Funeral Poem

Poem About Being Gone But Not Forgotten

I lost my Gran to cancer a few years ago and had to say a few words at her funeral. Cora Dowson was one of a kind, a caring and larger than life character - a blast to be around. It was sad seeing her in so much pain in her final few months, and although I was gutted at her passing, I was glad she wasn't suffering anymore. The words reflect how I think she would want us to remember her... at her best - being the life and soul of the party and not to forget the happy times. Gone but not forgotten!

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I have recently lost both my parents, Mum going first and Dad exactly 2 weeks later to the day. They were married for 66 years and very rarely apart other than for the more frequent hospital...

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Remember Me

© more by Anthony Dowson

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

Speak of me as you have always done.
Remember the good times, laughter, and fun.

Share the happy memories we've made.
Do not let them wither or fade.

I'll be with you in the summer's sun
And when the winter's chill has come.

I'll be the voice that whispers in the breeze.
I'm peaceful now, put your mind at ease.

I've rested my eyes and gone to sleep,
But memories we've shared are yours to keep.

Sometimes our final days may be a test,
But remember me when I was at my best.

Although things may not be the same,
Don't be afraid to use my name.

Let your sorrow last for just a while.
Comfort each other and try to smile.

I've lived a life filled with joy and fun.
Live on now, make me proud of what you'll become.


more by Anthony Dowson

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joanna Beresford by Joanna Beresford
  • 1 year ago

I have recently lost both my parents, Mum going first and Dad exactly 2 weeks later to the day. They were married for 66 years and very rarely apart other than for the more frequent hospital stays. Myself and siblings felt very much towards the end that neither wanted to leave the other behind and it was so typical of dad being the gentleman he always was to let Mum go first, so he was the one left to mourn. It wasn't surprising that he passed soon after but still very difficult to bear. They are having a joint funeral and this poem will be read. Such beautiful words which sums up by how they were and how missed they will be by their children, grand and great grandchildren and friends, but so many happy memories. Thank to the author Anthony Dowson for such a touching poem.

  • Brian Cleaves by Brian Cleaves
  • 3 years ago

I recently lost my best friend and partner of nearly 49 years to a terrible form of MND. This poem was selected by our Funeral Celebrant and it encapsulates the feelings that I am holding for Jeanette. It gives me such comfort to read this poem; I am so grateful to the Celebrant for her selection.

  • Isabell King by Isabell King
  • 3 years ago

I just lost my best friend after going through many struggles with her. She had two kids that I have taken under my wing. They are very sweet and do not deserve what they are going through. I found this poem and immediately thought, "This is perfect for her." I am going to read it at my best friend's memorial, and I am glad that I am able to share it with all of her grieving friends. It is the perfect message. I want to thank Anthony Dowson for writing such beautiful, inspiring poetry.

  • Ted Goodman by Ted Goodman
  • 4 years ago

Our very dear friend of 50 years died after suffering heart failure in recent years. He was doing very well and ten days ago he rang me and we had a jolly conversation just like old times. The next afternoon, a relative rang and told me he had collapsed and was in hospital critically ill. He suffered a catastrophic ruptured aorta. The UK is in Covid-19 lockdown and only 5 close family, separated from each other by a 2 metre gap are allowed to be at his graveside on Monday. This poem says just what we wanted to say had we been there. John wasn't a religious man, but he did have some sort of belief and faith. Thank you so much for this inspiration. It has given us some comfort at a particularly dark time.

  • by
  • 3 years ago

This poem was read at my dad's funeral...beautiful words and so true...I find myself reading it over and over again. Thank you so much for these beautiful and comforting words.

  • Jenny Bridge by Jenny Bridge
  • 6 years ago

Dear Anthony,
Thank you for writing this beautiful, heartfelt poem. I read it today as part of a ceremony we held to scatter my mother's ashes, releasing her to the Australian bushland, which she loved throughout her life. I felt that it simply and eloquently expressed what Marian herself might have said to us today, and it was very well-received by all who attended. Once again, thank you and I wish you all the very best.

  • Motherlove Gosby by Motherlove Gosby, chicago IL
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem. It touched me because of how the words were. This is something everyone should read because it gives you a new reason to read and love different things in life. I can see me reading more poems like this one.

  • Eleshia by Eleshia, St. Petersburg, FL
  • 7 years ago

I love the way you captured your true personality in God.

  • C. V. Reed by C. V. Reed
  • 7 years ago

This poem expressed so vividly many of the feelings that I have experienced since losing both my grandparents. Your entry renewed the deep emotions of my heart in the wake of their loss. Thank you for dusting off the love I knew my grandparents had for me. My grandmother did so many of the chores of caring for me and my twin since our mom had MD and was in decline through most of our childhood. "Mamaw" drove us to Mass and school on cold and icy roads, made fantastic blackberry cobblers, and rocked away the pain of childhood bumps and scrapped knees (in her old red vinyl rocking chair. She had such a welcoming smile when she saw me, her blue eyes would bring her warmth and love right into my soul. Papaw would be so kind and careful as he complied and "doctored" my cat, though I knew he really hated cats in general. He'd let us help pick strawberries in his garden, and who could refuse a bite out of a dusty, fresh tomato? Yep, no doubt my grandparents were as special to us as we were to them!

  • Derek Moore by Derek Moore
  • 8 years ago

I would like to publicly acknowledge the use of this lovely poem. Thank you Anthony Dowson, your poem was read out by my daughter Lauren at the funeral service of my wife's mother, Evelyn Tracey Poole on the 7th of June 2016 at Worcester crematorium. Evelyn passed away peacefully at Court House nursing home in Malvern on the 18th of May 2016 aged 96. You could have written this for Evelyn, it was perfect. Thank you again for giving us such a touching poem which gave comfort to all of Evelyn's family and friends.

  • Susan Green by Susan Green, Devizes Wiltshire
  • 9 years ago

I lost my partner new years eve 2015. It was such a shock to all of the family. He was my world. I really don't know how I am going to cope without him. He came into my life just when I thought nothing ever good would happen again. I had been in an abusive relationship beforehand. My children lost their dad to alcohol abuse. Never in this world did I think they would take to Mal. I should of known. He instantly took them under his wing, bless him, they worshiped him. Then they had to say goodbye to another Dad. Really don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to do now. He was the best . Love you my Angel . Sleep well xxx

  • Alexander Smith by Alexander Smith
  • 6 years ago

By sheer chance I came across your letter you wrote on your loss. Many years ago my wife and I stayed over in Devizes, and we enjoyed a great time there. Her death anniversary is next week. So does time heal? Do I feel like you feel at a loss? I miss her and always will. My partner understands that. She lost her man some years, and I hope I understand her loss. Memories are what we hold to, and they are precious and part of who we are today. I can say not much more. I hope all is well these days.

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