Brother Death Poem

Poem About Losing A Brother

Dedicated to Zeneda McGhee

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I am devastated at the loss of my only sibling, my lovely, caring, intelligent little brother. He was only 54. He had had more than his fair share of heartache, loss and unhappiness in his...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

My memories are what I have left,
and a lesson I will not forget.

The time has come when time is no more
and all that's left was once before.

The memories so dear and true,
those memories of me and you.

Although we fell and stumbled at times,
all those hills were necessary climbs.

All the times when your heart shined through
are the greatest memories I have of you.

I will always remember you, brother of mine.
In my heart I will keep you, so I will be fine.

I will go forward with my head up high.
It might be hard, I cannot lie.

But in my heart you will be,
moving forward, you with me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rosa by Rosa
  • 4 years ago

I am devastated at the loss of my only sibling, my lovely, caring, intelligent little brother. He was only 54. He had had more than his fair share of heartache, loss and unhappiness in his life. His body gave in to a long battle with alcohol addiction. He passed away peacefully in Intensive Care with ESLD. I am truly heartbroken.... I wish him everlasting peace, a peace that he could not find in life. Goodnight little brother Peter, sleep well. I love you so much!

  • Helen by Helen
  • 8 months ago

I understand your loss and pain Rosa. My brother was just a day into 55 when he passed suddenly,- except different circumstances, it was me who found him. He too battled heartache in his life and struggled with things, but he was my best friend and only brother and he left an ache in my heart that has never gone away. I still find it hard to talk about it. Good luck with your life. I wish you well.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

My elder brother, the eldest child in the family of six children, died in an accident. He was more loving, caring and sensitive towards me than the others in the family as I was a sickly child. His loss still pains me after thirty years. The memories will be there until my death.

  • Tammi Dowling by Tammi Dowling
  • 7 years ago

Our son was killed in a car accident on 8/20/2017. He has a twin brother, Joe. This poem touched me. This was a tremendous loss for the entire family, although his brother has a connection with Eric no one else can fathom, a connection that happened even before birth. I am going to share this with him. I hope it can in some way help him deal with the pain of the loss of his brother and best friend.

  • Pauline Kawchak by Pauline Kawchak
  • 7 years ago

On April 6, 2016, my son was walking down the railroad tracks. He passed out and was run over by a train. This was so devastating, and these poems help me. It's been almost a year, and my heart aches for him.

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