Mother Death Poem

Grief Over Mother Lost To Lung Cancer

I was blessed to have my beautiful mother for 58 years of my life. She was diagnosed with lung cancer February 14, 2008 and went to be with Jesus September 26, 2008. She was the kind of mother who lived for her children, grandchildren & whoever needed her. She was loved and is missed dearly by everyone who knew her.

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I can relate. I lost my mom this year in May 2020. We spent 15 wonderful years together. I see and walk by her room every day, and the "whys" come on, trying to navigate this life without...

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Missing Mama

© more by Claudia Lee

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

I awake each morning to start a new day,
But the pain of losing you never goes away.
I go about the things I have to do,
And as the hours pass, I think again of you.
I want to call you and just hear your voice.
Then I remember that I have no choice,
For you are not there and now my heart cries
Just to see you again, to tell you goodbye.
To say, "Mama I love you and I always will,"
And hope that much of you in me you've instilled.
The day that you left I just didn't know
That you were going where I couldn't go.
And now all my memories of you are so dear,
But gosh, how I miss you and wish you were here.
Who now can hear me when I need to cry?
It's so hard to tell you, "Mama goodbye."
Someday I know all will be well
And I'll see you again with stories to tell
Of how you were missed and how we have grown
And how good it is to finally be home.
Until then my memories of you I'll keep near,
And I'll pass them on to those who are dear.
I miss you, Mama!


more by Claudia Lee

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dena McCormick by Dena McCormick
  • 4 years ago

That is such a beautiful poem. It says all the things I feel every second of every day when I am missing my mom too. Growing up you know someday you will lose your parents and it will be hard, but it is so much harder than anyone can imagine. Thank you for expressing yourself and sharing it with others. It comforts me to know I am not alone. I was only 41 when my mom died in 2017, so all my close friends still have their moms, and that makes it hard not to be bitter that I didn't get to have more time. I wasn't done needing her. I too will miss my Mama forever.

  • Kim Kuhns by Kim Kuhns
  • 5 years ago

This touched me so deeply. I lost my mom 6 months ago from a freak accident. She went in to have a stint put in one side of her bladder because it was only working 5%. Everything went perfect, and she went home. They were going to repeat the same thing on the other side in 2 weeks. They did it, but she was in so much pain, so they did a test and said she had a little blood building up, so they rushed back into surgery, but they found no blood. Her pain was so bad that they kept her asleep with pain meds for a few days. I was gonna go see her that night but was told just wait til tomorrow when they wake her up. She woke up at 3am and told the nurse she couldn’t breathe. She passed away from a blood clot in her lungs. At 7am I was told the horrible news and went to the hospital to see my best friend, my momma, my everything, laying there lifeless. I don't know how to stop hating myself for not going to see her that night.

  • Kevin Goleman by Kevin Goleman
  • 4 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. My Mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2010 and she succumbed to it just this past May. We were lucky, so lucky to be given that time. Moms last few month were very painful. February she had an emergency operation to repair a perforated bowel which kept her in a rehabilitation center for the remainder of her life. March Covid-19 locked down the facility so we couldn't get in to see her. We would visit her through her window. Watched her lonely and scared by herself. She had no one to lean on. I should have done something ,but what? She knew we loved her and wanted to do something but couldn't. I'm sure your Mom knows you love her and would've done anything to be there, but you just didn't know. Don't be hard on yourself. Only if we could tell the future We would all do it differently. God Bless you and thank you

  • Arpita by Arpita
  • 5 years ago

It is never easy to define a great loss, especially when it is one's mother. I lost my mother in 2014 and ever since then, I've felt this hollow in my heart and every time I see her picture, tears roll down my eyes. I feel there is so much to say, but often I fall short of words. Reading your poem is like reading my mind - the very feeling that I could not put in words. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem.

  • Rebecca Araujo by Rebecca Araujo
  • 5 years ago

May 12, 2019 will be the first Mother's Day without my mom. How I miss her so deep within my being, to the core. She passed away last year in October, the same month my youngest sister passed away decades ago. I feel so alone some days with my 2 best friends (my sister and mom) gone. I lean on my faith in God that I too will have eternal life and see them once again. Until then, almost every moment is consumed with thoughts of my mom and a question that will never be answered, why? I will truly miss her laughter, the humor that announced itself during the most difficult times in our lives. The challenges and heartache she faced, the ones I knew about, I saw her strength. The ones she kept close to her heart that no one ever knew about showed up in her perseverance to live. She preached forgiveness and love all the time, even at times when it seemed too ridiculous to forgive or love. I learned in the rough of life how to be gentle, loving, humorous and forgiving from her, my mom.

  • Rosemary by Rosemary
  • 4 years ago

I can relate. I lost my mom this year in May 2020. We spent 15 wonderful years together. I see and walk by her room every day, and the "whys" come on, trying to navigate this life without her. It's a struggle every day. I'm so used to doing everything for her, eating breakfast, dinner, talking to her about her everything. My world, my heart is so empty and broken. The holidays are coming, and I'm not looking forward it. Mom not being here will not be the same. She gave me purpose and strength. She was a strong, independent woman, and I know I get that from her. Seeing her pictures, hearing songs just rips me apart because she's not here with me. It's so quiet without her, but I look towards the Lord and know she's with my dad looking down on me. This hurts to just say that, but I do have faith in the Lord.

  • Sati Maharaj by Sati Maharaj
  • 6 years ago

My darling mother passed away in Whiting, Indiana, at the age of 71. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her. I have read your poems and shared them with my siblings. It was very comforting. Now I know that's it's natural to miss my mother and that I am not alone. Thank you so very much.

