Miscarriage Poem

I dedicate this poem to Jean and her unborn child 6-28-07.

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I am 17 and was pregnant 3 years ago. I was young and came from an abusive family. I was scared of telling anyone, because my parents might beat me. I was 40 pounds underweight, and I was the...

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A Dedication To Your Unborn Child


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

You went into the office
expecting the great news,
that your baby was secure,
growing in your womb.
You didn't hear the heartbeat
and you didn't feel it move.
You ended up getting
the worst unexpected news.
Your child is in heaven,
an angel in the sky,
filled with joy and laughter
growing as time goes by.
Your life will go on.
The tears will come and go.
only time now
will heal your broken soul.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shaylee by Shaylee
  • 7 years ago

I am 17 and was pregnant 3 years ago. I was young and came from an abusive family. I was scared of telling anyone, because my parents might beat me. I was 40 pounds underweight, and I was the only one who knew about me being pregnant. My mother only thought I was getting fat. From then on, I grew up too fast, and even when I went to the doctors for a wellness exam, I had to hide it. For the scales, I had put weights in the bottom of my shoes. I had a miscarriage and nobody knew. I was up every night not being able to sleep or crying so hard that there were no tears left. It was really bad, and I had wanted to go and join my baby in heaven and tried multiple times. I then was on depression medication and a year later, the pain started to ebb. Even now, three years later, it still hurts. Even time cannot repair a broken soul. My baby would have been three years old on March 23, 2017. Yes, I was young, still just a child.

  • Ceretalia Silver by Ceretalia Silver, Houston
  • 9 years ago

I was 16 when I had a miscarriage, me and my boyfriend where ready to accept the responsibilities that came along with kids, and 6-7 months into the pregnancy I found out I was having twins and we had a name for both. But sadly I lost them a few days before my birthday. I was so depressed I tried to kill myself multiple times, my boyfriend was upset but thought I was being a little dramatic so we got therapy. 5 years later we tried again and now I have little Lucifer and Cassiopeia, and my boyfriend(now husband) who stuck by my side through it all. But I will never ever forget the two little angles that never made it.

  • Samantha Sykula by Samantha Sykula
  • 8 years ago

Hi Ceretalia,

I know this posting was 10 months ago but I am hoping that you will see this. Your story has really touched me. I am a writer and editor for breastfeeding world. This month we are doing a series of posts about breaking the silence of miscarriage, still birth and infant loss. If you are interested in sharing your story, we would love to publish it for you. I am sorry for your losses.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 9 years ago

I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and saw the heartbeat, so I was feeling happy and safe.
Two weeks later, at 10 weeks, the bright red blood came, and I knew. Went to the doctor, had another ultrasound, and he verified that the baby had stopped developing two weeks ago. It must have happened right after the first ultrasound.
It's been four days now since I miscarried, and it's one of the saddest, loneliest feelings I've ever felt. My baby gone before I ever got the chance to know her. I still think of names for her, then have to remind myself I don't need to anymore. Last night I had a nightmare that a man was standing in my 18-month-old daughter's closet with a knife. I'm terrified of losing her too; she's all I have left.
This loss feels so pointless and cruel, and I'll never understand it, ever. I tell myself that this too shall pass, but I'm not sure I believe it.

  • Heather by Heather, Canada
  • 9 years ago

In February my husband and I were celebrating Valentines Day together when I suddenly had a sharp pain to my right side, I somehow got to my bedroom and my husband watched me cry in pain, he called 911 and the paramedics showed up. I was rushed to the hospital, with no idea what was going on. The Dr. attended to me and came to the conclusion I was pregnant and had no idea, as we were told by the ob a week prior that I would need a test to rule out why I wasn't getting pregnant after 1 and half years of trying. The Drs stated I had a tubal pregnancy and it ruptured my right tube. For months I cried and grieved. This August I found out we were expecting again, scared as can be I called my ob and scheduled an appointment, we were so happy. On Sept 4, 8 weeks long, we heard the heartbeat, sadly on sept 18, 10 weeks along, I started to bleed. Scared, my husband rushed me to the hospital, where over 2 days they told us the baby had no heartbeat, I was completely devastated.

