Loving Poem about Family

Poem About A Loving Family Eating Together

Those with a loving family are wealthier than those with much money.

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It was a very good poem. It reminded me of my childhood. When we did not have much money but we had eggs from our chicken's house. We have plenty of fruits and vegetables and...

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Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

They say that times were tough then
That money was very tight
But I remember my childhood
And I know that can't be right

Mom would cook our dinner
Dad came home at five
We were all sitting at the table
Waiting for him to arrive

We wouldn't eat from a microwave
Or a restaurant down the street
We all ate Mom's home cooking
And boy, that can't be beat

We didn't eat in front of the TV
Or with a phone in our hand
We weren't plugged into a stereo
Bopping to the latest band

We would all sit at the table
Everyone in their place
There were never any surprises
We recognized every face

Brothers to the left of me
Sisters to the right
That's the way we ate dinner
Every single night

We laughed, we joked, we talked, we ate
We were a family, don't you see
Though some may have been raised poor
You can see it wasn't me

We ate collards, we ate biscuits
We ate fatback and blackeyed peas
We said yes sir, we said no sir
We said thank you ma'am and please

So when you talk of family life
Or how it used to be
Though many had more money
None were as rich as me


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bangkok by Bangkok, Thailand
  • 11 years ago

It was a very good poem. It reminded me of my childhood. When we did not have much money but we had eggs from our chicken's house. We have plenty of fruits and vegetables and big...big..craw-fishes in the water canal which we get it for free. Mom would started cooking at 3 pm ready for dad to come home at 5 pm. Children helped doing the dishes before it got dark. No electricity, no microwave, no money but we were so happy.

  • John by John, Moreno Valley
  • 13 years ago

It was a very good poem. It reminded me of my childhood growing up and the fond memories of my mom who passed away January 7, 2010, who was by the way a very good cook and that is one of the things we miss most about her.

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