T by Miki T
  • 7 years ago

This is so perfect to how I feel. My brother passed away before I was born and I was named after him, so I have always felt this massive connection and sometimes emptiness and jealousy that I am the only one who didn't get to meet him. But I know he is always around. I can always feel him, and I cannot wait for the day I finally get to meet him.

Thank you for putting into words all the things I couldn't. I hope you don't mind I used this poem on my Facebook as a dedication to my brother for what would have been his 32nd birthday today.

  • Amaia by Amaia, England
  • 9 years ago

Recently I've been having similar thoughts about my brother I never had the chance to meet, he died during delivery a year before I was born and since I've always wondered what he'd be like. But only in recent months as I've been going through some familial issues, it made me think even more, what would it be like to have an older brother to lean on? As the eldest child you never get that security of having someone older to go to when you need it. It's a difficult feeling to describe, it's as if I'm lonely and that I miss him, although I never met him? This poem really embodied a lot of my thoughts about him.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Anonymous
  • 9 years ago

My name is Kaitlyn. My little brother, Jonah, was a miss-carriage. This poem is exactly my everyday thoughts about the baby brother I never knew. And I often wonder, all these things mentioned in this poem. All the 'What if's' and what would he look like? How would he act? Would he be more like mom or more like dad? Would we of had anything in common? These haunt me everyday, and I can just feel the connection to this poem...
I just can't put into words how well this fits in with my thoughts...

  • Sarah by Sarah, Hayward
  • 10 years ago

I had a twin brother who died in the womb. To this day I wonder what if. When I was a child I missed him so much that I came up with a name for him and pretended that he was my imaginary friend and that he was real. My friends all knew about him and pretended that he was real, too. It is said that twins experience a special connection, even in the womb. That could explain why I still miss him.

  • Kaitlynn by Kaitlynn
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem! I lost my baby brother the same day he was born. I was not able to see him, since I was on the way to the hospital when we got the call. I often wonder what he would be like. Although I never really knew him, I miss him so much!

  • Peter by Peter
  • 11 years ago

I have been through almost the same thing my brother was born with no kidneys or pipes. He was my younger brothers twin. I was two years old when he was born, so I do not recall him not at all. I always think about him about how I could help him with his homework and teach him how to talk to girls. I never had that chance with my younger brother. He was always with my older brother. I wish I could go back in time some times and give him mine. I feel your pain and hope it subsides with time. Best wishes

  • Rhoofhigh by Rhoofhigh, Lagos
  • 12 years ago

As a matter of fact, I was looking for a poem to inspire me more on my own writing, when I came across this one. I can only say it's awesome and very touching. I have written series of poems for my brother, but I just can't be satisfied. I love him so much though he was my half brother. And @Amy, your poem is really great!

  • Grace by Grace
  • 12 years ago

My brother has not passed yet but he is much much older than I. My father had to work to support us, we immigrated from Italy by his dedication and love for his family. My brother stepped in and showed me the love and beauty of having a brother. Through out my life I have been blessed to have such a brother and to have had the chance to have him in my life. Even though this young man's brother was not on this earth to grow with him, he certainly grew in his heart. This surely shows how powerful the love of a sibling can be, the blood that connects one another is the bond that creates the undying love forever, even when death intervenes. God bless you Christian, you are awesome.

  • Amy by Amy
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother on 10/11/11 on his 29th birthday in a self-inflicted hunting accident. He shot himself in the head while drinking and trying to shoot out the window of his pickup. I will miss him forever and so will his parents and niece and nephews. Please teach your children not to drink and use guns. If only we could turn back the clock. I wrote this poem for my brother...

If God calls me Home and I'm not done
Help me finish the things I left undone

Close my curtains, but leave the sun
Live a good life, promise to have fun

See the world, send me a postcard
Buy me a little house with a big yard

Saddle up my horse, take him for a ride
Remember I am sitting by your side

If He calls me Home and I'm not done
Run hard, finish the race I should have won

Tell my dad he was my best friend
Kiss my mother's cheek and hold her hand

Buy yourself a gift and put it under the tree
Open it and say it's from me

Remember I tried my best
Hold my memory close and forget the rest

If God calls me Home and I'm not done
Help me finish the things I left undone

Find a pretty woman and make her your wife
Raise a family and have a good life

I'm not gone, just in a place you can't see
Let me watch over you and let the past be

When God calls you Home, I will be near
Inside His gates, waiting right here

I am a brother, an uncle, and a son
Live life and help me finish what I left undone

Cody Joseph White RIP

  • Kathie by Kathie, Canada
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. I lost my son six years ago. He was 29. Your words touched me because they made me think of my grandchildren who never got to meet their uncle. He would have been such a great uncle to them. Kids loved him. I like the way you included all of your family members. You will meet your brother one day. I do believe this to be true.

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