Mother Death Poem

I lost my mother to cancer on 9/2/2012. I wrote this in her honor. She wasn't just a mom to me; she was my best friend. My heart breaks for anyone who loses their mom. May you, too, find comfort in these words. God bless.

In memory of Shirley A Fowler

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It will get better, I promise you, and there will come a day when you remember moments from your childhood with smiles and joy. I thank God every day for my mother even though she has crossed...

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My Mother, My Angel

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2012 with permission of the Author.

Once upon a time an angel held my hand.
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand
Our time on Earth is brief; there are lessons to be learned.
Each precious day God gives us, another page is turned.
Every chapter full of memories, times of joy and tears,
Triumphs and defeats, through every passing year.
She loved us unconditionally, always by our side.
When no one else would listen, in her we could confide.
With gentle words of wisdom, she led us on our way,
Down the paths of righteousness if ever we did stray.
She saw the light in everyone and gave with no regrets,
Always from her heart, let's not forget.
Angels come in many forms; for me it was my mother.
With love I cannot say in words there'll never be another.
Every day I turn the page, in my heart will ever remain
Everything she taught me as I stroll down memory lane.
Thank you, God, for giving me the most priceless of all treasures.
Help my, Lord, to keep alive her memory here forever.
I pray that I can someday be everything she hoped I would,
That she's smiling down from heaven knowing she did good.
As we gather here today, there's no ending to her story.
Another chapter has begun, full of grace and glory.
God's called her to his heavenly home, part of his great plan.
Although it may be hard, we all must understand.
Faith is what is hoped for, things we cannot see.
Heaven is promised to all of us if only we believe.

Interview with Top Poet Kathy J. Parenteau

  • What makes this poem one of your favorites?
    This is my favorite poem because my mother has always been my hero. I wanted to honor her and keep her memory alive. She was the first to hear it because I read it to her when she was dying. Even though she couldn’t speak, she smiled, and I knew she heard every word.
  • How has writing poetry helped you grieve the loss of your mom?
    Writing this poem helped me so much through the grieving process. I knew I had to say goodbye to her for now, and these words helped me do so.
  • What is one treasured memory you have of your mom?
    My favorite memory of my mother was once when I was so lost in my life and I was on my knees crying, she knelt down beside me and put her arms around me and held me. With her support and love, I knew I could weather any storms that lay ahead..
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    Being published through Family Friends Poems has allowed me to share my gift with the world. I am truly grateful to be a part of this family. God Bless!

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Eric by Eric
  • 2 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful poem. My mom is still with me, but she won't speak to me. She and I have been through too much to repair. It's as though she is gone. I love her dearly, and I have become an amazing man thanks to her. She might not ever see the good in me, but God is in control of our vision if we trust in Him. I am grateful for your poem and for your beautiful insight. Thank you so much!

  • Ronna Lynn by Ronna Lynn
  • 1 year ago

My thought is to write her letters! I can promise you it'll be healing for you to write. Then it's up to you whether you put it in the mailbox or not. Write from the heart only from the heart don't reread or rewrite. Then it's up to you whether you put it in the mailbox or not. I can promise you that it will help you. If you should decide to send it or send numerous then it's up to her whether or not she ever opens them! Prayers your way - start today!

  • Beatrice Delagarza by Beatrice Delagarza
  • 3 years ago

I recently lost my Mom and now could sure need an ear to listen to me! If you're going through the same thing then I will pray for you! I had my mom for 84 years and she got Dementia via a parasitic bug. Then her brain withered away. So, this bug can go in your food and water and is found in third world countries. A CT-scan can actually find it, and there is medication if you take it early. Her spouse was more interested in other hobbies and she lost out. I feel limited and angry that she suffered so long. Bless her Jesus, and have mercy on her!

  • Barbara Anderson by Barbara Anderson
  • 5 years ago

My friend just lost her dear mother twelve days ago, who was also my dear friend for over twenty years. I said I will say something this Sunday at the Memorial Service. This poem touched my heart because I, too, lost "My Mother, My Angel..." July 20, 2012. We are so blessed to have had the mothers that we did, who will always be a part of our lives, no matter how long our paths may continue without them by our side. Forever in our hearts.