  • Richard, London by Richard, London
  • 6 years ago

On March 22, 2017 (last year), my wife lost her dear brother to leukemia. He was 57. On March 9th of this year, she lost her brother-in-law to a brain tumor that grew from nothing to the size of an orange in 8 weeks (he was 64). His funeral is tomorrow (March 20th) which also happens to be our 19th wedding anniversary. Six hours ago, we found out my wife's 84 year old mother had passed away during a trip to India. On top of all this, our 19 year old niece (my wife's late brother's daughter) has just been submitted to hospital with cancer of the uterus. Will it ever end?

  • Abdullah by Abdullah
  • 7 years ago

I am deeply saddened by the death of my parents. I lost my mother on May 22, 2007, when I was in class 8, and then I lost my father on October 2, 2010, when I was in form 2. Whenever I saw some parents with their children walking and talking, I felt like crying. No days passed without me thinking about my good parents. I thought about what our lives would look like if they were still alive. With the grace of God, I struggle hard to complete my education. I know I am a grown up person, but I still need parental care. Above all, God's love is the best, and he cares for us more than we could ever love someone. May the almighty God reward our parents with paradise.

  • Angela Boyett by Angela Boyett
  • 7 years ago

This poem really hit home. I lost my Mama 2 months ago from lung cancer. It is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. The grief is unbearable. I don't know how to go on without her. I miss you so much, Mama, and I'll love you for eternity.

  • Bernice   Arruda by Bernice Arruda
  • 7 years ago

Be strong. I lost my mom and dad within 8 months of each other. The pain is very unbearable. Sometimes I don't know how to go on in life. It is very hard. Just don't give up. Your mom would not want you to give up, so just keep fighting. And never give up.

  • Maggie Jackson by Maggie Jackson
  • 9 years ago

I have been reading these poems for a half an hour, and I have been near tears since minute one. This poem broke the flood gates. My mom means everything to me. I can't even imagine a world without her. God bless, and I am sorry for your loss.

  • E.Christian by E.Christian, Memphis
  • 10 years ago

On 04-28-2008 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung and brain cancer. She was later given 3 months to live. When I was finally told what was going on, I remember feeling as if I was having an outer body experience. I thought this can't really be happening. We went through radiation, and chemo treatments, and then hospital stays. I remember the last hospital visit. When I was leaving, my mom made my sister and I take her straight to the voting polls, because she wanted to be a part of history voting for her president. She was such a strong woman. She taught us a lot about life. On her last day I remember going and talking to her before I got ready for work. We talked for about 10 minutes. I said I love you and will be back to say bye before I leave. She she o.k and I Love You too. As I walked out of the room something said turn around, when I did I noticed that she had started to transition. I was so helpless, I could not help her to fight for life. All I could do was hold her hand as tears flowed down my face. One last I Love You, & one last goodbye! Mom, life has not been the same, but I thank you for all you taught us along the way. Gone, but never forgotten! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Momma! Today you would have been 66 years young!
Shirley Anne
1/24/1949 - 12/09/2008

  • L by L, California
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for your poem, my Mom was 47 years old when she was diagnosed at the end of October 2011 and then died three weeks later on November 21, 2011. I was 17 years old, my older sister was 19 and my younger was barely 6 (she turned 6 in September). My dad was 46. God's hand has been upon us the entire time but we still miss her every single day.

  • Dess Ranee Byram by Dess Ranee Byram
  • 7 years ago

My mother had to have a 1/4 of one of her lungs removed when she was 21 years old due to pneumonia. I was 25 years old when she passed away on 12/25/1989, Christmas morning at 3am. She was 47 years old. My life change from that moment on. I couldn't celebrate Christmas until two years ago, and that saying in Texas, "As time goes on, it gets easier," sorry, not for me. It has only gotten harder for me. I miss my mother more and more every day that goes by. My life feels so empty without her, and the longer my mother is gone, my body, my soul, and my life, is so much more painful. I feel all alone. I need my mother to talk to and give me advice to comfort me. I love you, and I miss you so much, Mother.

  • Doris Cary Mississippi by Doris Cary Mississippi
  • 10 years ago

Where do I start? Missing my mom. My heart aches, everyday. My mom died 11/4/13 to ovarian cancer. My brother, next to me was in another hospital, five minutes apart from each other. He didn't get to see her or to say goodbye. Or attend her funeral. He suffer from 8 strokes on the brain. Moma took care of him after his wife, left him with us. We had to tell him that she left us. Now he is back in ICU. We are 6 rooms down from where mommy left us. Mom we miss you. Tears, broken hearts. And trying to fill your shoes, taking care of our brother, he asks for you all the time, Lord help us. He's been on the ventilator over a month. But God is taking care of him and us. Thank you Jesus, for your mercy And Grace. Pray for us. God knows best.

  • Trish Francesco by Trish Francesco
  • 10 years ago

On July 28, 2008 my Mother went to be with my Dad. She was diagnosed on Feb 29.2008 on her 81st birthday. What a birthday present for her. She passed 5 months later of Terminal Cancer. It was so hard seeing her in so much pain. I hated it!!!! Now she has a Perfect Body and with my Dad enjoying eternity together. Now they are there with my Sister Linda and Brother Jimmy, they are all together again.

  • James Slaughterbeck by James Slaughterbeck, Delphi
  • 10 years ago

Omg,I miss my mom so much, she died on Nov 14, 2013 of cancer in left lung and liver...every day I think of you mom and get angry because of it. This death thing we must bare cannot be from a loving, compassionate God...there is no amount of love or compassion associated with the experience of death, trying to cope the best I can but having problems accepting this....