  • Ada by Ada
  • 4 years ago

I lost my mom 3 weeks ago. The pain is unbearable considering all she went through. She was 51 years old. I'm heartbroken. Mom, if you can hear me, please help me to bear your loss. I cry every day and night. How do I live with this pain? She was my heart, the only person that loves and cares about me so much. I told her everything. Her voice was soothing. Whenever I was sad, she gave me hope. I know you are resting in the bosom of the Lord now, Mom. You are a virtuous woman, a mother to all. I know someday we shall meet to part no mor. Mother, please watch over me in this wicked world. I love you so, Mommy.

  • Randy Brock by Randy Brock
  • 5 years ago

My mom left us on November 26, 2018. We lost her after a long bout with dementia. This poem really touched my heart and all of the comments let me know I am certainly not alone. I cared for my mom (with help) for the last 3 years, and watching her decline was almost more than I could bear. I know she is in a better place and her pain is gone, but there is a big empty space in my life now, and my best friend is gone. I miss her and don't know what I can do to make things better.

  • Joelle Baker by Joelle Baker
  • 5 years ago

I was very touched by this poem. I just lost my mother. She wasn't just my mom; she was my teacher, my friend, my shoulder to cry on whenever I was bullied - she was my everything. My mother had a double stroke in 2011 after hearing she lost her mom. She later also had a brain hemorrhage. I went to see her in hospital and found out she may not make it. The last thing my mom said to me and my husband was I love you. My mom was 77 years old. Now I am the youngest daughter. I have lost 3 people in my family since 2011. They were so precious to me. I feel so alone and so lost. I know losing someone takes time to heal.

  • Katherine by Katherine
  • 6 years ago

My mother had dementia and she passed away 10 weeks ago. Life as I knew it went right with her. I knew her disease was terminal and that she was dying, but that never prepared me for when it would actually happen. It's so hard to get shoved back into reality so prematurely. The world hasn't stopped going, but my entire life has been brought to a screeching halt. I just want everything to slow down because I can't catch up. My grief has no restrictions; it's sudden and uncontrollable. I cry at work, on the way home, watching TV, cleaning my house, and lying in bed. I feel as though I'm permanently walking on egg shells. I know there is no rule book for grief and everyone grieves differently, but I want to get where the memories don't make me cry anymore. I want to laugh and smile when I think of my mother. Please God, let me get there! Mom, I miss you more than you can imagine.
Loving you eternally,
Your baby girl, Katherine

It will get better, I promise you, and there will come a day when you remember moments from your childhood with smiles and joy. I thank God every day for my mother even though she has crossed over. I didn't think I could survive without her, but I have. I am comforted by knowing the Lord and standing firm on his promise that we will be together again and throughout eternity. I wrote and read this poem to my mother as she lay dying, and at that moment I thought I would die right with her. I'm so happy so many have found comfort in these lines; it also keeps her memory alive. That's how souls live on because someone remembers them and takes them along. May God Bless you.
Kathy J Parenteau

  • Doc Meyers by Doc Meyers
  • 6 years ago

I lost my Mom in January of this year to Lewy Bodies Dementia. Although we lived a couple of states apart, I would try to call her at least once a week. I knew the end was near when she no longer remembered me as her daughter. But no matter how prepared I thought I was, in NO WAY was I prepared for the void that NOT making those phone calls would make. I know my Mom is watching over all of us, but nothing will fill the void in my life that her death caused. My Mom is truly my angel...

  • Glendoria Moore by Glendoria Moore
  • 6 years ago

Dear Mommy, I miss you so much. Please give me strength, Mom. How do I move on? Watch over me. I needed you then and God knows I need you now. Mom, let God know that our family misses you. Mommy, I just want you to know I have always been there with you, and you did everything to stay strong. That heart was just too weak and our heavenly Father took the only person in my life who loved me. Miss you, Mom, so much!

  • Simmi Gaur by Simmi Gaur
  • 7 years ago

One year ago I lost my mother. Ma, today I’m writing this to tell you how much I love you. My life is not the same without you. Please come back for me. I miss all those moments we spent together. God takes you to heaven, but it makes my life a living hell. Why did you leave me, Ma? Why? I want to know when you will come back to me and hug me tightly. Ma, I want to cry by putting my head in your lap. Please come back.

Your mother is all around you. Her spirit lives on; she is not dead. Her earthly body is gone, but the spirit that made her who she was is alive and watching over you forever. Not one day goes by that she doesn't whisper, "I love you." When I wrote this poem, the Lord gave me these words. I hope you know that Jesus sees your pain and wants you to trust in him as the days, months, and years pass while you are on this earth. You have a special purpose for being here. There is unfinished work you need to do, and then you will be reunited with your precious mother. I want you to know you are in my prayers. May God's love and light comfort you always. God Bless.
Kathy J. Parenteau

  • Eustace Omamogho by Eustace Omamogho
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom this year on 4/20/17 to cancer of the gall bladder. She was not just my mom, she was also my best friend. The day she passed on I literally left this earth. I love her so, so much, and I miss her with all of my life. She was a Christian and loved the Lord. So according to 1 Thessalonians 4: 14-18, I am comforted that I will see her again. Thank you so much for your poem. I am encouraged too by it...

  • Renee by Renee
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother 3 months ago today. On May 17, 2017, our heavenly Father called her home. She had cancer as well. I know the pain and hurt you're going through. People say it will get easier, but I'm not seeing it or feeling it. You can't get over losing your best friend as that pain will never go away. My mom was my best friend, someone I could go to for absolutely anything and now I can't. There is just an emptiness now.

  • Wanjiku. F. K. by Wanjiku. F. K.
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother on May 29 this year. I find some of the poems so touching and true as this shows that mothers are very, very special people and losing them leaves an empty gap that will never be filled by anyone else. Take courage, all those who have lost a mother, and try to continue the great works she left behind. What I can say is that my mother was not just a mother to 12 children but she definitely was an angel. No words can fully describe how wonderful she was. She struggled so hard to make sure we had enough to eat, pay school fees, and buy us clothing. She never stopped working until she got sick in May this year. She carried the responsibility of bringing us up with dignity and success. I am so proud to have had an angelic mother who loved, shared, advised, not just us but anyone who came home or passed on her path. May our good Lord rest her soul in eternal peace.

  • Trezya by Trezya
  • 7 years ago

My mom died last year with the same date as today because of breast cancer. Until now, I still can't believe that she's gone. I was still 14 when she passed away. It's so hard because I think I just didn't have enough time to live with her. She was really a strong woman. Her cancer ate her slowly with so painfully, but she still smiled for her family. It's so sad that I wasn't with her when she took her last breath, and now all I can feel is sadness and regret because I didn't make it to say how wonderful a mom she was and how much I love her. So I learned that we have to cherish every single time with the ones we love because we will never know what time they will leave this world forever. :) With each passing day, I miss her more. :(

  • Jackie Miles by Jackie Miles
  • 7 years ago

I want to start out by saying thank you Jesus for giving me 65 years with my mother. She was so loving and kind and I miss her so much. Her birthday is April 14, 1931. I will never ever forget her. Thank you Jesus for giving me such a wonderful mother. Happy birthday Mom in heaven. She passed away October 2, 1996. I love you, Mom.

  • Lucia Vickers by Lucia Vickers
  • 7 years ago

My mother went to her heavenly home 10 years ago today. I always knew that living without her was going to be the hardest thing that I was ever going to face. She crosses my mind EVERY day. Literally. As I'm thinking of her, or even talking out loud to her, I often get the chills all over. I KNOW this is her spirit trying to comfort me and let me know she's still with me. It feels like a hug from heaven. We had a bond unlink any other, one that even death can't break. I was her baby, and she had 13 of us. I will always mourn for her. It never goes away, time doesn't heal this wound. I can only say that it's a little easier with each year to think of her and revisit our memories. She was such an amazing woman, and I was truly blessed. Biggest regret: I wasn't with her when she took her last breath. I was on my way to her and got the call that she was gone. I held her, laid on her chest, begging God not to take the most important person in the world to me. God Bless You All.

  • Melissa V. by Melissa V.
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my mother to brain cancer early this month. She was a nurse for over 20 years, a Christian woman and a true beautiful soul inside and out. She will be missed by all who knew her, and we were truly blessed to be her children. She taught us to love all people and share the love she gave us with everyone.