  • Herlinda by Herlinda, California
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom on Sep. 8 2013 .She was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma on May 2012. She lived for her children and her granddaughter. She is not suffering anymore she is with God. This poem says it all. I know I will see her again its not goodbye mom, till I see you again. I know I will. She was 60 years old.

  • Billy Belfast by Billy Belfast
  • 11 years ago

My wife Kim died on 16/10/2013 only seven weeks after diagnoses with adeno carcinoma. It feels like half of me is now missing. I cannot describe the feeling of loss that I feel but am relieved that her pain is at an end and she is at home with God. The words of this poem bring comfort in a time of great loss.

  • Jeanne by Jeanne, Spain
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Mum from Lung Cancer last year in October. It took just 3 weeks from diagnosis to her departure. This pain never goes away, I still can not believe that I will never see her again. My Father now lives with me. He is a lost soul. The words in this poem are my voice to my Mum. My Guardian Angle now watches over me. Miss you Mum each and every day.

  • Shanna by Shanna
  • 5 years ago

You will see her again someday when it is your time to go. She will be waiting for you at the gate. But you are right about one thing; the pain never goes away. It will always be there, but she will always be in your mind and heart.

  • Susan by Susan, Louisiana
  • 11 years ago

My mother was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor 8 years ago. She passed away on September 2, 2012. She was - like so many others have said - my best friend. She lived a wonderful life -92 years old. She was the most unselfish person I've ever known and just as spry as they come. I am so blessed to have called her Mama. She taught me how to be a Mama. Now my daughter is expecting a little girl of her own - due at about the same time that Mama passed away. Aubree would have been my Mother's first great-granddaughter. I pray God gives her a peak from heaven.

  • Brandy by Brandy
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched my heart May 31, 2012 is the day my life changed. It was the day we found out my mom had stage 4 Lung cancer. She suffered through treatments. Watching her go through that was so hard. She died on October 3, 2012 5 days after my 30th birthday and twenty days before her 55th birthday. My mom was a kind and loving person. Even when she was sick she would sometimes say it could be worse. I miss her so much! Some days I don't want to get out of bed. I was lucky enough to be with her when she left this world. My heart breaks every day for her.. Rest in peace momma! I love you so much.

  • Allen by Allen, Arizona
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my mother less than a month ago. She was diagnosed with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer in October 2012. She had no health nor life insurance. She was given a 5% chance to last 8 months if left untreated. I went from hospital to hospital and begged them for help to no avail. I spent a month bouncing from the state insurance office to the social security office and finally I got her Medicare. She went through 17 radiation treatments and was about to start her chemotherapy when a fungal infection started in one lung and pneumonia in the other and it gradually shut down all her organs. My mom was an amazing woman. She faced it with no fear with the intent of conquering it. I am an only child and my mother has been divorced for 25 years so I was really close to her. I stuck by her side through all the nausea, breathing treatments, emergency room visits, and eventually 4 days straight at hospice. The empty alone feeling is overwhelming. She was my best friend. I miss her so much.

  • David by David
  • 7 years ago

Allen, I just went through the same identical story with my mom. It's hard, and the emptiness is the hardest thing. My mom was awesome like yours. Peace be with you and your mom in heaven.

  • Cindy by Cindy
  • 11 years ago

Gissle, please contact me. our stories are similar.
I just lost my Mom two wks ago. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on Dec 20th. She had her first and only chemo treatment on Christmas Eve. The week of Christmas and the following wk she was deathly ill. I called her oncologist on a Sunday night and he wanted my Dad and me to take her to the emergency room immediately. She stayed in the hospital for 9 days. During those 9 days her oncologist called a family meeting to tell us 10-15% of cancer cells don't respond to platinum based chemo and sadly my Mom fell into that low percentage. He said there wasn't anything they could do for her. Mom asked how long she had to live. He said two to six months. She was released from the hospital to go home to receive hospice care to prepare to die. She died 12 days later on Feb 2nd.
When we love deeply we grieve deeply. My Mom was my very best friend in this world. I miss her tremendously. My grief is, at times, overwhelming.

  • Erica by Erica, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My mother died at 48 from stomach and colon cancer. She was diagnosed on April 2011 and passed on August 27, 2011. I hadn't read anything that I could relate to until now. Those 5 months were the longest but at the same time the shortest months I had to live. Seeing someone you love go through so much pain and suffering is the hardest thing I've had to live through.

  • Sissa by Sissa
  • 12 years ago

I Lost My Mom a month ago after she fought lung cancer for over 2 years but in the end Guess who won?? every day as I close my eyes I see her shadow in front of me and remember her sweet smile and fell like smelling her perfume again and as I wake up I run to her room to remember that she is not there she won't be there anymore I start crying again
They say time heal all wounds but time make mine deeper I'm 18 years and loosing my mom makes me feel like I'm much older I wish the pain get easier I wish to stop crying.
I want to be with my mom again.

  • Louse by Louse
  • 12 years ago

My grandad passed away on the 26th of October 2011 (4 days after my 12 birthday) I was really upset because he was always there for me even when no one else was there.

God bless grandad. Rest In Peace!
from louse (granddaughter)
denise (daughter)
john (son)
chris (grandson) 5 today.

love you grandad. miss you loads!!!!!xxxxx

  • Ava by Ava
  • 12 years ago

I was just 7 years old when my mom died from lung cancer. There is never a day I don't miss her. My mother died at age 43

  • Julie by Julie, Maryland
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Dear Sweet Mother to Lung Cancer on Sept 7, 2012.. She was 80 yrs old. She was my best Friend and Strength . I know she isn't suffering anymore and she is with my Dad now. I WISH THEY COULD FIND A CURE TO THIS NASTY DISEASE ...

  • Flora by Flora, Dallas
  • 12 years ago

My sister died May 1, 2012 from breast cancer. If we missed a day from calling each other, it was a given that we would talk the next day. I loved the sound of her voice. She was the baby girl, yet she was the adult when it came to love and understanding one another. God granted me the Blessing to be with her when she took her last breath. I learned so much from her. However, the one thing that she could not teach me was how to carry on without her. This is something that only the Grace of God has taught me. I miss you Janet. Praying that I will see you again.

  • Cynthia by Cynthia, Maryland
  • 12 years ago

My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in February 2011 and spread to her brain a few months later, the doctors removed it but 4 months later it grew back in her brain. She went to cancer treatment center of America but they gave her no hope. She lost the battle on March 4th 2012 and I miss her so much. So I wanted to thank you for writing this poem. It fits me perfectly.

  • Heather by Heather, Johnson City
  • 12 years ago

My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer on Dec. 28th and she left me 3 weeks later... we did not even have time to deal with the fact she had cancer, we were laughing and enjoying Christmas one min then the next week she left me..

  • Uk by Uk
  • 12 years ago

This made me cry. My Mom is fine. But still I don't realize her importance sometimes and stay self centered. Seeing all your grief's gave a reality check. I love my mom.

  • Ryanna by Ryanna
  • 12 years ago

You guys are so lucky that you have been together with your mama until the day that god called her back home, till this days I wander around and think where is my mother dearest gone, I wish I know where she's gone, could be somewhere around here, I was born in 1993 so I never get to know who my real mother is but this poem is keeping the tears in my eye, knowing that it isn't only me that's wanting for where my mother is. Now I know yours is in a better place but where is mine ?
Heart and prayer go out to Claudia, she's watching over you and knows what your going through

  • Baltimore by Baltimore, Md
  • 12 years ago

My mother was 57 years old and diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2005 and died October 2005. It was like night and day how this disease took its toll on her. She stayed strong and told me I would be ok. I was 33 with two kids, 2 and 5. I was like a baby and I still am. No one can take her place. I miss her every day. I took for granted she would be here a long time but I never took her for granted. I loved her as hard as she loved me. And that quality I wish to pass to my kids. Mommy I love & miss you. Thank you for giving birth to me 40 years ago on this day.

  • Natalia by Natalia, Uk
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for your lovely poem. It relates so much to how I feel. My beautiful mama passed away on 22 April 2011 from uterine and bowel cancer at age of 72 after being diagnosed about 18 months previously. I miss her so much. I want to hear her voice and call her and share my news - just like in this poem. I had 22 bereavement counseling sessions and everybody was saying that the time will heal, but the pain is still there and it is not getting any better. I feel very guilty and think of things that I could have done better to protect and save my mama. She was young and beautiful and she should not have died. I see my mama in my dreams almost every night and often she is crying. My beautiful mamochka I love you so much and I miss you.

  • Boston by Boston
  • 13 years ago

My father recently passed on 12/22/11 from lung cancer he was diagnosed in 10/2010. This has left so much pain in me I am so lonely..and I even can't believe this happened. I try to keep myself busy but nothing works. I miss him so much words can't explain my feelings, miss you and love you..

  • Dubai by Dubai
  • 13 years ago

My mother was diagnosed with cancer of tongue (she never smoked or never chewed tobacco) She died after 14 months of treatment, surgery & radiation on Sept. 2010
Dear Mama I am badly missing. Not a single day passes without your thought. Sorry mama we couldn't save you. Plaese..plaese..please come in my dreams every day.

  • Stacey by Stacey, NY
  • 13 years ago

Feb 2011 we were informed that our mother had a brain tumor which was caused by her lung cancer. She then had surgery to have the tumor removed. The operation was successful, and shortly after she started chemotherapy. All seemed to be going well then all of a sudden she started going downhill again. She wasn't eating, or barely drinking any fluids. That's when we got the horrible news that yet another tumor had returned, but this time couldn't be reached through surgery, and since she still had traces of the chemo in her body the doctors stated there was no more that they could do and advised us to call in hospice. My sisters spent 3 weeks at my moms house although hospice was there. I am grateful for the time we spent with her the last few weeks of her life, but at the same time we were scarred deeply as we watched her suffer. She rests with her sister who had passed only 8 days before her from leukemia. R.I.P. Mom 7/22/11 R.I.P Aunt Fran 7/14/11

  • Shea Turner by Shea Turner
  • 13 years ago

I am only 14 but I have a 5 year old brother.. My momma died a year ago 2 months ago.. But I think about her everyday.. She had breast cancer stage 5, a brain tumor, and something else I can't remember.. But one day I was in school and this girl was like Your mom.. and I was like my mom is dead.. She thought I was joking but I wasn't so she started laughing.. That day I really wanted to kill myself so I could see my mom again.. But it would just make it harder on my brother.. This poem really helps me

  • Tatyana by Tatyana, Birmingham
  • 13 years ago

On August 21 My daughter died from OD. She was 28, so young. My heart is bleeding, I'm numb. Your poem is a scream from my heart. I miss my baby every second, every minute. I know I'm not alone. I wish I could change it.
Thank you very much for your poem.