  • Mallory by Mallory
  • 7 years ago

I lost mom when I was 5, and it's been 8 years and I'm 12 now. I miss her so much. Every day I think about her, and my cousin lost her mom from cancer this Sunday and I feel so much pain for her. My mom's name was Glory Dawn Olivas.

  • Mary Catherine Miller by Mary Catherine Miller
  • 7 years ago

My mom and best friend passed away this morning. How do you go on without your Mom? Feels like my heart is going to explode and I can't seem to stop it. I miss her so much. Mom, I love you. I will see you again.

  • Lovingone by Lovingone
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom to cancer 2 months ago, and though it's still fresh, I realize she's now asleep in God's arms. My mom was an angel, very gracious and kind. She was filled with love, which she has left behind. She's watching over us all as I look to the sky. In loving memory of my mom. Sleep in peace, Angel.

  • Joanne LeDonne by Joanne LeDonne
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom 4 years ago, my dad 6 years ago, and my sister 8 years ago. I have faith they are all together and that someday I will be reunited with them again. It has gotten easier, but I miss then like crazy every day. I was blessed to be with each of them when they passed. I was able to tell them how much I loved them and how much they'd be missed. A lot of people don't get to do that, so for that I'll always be grateful, but life will definitely never be the same. I live my life every day knowing they'd be proud. Stay strong and God Bless.

  • Elbony S. Walker by Elbony S. Walker
  • 7 years ago

I know exactly how you feel because today marks 2 months that my mother has been gone. I lost my mama to cancer also, and it hurts to know that she's gone and never coming back. Every day I try to stay strong for my mama. If she'd see me cry she would tell me to stop crying. No one should have to go through what we've been going through. I really liked your poem 'cause I can relate to it and it has really inspired me to write my own, and I think that's what I'm going to do. Thanks for that wonderful poem.

  • Marie Ivory by Marie Ivory
  • 7 years ago

My mother has been sleeping 18 years today. I needed to read something that would touch every fiber of my spirit, and reading your poem was like a gift from GOD because it expressed it all. Thank you...

Oh my! That was so heart-warming. As I was reading, I started remembering many of the same qualities in my own mother. I lost my mother 2 1/2 years ago to Alzheimer's. It was a horrible time for us 5 kids. We lost a little of her each day, until God took her home.

  • Ellie-Mae Reed by Ellie-Mae Reed
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mum to lung cancer 30/03/2014. It was the hardest thing to ever cope with, seeing how ill she was and how she changed. It was Mother's Day, and I was so heartbroken. I was only 13.

My mother wasn't just my mother; she was my dad, my rock, my everything! (I've never had a dad, he doesn't bother with me.) It's hard to lose a family member, but it's even harder when it's your mum! She's the one who teaches you to be happy when you're sad. She's the shoulder to cry on, she's the one to give you nice warm cuddles, but she doesn't teach you how to cope when it's the end of her life. When she's not around anymore you feel like nothing...

  • Shameez by Shameez
  • 8 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you are taking it easy day by day, and I will keep your mom in my prayers even though I don't know her, and I will also pray to make life easy for you and your family.

Your mom is all around you. Her body left this world, but her spirit lives on in you. You are never alone. I feel my mom with me every day. Often I see signs but only when I'm not looking for them. I know the hurt you are feeling all too well. My mom was my best friend. I could tell her everything, and she never judged me. I miss that so much. I still talk to her every day in hopes she can hear me. I believe in Heaven, and I know I will see her again. Only God could have created a woman as wonderful as she was. I hope you know the Lord and find your strength through prayer. Someone is praying for you. God Bless.

  • St.Clair Battershield by St.Clair Battershield
  • 8 years ago

I was asked to deliver a tribute to my partner's mother, at her funeral and I used this poem, since it was aptly fitting. Thanks very much, Aronel.

  • Mary Beth Byrne by Mary Beth Byrne, Ohio
  • 8 years ago

Thank you so very much for such a beautiful poem. My mother passed on October 30th, 2015, at age 90 and I read your poem at her funeral. I changed the words to our mother instead of my mother, and 5 siblings were on the altar at church with me. The words were so true and so Mom. Her Mass was absolutely beautiful and felt this tribute to her made it that much more special. Many people cried and asked for a copy of the poem. Wish I could have claimed it as my own but gladly told them where I found it. Thank you again!

  • Oluwasola by Oluwasola
  • 4 years ago

I lost my mum too on 31st October 2015. It's so painful to lose loved ones, but we know that we all will be together someday.

  • Gail Wright by Gail Wright, Bedford
  • 9 years ago

We lost our very young mum ( 72 yrs ) in January 2015. Having already lost our dad 17 years earlier at just 60, we feel sad and I suppose selfishly we feel cheated. Our mum was the matriarch of our family,loving, selfless and with a never ending belief in her family.
It was an honour to repeat this beautiful poem at her funeral service as it summed up so perfectly our mum, and we would like to thank the author who lost her mum under the same circumstance. We could not have put together such a wonderful tribute during our grief.

  • Carole by Carole, New Mexico
  • 9 years ago

Feb. 25 is my mothers birthday. I wanted to write a special poem and put it in the paper so I can honor her as big as I can. I lost her in a extremely sad way, and I hurt so very much, everyday is a struggle, so I'm thinking this could be something I do for both of us... I loved your poem, it inspired me, it also made me cry-- but that's not a bad thing, really!!! It made me happy too:) thanks for sharing, lots of us need this.....

  • Coral by Coral
  • 9 years ago

I am 11 my mother was my world she died in summer break and my heart stopped I could not believe what I was hearing one day she was in a mental hospital they told me it was because it was just another name for a hospital but I wasn't dumb she wanted to die. She had a total break down. The next day I woke up walked down stairs to see my nan my granddad my aunty my dad and many other family members they called my brother down and told us the news my heart sank and I hid behind my dad.

  • Joey Jack Heika by Joey Jack Heika, Papua New Guinea
  • 9 years ago

I was raised by a single parent. I lost her when I was in another province working. She was babysitting my 10 month old son and died leaving him with our neighbors. Just imagine the enduring pain I'm feeling now, she didn't say good bye to me or even the last dying words. I wish it never happen that way. When I read your poem, I really shed tears from the bottom of my heart.

  • Samantha by Samantha, Plainlands
  • 9 years ago

That poem has reminded me of losing my mother to a drunken driver on the streets, I lost my mother when I was three, and sustained severe injuries myself. I am currently in school and just about to graduate, but to know that my love, and my friend won't be there to see me graduate, or get married or to see her grandchild in a few weeks breaks my heart. A beautiful poem, like the one you wrote has brought me to my knees. God bless you. :) !!

  • Lisa Helms by Lisa Helms, Waxhaw N.C
  • 10 years ago

My mother in law passed away June 1st, 2014. She was 58 years old. My heart broke for my husband and for his brother. We were trying to get all of her funeral arrangements made and was asked if we had a poem to read at her funeral. I knew I wanted to but I just couldn't put one together to express my love for her. So I searched for poems for hours on end and I was just about to give up because I couldn't find a poem that explained how much she meant to me as I was closing the website I saw this poem and I knew it was the one that I had been searching for the one that had meaning to me. Thank you for expressing how much your mother meant to you because my mother in law meant that much to me. I won't ever forget you or the poem because it meant so much to you and now for me. God bless you. Your poem is touching the hearts of many people just like me.

  • B Ee by B Ee, NC
  • 10 years ago

Was extremely beautiful and very close to my heart!
My Mom's last sister recently passed and I came to this site to find supportive words to pass on to my cousins. I will be sending this to them. Being blessed is a blessing in of itself however a mothers Love and nurturing can never be patented. This also applies to a Dad's LOVE. Losing a parent in my experience is sad and will bring many tears! I now know the tears will stop falling the sadness will lessen; the sun will come out tomorrow and the memories will never cease. I can only Pray you are fortunate to have someone to pass them too. I'm never going to stop Missing Mama, Claudette, Jr, Lewis, Roland, Aunt M, Uncle D and many more....To Be Loved!!