  • Susana by Susana, London
  • 13 years ago

I have lost my dad he was 72 and died on 5th August 2011. It was the worst day of my life, I miss him so much I'm finding it hard to take it in, I can't believe how he was taken away in his sleep and I didn't have the chance to say goodbye, just so hard. The only man in this world that believed in me with his pure love, I just wish that I could kiss him and hug him and tell him that I love him so much. Love you dad you're the best dad ever. Lovely poem thanks for sharing.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Texas
  • 13 years ago

My Mama was 84 years old when she died, her health had been going down for years but this was unexpected. She had lived with my husband & myself for several years & I was her main caregiver. Sometimes I think back and feel so bad about the lack of patience I sometimes had with her. Oh, if I could just do it all over again, I would hug her frail little body to me every day and tell her how much I love and appreciate her. I don't care how old you are, to lose your mother is something you never get over. Life goes on and memories become bittersweet, but I am forever changed. Thanks for the poem which expresses my feelings well.

  • Chris by Chris, United States
  • 13 years ago

My mother was 37 when she was diagnosed with LAM, she lived for 9 years when the doctors said she'd only live for 5. She dealt with a double lung transplant, pneumonia, melanoma, and finally another type of lung cancer before she finally died. She was a hero and she loved God with all her heart. She fought through all the pain and suffering just so I could have a mother. I am not a crying kind of guy but this poem made me sob. Thank you.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Australia
  • 13 years ago

My beautiful mother passed away 28/01/11 just 5 months ago from lung cancer that had spread to her brain, she had just turned 60. Mum was diagnosed Sept 09 and fought so so bravely till she was too tired and was ready to go. I have my mums number on my mobile and I still ring it even though it will never be answered. My tears flowed freely while reading your heartfelt poem. I sent it to my sister and we both felt it could have been written from one of our own hands, ringing so true to our current feelings. Love and miss you Mum xxx. Thank you for publishing it.

  • Allen Wilson Chelsea by Allen Wilson Chelsea, Alabama
  • 13 years ago

This Poem is great, my mother passed away May 22nd 2008 of Lung Cancer. She was very blessed she passed away just as she had prayed for no one ever had to take care of her and both of her kids and grand kids just happen to be with her. I got her up that morning and she just sat down in the floor and her last words were here I go, and that was it - she just sat there with her head down and eyes closed. She was gone just that quick.

  • Sue Lovely by Sue Lovely
  • 13 years ago

Mothers Day is really really hard for me as I have lost a child...which no offense is the worst loss that can happen to someone... every mothers day that approaches I wish I had my son to just be able to say Happy Mommies day.

  • Lashanda Gilbert by Lashanda Gilbert
  • 13 years ago

I was really touched by your poem. I was looking online to find a nice poem that touched my heart, because my grandfather just passed on March 26 and I am in charge of writing a poem for his obituary. I have writers block so badly right now and I decided to browse some poems in hopes of getting some inspiration. His life and how wonderful he was to me and my sisters should be enough inspiration, but for some reason I can't get it together. He died from a heart attack unexpectedly. He was the only father I had and I miss him so much!! So that is how I came across your poem. Although this poem is about your mother, it still touched my heart very deeply because it reminded me of my grandpa. I will use your poem for his obituary, since it fits so perfectly. Of course, I'll have to revised some things, but everything else will remain. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poetry.

  • Sherrie Thomason by Sherrie Thomason, Chatsworth
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mom to lung cancer in August 08 after a short battle she went home to be with God. I miss her terribly as I really don't have any more family that loved me the way she did. I was an only child with no one except her growing up. She was my father, grandparents, and my best friend.

  • Amanda Lopez by Amanda Lopez
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother on Feb.2/2002 after a long battle with breast and lung Cancer. She was only 56 years old when she passed, I was only 18yrs old. Losing my mother was like loosing myself. Your poem was so lovely I hope and pray your family is O.K.

  • Nicki by Nicki, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

This poem hit so close to home. My mom was put in the hospital on February 23,2011. On February 26th we were told that she most likely had stage IV lung cancer. We knew that it was at a very advanced stage. On Saturday March 12th we were told by one of her doctors that she had 1/2 a day to 2 days left. That was the first time that we had been told a length of time. Within 20 minutes of the doctor's visit she was gone. This was very hard for my sisters and I. After all we had been estranged from her for nearly 15 years. We only had three weeks with her, but we made the best of those three weeks. Even though it has only been less than a week, there is not a day that we haven't thought about her. I will be reading this poem at her memorial service.

  • Sara by Sara, Virginia
  • 13 years ago

What a beautiful poem. I lost my mother on Nov 7, 2010. She almost made it, she was finishing up her chemo (lymphoma) and she developed pneumonia and then got ARDS. She was in the ICU for 2 weeks and then God received another beautiful and dear angel. I miss her so much and wish I could hear her again, hug her, smell her, touch her... I miss everything about her. EVERYTHING, even the things that got no my nerves before. I MISS HER SO MUCH!

  • Lori Chauvin by Lori Chauvin, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

Thanks for this comforting poem. I would like permission to use it in the local newspaper on the anniversary of my mother's death which is March 19, 2009. My mother died of lung cancer after only 9 1/2 months of diagnosis. It has been the hardest thing in my life ever and I could not function for at least the first year.

  • Tiffany Cotton Pcal by Tiffany Cotton Pcal
  • 14 years ago

my mom was 67 yrs old she went in for a triple bypass on her heart and did not make it due to blood clots in her lungs . the day I lost her my world fell apart. my life is not the same and never will be. 6 months later I lost my stepdad in a car wreck . These poems I read are so comforting.

  • Terri by Terri, Griswold
  • 14 years ago

Lung cancer took my mom when I was just 14 & she only 33. She past on March 5, 1985 after a 9 month battle. My father was an alcoholic and shortly after that I was on my own. Life was very hard. Somehow I made it through and am married and blessed with 5 children of my own. It soon will be 26 yrs since that day & I still miss her as much as I always have. A mothers love is irreplaceable. I keep her in my heart always and I know that she is here watching over us.

  • Janice I. by Janice I., Georgia
  • 14 years ago

What a beautiful poem. I'm sorry to all who have lost their Mothers. I lost my Mother October 25, 2009. The worst day of my life. She was 88 years old. She had blue eyes like the ocean, and a heart as big as one. She still got up every morning, made her bed, cooked her breakfast, and done everything for herself. She had 13 children, only married once, and lived & raised her kids by the old book. We all were so blessed to have such a wonderful Mama, so full of life, so full of love, and such a Christian example to all. The days are long, and I want to call her. It's never easy to think all that is gone, over. It's scares me to think that both my parents are now gone. It's a void that nothing can fill. Love your parents while you still have them, cause it sure is hard knowing all you can give them when they are gone is something to go on their grave. Thank You for sharing your poem, it really says what most of us feel about our Mama, and can't find the words, for all of the tears.

  • Christy by Christy, Rockingham
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away last March. Her name was Claudia as well. She was the most vibrate and happy person I've ever known and she was completely healthy. She had a stomach virus and, the next thing I know, she was gone at a very young 62. We ultimately found out that my little mama-all 5'2" and 97 pounds of her-had a pre-existing heart defect that she'd had since birth. The fluids that were given to her for dehydration sent her into cardiac arrest and she died while I was holding her hand. She was my best friend and there truly are no words to describe the void that her passing has left in my heart. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I'll see her again someday...

  • Staten Island by Staten Island, NY
  • 14 years ago

I also lost my mom to lung cancer in August 2006, she was diagnosed in June and gone in August. Everyday I am tempted to call her for one reason or another and have to remind myself she is gone. Watching her suffer was the worst thing , at least I know she is not in pain anymore. Your poem touched me very much. Thank you

  • Robin Damron by Robin Damron
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother September 12th 2007. She was not only my mother she was my best friend. It's been 4 years now and it stills hurts like it was yesterday. I haven't grieved yet I can't! Because if I let go I'm not coming back. I'm afraid I'll lose it completely.

  • Lysa Taylor by Lysa Taylor, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my sweet, beautiful, loving mother to lung cancer. She was 82 and she never smoked a day in her life. She was diagnosed in September 2006 and passed in August 2007. My mother and I did everything together. My mom and I moved in together after my dad died 16 years ago of pancreatic cancer. She was my best friend and my confidant. I took care of her everyday, from the time she was diagnosed to the time God called her home. I'm fighting back the tears as I'm typing, because I truly miss her so much and I just want to hug and kiss her. This poem touched my heart deeply. I love you mom and not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

  • Katie by Katie, Houston TX
  • 14 years ago

Reading this poem I could barely keep it together. My Grandmother passed away on December 12, 2010 of Lung Cancer. She was 87. She lived a year after receiving the news, she never once had a sad look on her face. She would just look up at you and smile. She was and still is my ray of sunshine. I love you Grandma, it's not goodbye just see you later.

  • Claudia Lee by Claudia Lee, Baytown
  • 14 years ago

I lost my sister November 01,2010. Thank you all for the prayers and expressing how my poem has touched you. May God bless you all. I cry with just about every new comment that I read. I share your grief and pain...Claudia

  • Christine by Christine
  • 14 years ago

November 8th 2005, was the day my world changed forever. My Mother died on her 50th wedding Anniversary, very unexpected, the family was in shock!! I miss her each and every day, from the smell of someone I pass in a store to a song on the radio, everything that surrounds me reminds me of my best friend, my Mother...I miss you from the depths of my soul Mom!

  • Ruby by Ruby, Tagum City
  • 14 years ago

My mother died last September 28,2010.. My whole world has shattered. I cannot accept it. She was taken away from us and I cannot help myself asking God, WHY?? My mother is a great loving woman...There are so many people who could have died, why my mom? No words can express how painful it is of losing a words...until now, I still cannot accept it...

  • Erin by Erin, Hegg TX
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed when I was five. she died in a car accident, I really miss her... the person in the car with her driving was not hurt. She was the one I wanted to take after. I don't remember her voice and her look that well. That one night was my only memory with her. I guess goodbye means forever. But the sad part is this happened seven years ago. and I'm 12 now.

  • Scott by Scott, Marion IN
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother to liver cancer. She was diagnosed in August of 2009 and we lost her on Veterans Day of 2009. She was only 54 and it was very difficult watching her slip away so quickly. A few weeks before she passed away, my father was diagnosed with colon cancer and he went into the hospital the night before she passed to have his tumor removed...she had been lingering on for about 2 weeks prior to him going in and once my sister came home and whispered into her ear that dad was fine. She took her last breath a few hours later as both my sister and I held her hands. One of the hardest things in the world to do was breaking the news to my father that his wife of 33 years wasn't going to be home once he got out of the hospital. Thankfully dad's cancer is in remission but I miss mom dearly and this poem is exactly how I feel as the 1 year anniversary of her death fast approaches. I hate Cancer! Thank you and prayers to your sister.

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother to pulmonary TB on 6th April 2010, this poem is just how i feel. Thank you for the poem.

  • Wanda by Wanda, Alberta Canada
  • 14 years ago

that poem touched my heart.. I lost my mom when I was 9 from cancer. it will be 20 years in October.. I also just recently lost my step mom from cancer she passed away September 09 2010.. may she rest in peace.. she will be greatly missed by her grandchildren and her children..