  • Cecily Hamliton by Cecily Hamliton
  • 10 years ago

This is a beautiful poem heart breaking yet touching I really felt the love and sadness in this

  • Emily O'Brian by Emily O'Brian
  • 10 years ago

I understand what you went through as my mum died a couple of days ago of Breast Cancer also it spread to her brain. I never got to say goodbye or tell her how much I love her but I'm sure she knows already. She left me in tears and even though I'm quite young people told me everything and pulled me out of school that was the worst day of my life and I miss her xxx

  • William Kelly by William Kelly, Alaska
  • 10 years ago

I loved reading this poem, reminded me a lot about my mother.
She passed away 7 years ago, after my 10th birthday. She told my sister that her time was near and said it was her last Christmas with us. I just don't know how she knew she was going to leave us, but she wasn't sad because she too struggled. We were young and didn't have a clue, until that day of January 10, 2007. The pain was effective, I nearly dropped out of school but I struggled to stay and made it this far. But the love from her was unexplainable, I miss her so much. I knew she had the strength to be staying with us, but I don't know how she knew she was going to leave. It was bad to find out how she died and ever since that day I wanted my revenge on the person who beat her and murdered her to death. But I was told to forgive that sad man who murdered her. It took me a lot of years, but I let it go.
I miss you everyday, Mom. Please come visit me in my dream again soon.

  • Evie Duncan by Evie Duncan, Glasgow
  • 10 years ago

Your poem really touched my heart as I just lost my mum to cancer on the 25.2.2014 and it's breaking my heart that my mum is gone. She was still young too young to die. She has left us as God needed an angel and this time he picked my mum .

  • Catherine by Catherine, London
  • 10 years ago

This is the poem I chose to read tomorrow 10 Feb 14 for mum funeral. It touched my heart. I don't know how I'm going to find the strength to stand up there and read this. I lost mum almost 2 weeks ago due to cancer and every day it gets harder. We were so close, she was our world...

  • D Valenti by D Valenti
  • 10 years ago

My mum just passed away. Over the weekend. Diagnosed with bowel cancer a month ago. We thought we had more time. Our world has been turned upside down. Thank you for this poem. All the comments. Are comforting. I hope I have the strength to read this poem at the funeral.

  • Newark Nj by Newark Nj
  • 10 years ago

I'm not going to write a story but reading your poem has brought me to tears. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom in 2008 and I believe it was from a broken heart cause of my dad passing. They were married for 40 years and she just couldn't go on without him. Once again how sorry I am for your lost. Such a beautiful poem. Keep your head up and you are in my prayers.

  • Ashley B. by Ashley B., Pittsburgh Pa
  • 10 years ago

To the writer Kathy thank you I'm going to keep you in my prayers. I'm losing my mother to cancer so I can honestly say I know how you are feeling. And it hurts like hell but they are going to a much better place. And to all the others out there going through this same issue. Thank you again this poem meant everything to me rated five star but beyond. Gods angel on earth. Forever looking down.

  • Kampala by Kampala, Uganda
  • 10 years ago

Wow. This is a beautiful poem.
It has made me miss mum so much more. She passed on in 2008.

  • Susan by Susan, Green Ohio
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my mother yesterday morning. I cannot sleep just thinking about everything. I feel pretty numb right now and started to look things up to give me inspiration on what I will say at the funeral. I loved my mother dearly and she truly was/is an angel. I say and mean this with every part of my heart and soul! This poem really touched me

  • Kelly Haass by Kelly Haass, Grand Blanc Michigan
  • 10 years ago

I just wanted to thank you for this beautiful poem.... I loss my Mom exactly one month ago today 10/21/13, after more than a four year battle with cancer..... The night before her funeral I was just looking for comfort in the form of poems and came across this. After reading your poem I was compelled to read it at her funeral. It so struck me, your words were mine if I actually had your talent. Thank you for helping me honor my Mother on a very bittersweet heavy heart day..... may you have peace in your heart and comfort from the memories and love for your Mom forever.... God Bless and thank you!

  • Teresa Garcia-Pye by Teresa Garcia-Pye, Lima Peru
  • 10 years ago

It is a very beautiful poem. I just lost my mom 3 weeks ago (also cancer) and your poem really touched me. Thank you!

  • Claudia Solorzano by Claudia Solorzano, Texas
  • 10 years ago

I really love your poem, I was searching for comforting poems for a death of a mother, because it's been hard for me and yours really touch my heart because I can relate to your situation; I lost my mommy 2 months ago from cancer and I'm doing a poem about my feelings for her, I ALWAYS have her in my mind and prayers. I'm sure your mom is smiling down from heaven like my mom is too. May God bless you.