  • Tracy by Tracy, McHenry Il
  • 14 years ago

My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer September of 2008, the doctors told me she had 6-12 months to live, and she made it a whole year and died last year in September 2009, this September will be a year since she's passed. This poem touched me a lot, not a day goes by that I don't think of her, I was so blessed to have that whole year with her, I miss her so much.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Memphis TN
  • 14 years ago

My sisters and I lost our mother in 2008. Although she had been ill for some time (COPD & Heart Disease) her death was sudden and unexpected. My mother was everything to me and I know my sisters feel the same. This poem says exactly what I feel. Thank you so much for sharing it and I am truly sorry for your loss

  • Gissle by Gissle, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

Mama left us a year ago. It was the saddest day of my life. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer fourth stage. After two months she died. I miss her so much.

  • Deb by Deb, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

My beautiful mother passed away from lung cancer on May 24, 2010. That day was also my birthday. I don't know why God chose to take her then. I miss her so so so much. I cannot stop crying. I just want to hold onto her clothing and smell her. I want to tell her I love her and hug and kiss her one more time. I know she wanted to be with God, but it just hurts so much. My heart is just breaking. She wanted no tears, and for all of us kids and grandkids to be happy, but now it is impossible. Even when you know someone is sick, the pain never lessons. I pray that momma will come to me in a vivid dream and let me know she is happy and is watching over us. I love you mama. Forever and Ever with all my heart.

  • Cari by Cari, NY
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother unexpectedly on February 28, 2008. She was a smoker for over 40 years and passed away while awaiting open heart surgery after a minor heart attack. With today being Mother's Day, I have been looking for a poem to express my feelings. This one is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  • Charity by Charity, Los Angeles
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for such a beautiful poem that touches my heart and brings much comfort. My 89 year old mother passed away and is missed incredibly. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 15 yrs ago, and in the end when she took her last breath surrounded her 9 children, I knew she had instantly become cognizant of all she was robbed of by her disease. She is no longer trapped in her ailing fleshly encasement but now has a new body, mind, and her spirit is everywhere, such as in your beautiful poem, in the clouds, or a sweet melody. She prayed for me when I was lost, now I am found in order to help others, and will join her when God says its time for me to. God bless you all, especially you young ones, as we remember we are spiritual beings sojourning on this earthly plane.

  • Christina by Christina, WI
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away 15 years ago, five days before my fifth birthday and the last time I saw her was on my birthday in her coffin. She had got into a real bad car accident and at the time there was a new surgery thing where the wires were supposed to get her nerves working again. But a couple months after she got them in she had to be rushed to the hospital to take them out.. While in the recovery room she had passed away because the doctors ignored the call button and she suffocated to death. Long story short there was a lawsuit but no amount of money can replace my mother and now I am 20 years old and I have to realize that my son Izaiah will never be able to know his grandma.. I think that's why I can't stop crying and whoever said time heals all wounds obviously never lost someone so close as a mother, Thank you for this poem though. It touched home base I only hope I can find a way to explain how great she was to my son when he gets older. Be blessed!

  • Pam by Pam, Louisiana
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my mom to liver cancer. She was diagnosed in Jan. and lasted about 3 weeks. It is so hard to lose your mom especially when it happens that fast. I am not dealing with it very good. There is such an emptiness in my heart and in my life. I love your poem and have read it several times. It has touched my heart. I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry your sister now has it. My prayers are with you. Thank you for the beautiful poem...I am sure it will touch a lot of hearts. God Bless You

  • Teri Esparza by Teri Esparza, CA
  • 15 years ago

I lost my Mom Nov 17,2009 to cancer. I am having a real hard time coping with the feelings of loss. This poem hit me and for the first time I do not feel alone. My Moms passing was not pleasant, it was painful and indescribable. I can not get it out of my head. Thank you.

  • Connie Cupp by Connie Cupp, TN
  • 15 years ago

I lost my mom to lung cancer in March 2004. You wrote a wonderful poem, Thank you for sharing it. I am so sorry to hear of your sister She will be in my prayers and the prayers of my friends as I will share your request. God Bless you Dear One and God be with your sister.

I'm pleased to find that my poem about my Mama was read and has touched so many nice people. As the poem states we lost her in Sept. of 2008. The family misses her so much. In many ways she was the glue that held the family together after Daddy passed in 1993 of lung cancer also. Now my oldest sister has been diagnosed with it. She is holding on and is trying hard to beat it. She is in need of prayer. Please, everyone pray for her and that this disease ends in my family now. We can't bear to lose another loved one to this horrible disease.

  • mary by mary, Indio CA
  • 15 years ago

I lost my mother to lung cancer on Nov 17,2005 she was my best friend. Everything happened so fast she was so healthy before she was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was crushed she wasn't ready to go lord knows I would have gave her my lungs just to save her .I never really said good bye to her I didn't have the strength. I miss her so much and always will

  • Elishah R. by Elishah R.
  • 15 years ago

Just a few years ago when I was in the 6th grade, I came home to receive the worst new ever. These words coming out of my aunt's mouth "I'm sorry but your mother is DEAD." Those same words still float in my head.

  • Simon by Simon
  • 15 years ago

When I read this poem it truly touched me in ways I can not explain. It's as if you summed up the feelings and emotions that I felt for my dear mother when she was taken away from me. I too lost my mother due to cancer, however unlike you I didn't spend that much time with her, as she was taken away from me when I was 8 but....

  • Nelson by Nelson
  • 15 years ago

This is my favorite poem, I've read it at least 10 times over the last 2 months. You words are deep. Although my mother is still with me (and I thank god) I am unable to read this poem without crying just thinking about the pain. I may not truely know how painful it will be until that day, but I've lost a brother so I definitely know pain. Words can't truely describe, but they help give us an idea of what one is feeling.
Thanks for blessing us all with your poem.

  • Kristen by Kristen
  • 15 years ago

I'm 14 years old & I lost my mom on January 26,2008. it was truly the hardest thing I've ever been through. She wasn't sick, it was an accidental overdose (at least from what they tell me). My mother was my best friend and the nicest woman you'd ever have an encounter with. It's hard not having a mother at such a young age, it's like the only thing you want to do, is call her up about a boy or school and you can't! and for me that's the hardest part about this whole thing. I miss my mom with all my heart and each and everyday it kills me more and more that I know she's never coming back. I can't visit her grave because it's hard knowing that I'm standing over her and I can't see her. It truly is the hardest thing anybody will ever have to go through, because there is no love Like a mothers love

I love you mommy

  • Senada by Senada
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for such a beautiful poem. I feel you pain I too lost my beautiful mother 2 August 2009, my mama was 68. She left us with no warning, so unexpected was her passing, I feel a great loss and emptiness in my heart...I thank god for the memories I had with my beloved mother and for having her in my life...God bless you. We have something no one can take from us, our mother's love and memories will live forever in our hearts

  • Linda by Linda
  • 15 years ago

At least we all know we are not alone in our feelings for our Mothers. My mother, too, was taken too soon from us - at the age of 71. She too lived for her children and grandchildren and we all miss her very much. Its been almost a year since my Mom passed away too - and we all wonder daily if it ever gets easier. Her loss has definitely left a huge void in our hearts and in our lives. I send out my thoughts and prayers to all who have lost their dear mothers.

  • 15 years ago

I lost my Mom on August 9,2008 it wasn't a complete shock because she had been sick for about a year, but the night she died the last thing I told her was that I hated her and you know I thought that I could apologize the next morning and that everything would be ok but at about 4:30 am I got woke up and was told that she wasn't breathing and she had to go to the hospital I remember thinking that she could pull through because she was so strong and then I looked up and her lips were blue and I tried to hold her hand and it was cold and I knew she was gone it's been a little over a year and it gets easier each day but still there are days when I think it was just a dream

  • Janel by Janel
  • 15 years ago

It's been almost a year since my Mom passed away. I miss her so very much. Some days I wonder if it ever gets easier? My mom was not only my Mom, but also my roommate (for the last seven years of her life) and truly my best friend. I miss not having her around to tell everything to. A Mom listens even when no one else wants to. My prayers and thoughts are with all who have lost their mom.

  • Ranja by Ranja
  • 15 years ago

I am very sorry for your loss. Your poem says exactly how i feel. I lost my Mum to lung cancer at 54, just 7 weeks after we found out. So quick. Then exactly 1 year later I lost my Dad to bladder cancer. I know they are with me, but it is not the same not being able to give them a hug and kiss or even a simple phone call. My thoughts are with you. Take care...xx

  • Shelly by Shelly
  • 15 years ago

I'm sorry about your mama, I lost mine at the young age of 30 she was taken by god in a car accident I was only 12 its been 28 yrs this Sept. and I miss her so much. I want to say this is a beautiful poem I hope your memories of your Mama help you through your days.

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 15 years ago

Thank you so much for writing this poem. My mama passed away at the young age of 56. She lived for taking care of others. Her children and grandchildren were her life! Every word in the poem is exactly how I am feeling right now. It's only been 6 months since losing my mom, but the pain has not eased in the slightest. I know that I would never want her to be back on this earth and endure the pain she was under (due to liver disease), but the selfish part of me wants her back anyway. Thank you again for sharing your feelings...which are almost identical to mine. Bless you and your family!!!

  • Jamie by Jamie
  • 15 years ago

My Mama was diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer. I lost her on Jan 2009. Since then I can't stop crying. Even now, typing and crying... I Miss You So Much, Mummy!!!! Love You Forever.

  • LaMechee by LaMechee
  • 16 years ago

My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer too. I was told the words no one wants to hear which is she has "one year to live"! I moved home to be closer with the thought that we were going to beat cancer and live happily after that. No thought in my mind of anything else cause it was inconceivable. I needed her here too much!! I don't know here true diagnosis cause I later learned she knew for 5 years prior. She passed on Valentine's Day 2008 she is truly missed. SO Valentines will be extra hard but I have lost a person I truly loved (no matter our trials and tribulations she truly loved me and I truly loved her. I love you mom always and forever

  • Connie Chelf by Connie Chelf
  • 16 years ago

My mom was diagnosed in Jan 2008 with breast cancer and we lost her on Sep 2 2008, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. My mom was my best friend I miss her very much. (Cancer is a horrible disease.)

  • Rhonda by Rhonda
  • 16 years ago

My mother was to be 57 that year in 1997 and cancer took her on June 9 1997, she was diagnosed Dec 96 and was gone by June so fast so quick. Even after all these years the pain is still there the thought and need to want to hear and speak to her is just as strong reading this poem expresses that so thank you very much.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 16 years ago

On my mother's 57th birthday, May 14th, 2008, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. 10 short weeks later, and on the 10 year anniversary of my grandfathers death, we lost her. Not an hour goes by where I don't think of her. Every now and then something will happen, and I think "Oh, I have to remember to tell mom that!" and then I remember, I can't tell her. This was a wonderful poem, and expresses perfectly how I feel. Thank you.

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