  • Steve Pool by Steve Pool, Durban
  • 10 years ago

We lost our mother 2 days ago. It has been the hardest and most traumatic day of my life. Your poem is so beautiful and fitting, so much so, that I hope you do not mind me using it at her funeral. Thank you for taking the time to write such a beautiful poem so that others like me can find some solace and peace in our hearts. God bless you. Best regards. Steve

  • Sheri Thompson by Sheri Thompson
  • 10 years ago

My mom just passed away a week ago. Due to complications from surgery. She fought a very hard battle for 2 months.. No food no water for 1 month. Doctors were baffled so was the Minister. My poem for my mom...
Sometimes your mom is like your favorite book,
You know her every thought word and look,
And yet you like her handy on your self,
because somehow she warms your deeper self..
Love you mom... Rest now and be with dad.. you are together at last

  • Josie Cook  Goetzville by Josie Cook Goetzville, Michigan
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mother on Oct 24 and we buried her yesterday. This was the hardest thing I have ever done. I found your poem on the internet and as soon as I read it I knew I had to read it at her funeral. I read it instead of talking about her and it was a beautiful tribute to her. Thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to use it. Losing a mom is like no other pain I have ever experienced.

  • Kay by Kay, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

Hi, I am Kay Simmons and my mom passed away when I was 11, and my grandmother that I lived with recently passed away this year in May, well I am only 13 and I have been through a lot and it goes all the way back to when I was born, it is really sad to lose your mother, or anyone close to you but you just have to keep your head up and always keep her in your loving memory and it will get better, and always remember that she is watching over you and you will get to see her someday in heaven. I hope it gets better.

  • Fabiola by Fabiola, Austin
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my mom on Sept 5th of cancer as well and couldn't sleep so I decided to search for poems and found yours! Had the most amazing mom and friend.

Thank you and God bless.

  • Fafi Shoniwa by Fafi Shoniwa
  • 11 years ago

I also lost my mom and this made me smile it is really touching I also pray to God to keep her memories alive .

  • Barbara by Barbara, Sacramento CA
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my mom, my best friend a few hours ago. I was looking for words to express how much she meant to me and how she had a positive effect on those around her. Your poem is perfect. Thank you for putting into words what I am unable to express right now.

  • Christine O''Neill by Christine O''Neill, Las Vegas Nv
  • 11 years ago

My mother just passed last night and this poem was the first one I read. I lost my best friend to stage four lung cancer. As I sit here and write this the tears are rolling down my face. Your poem is so beautiful and for me it fits everything my mother was to me thank you.

  • Michelle Bostic by Michelle Bostic, Pratt WV
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem, you can tell it came straight from your heart. I lost my mom on May 16. The worst day of my life. People keep telling me it will get easier...but actually it gets harder. I hope and pray my mom is not in pain anymore and isn't mad at me for asking her to fight, it wasn't fair, I was being selfish. I just wanted my mommy.

  • Jeanette by Jeanette, Miami Fl
  • 11 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that this Friday May 24, 2013 Memorial weekend is my mothers five year anniversary and I wanted to do something really special so I decided to have a mass and release butterflies but needed something else to express my love when I found your poem and it floored me because is just what I always thought of my mother an angel but didn't know how to put it in words. Beautiful love it and will treasure it forever.

  • Gillian Taylor by Gillian Taylor
  • 11 years ago

So sorry for your loss! x What a beautiful poem though, I also lost my mum March 2012 through a cancerous brain tumor and the words are just so fitting. She was my everything and not a day goes by I don't think of her! They say in time it gets easier, am not so sure on that, the more time that passes the more I realize just how much I miss her!

  • Kim Bennett by Kim Bennett
  • 12 years ago

This was a great poem it reminded me of what my mother meant to me. I lost my mother 1 year ago today and I miss her so much.

  • Hayley by Hayley, Baltimore
  • 12 years ago

This is a wonderful poem. It really touched my heart. I don't know how it feels not to have a mother but the poem still touched me. My prayers are with you. Great poem! =)

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