  • Malia by Malia
  • 11 years ago

I'm 15 and I got pregnant and had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Most of my friends don't believe me when I tell them what happened but I lost my baby. It hurts a lot to know I lost him/her. The dad would have never been there I was planning on raising it on my own because it was just a hook up and the guy I hooked up with well I liked him for two years but he's a huge player. I wish I would have been able to have the baby maybe if I would have took care of myself better idk. It still hurts me a lot.

  • Tatyanna by Tatyanna
  • 9 years ago

Malia I know its a huge obstacle to overcome. Having a Miscarriage is pretty devastating, just know you're baby is in a better place now. And you'll get to be reunited with her/him one day. I hope you consider that. And I'm sorry to hear about your loss. And thank you for sharing your story to us all.

  • R.E.S. by R.E.S. Poet
  • 11 years ago

I am the one who actually wrote this poem, It was to my sister who was emotionally a mess over losing her child, I wrote this for her because I wanted her to know that even though her child and my niece was never born that she would never before forgotten. I wanted my sister to know how much I understood her pain even though it wasn't me who went through it, it was my niece and though I never got the opportunity to meet her I would always love her. To those of you I upset. My best advice is to not read poems like this. This is a tribute not only to my sister and her unborn child but to every woman who has ever had to experience the loss of a unborn child. Reading all of your stories breaks my heart but it also makes me stronger and thankful for the life I have maybe one day soon I will share my story, I didn't lose a child but live a different life. God has blessed me...Good luck to you all. God bless.

  • Durban by Durban
  • 12 years ago

I was 20 at the time, found out I was pregnant, I didn't tell anyone about it besides my husband, it was my brothers wedding, so we decided to tell everyone after the wedding was over, until I realized I was bleeding, we went for a check up and the doc told me I had a miscarriage, he prescribed 6 cytotec tabs for me, not explaining what's gonna happen afterwards. I did as he said and I ended up bleeding for 3 months straight, I was drained out, had to have an evac of my uterus, I was so young and I had to deal with all of that myself, I didn't tell any of my family, it emotionally broke me. It's been 4 years now and I have a 1 year old son, but I still think of the baby that I lost, a part of me was lost with my 1st baby, it scarred me for life, the pain the emotion, but my husband helped me through it, and God never left me abandoned. He gave me the strength to carry on and still have faith in him, my heart goes out to all the mums who have loved and lost little angels, god be with you

  • Ashley by Ashley, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

Eight weeks pregnant, fiancé and I went to the doctors. I couldn't see the ultrasound screen, but the look on the tech face left an uneasy feeling. I remember her saying, "The doctor will explain". That was the worst day of my life. 6 weeks before my wedding, I received the news our baby was gone. I tried to hold on, hoping and praying for a miracle. I went back to the doctors a few weeks later and she said there was no luck and if I didn't act quick, it could become toxic, and I could become sick. I took the pill, Cytotec, and my miscarriage began. I wanted to call my wedding off, I was so depressed. Few weeks later, I walked down the aisle and married the man who stuck by my side.... I just want to tell my baby that I love you. I wish on a million years I could trade my life for yours. I know God loved you far too much to endure the pains of this world, so he carried you home. Angel baby, you have a place in my heart forever.

  • April by April, Dubai
  • 12 years ago

I was 16 weeks.. A week before I had ultra sound and everything was ok, a week after I was in the office and started bleeding, went to the emergency and the ob said that my cervix was open and I had a ruptured membrane. I tried to hold for as long as I could. After 3 hours in pain, the baby came out:(...

  • Dublin by Dublin
  • 12 years ago

I had two miscarriages within a year of each other both around the 7 week mark that was 4 years ago and it still feels like it was yesterday. I miss them every day. I love them like they were here now. I wish they were here with me. Not a day goes by that I don't think of them or miss them so much. I know they're 2 angels in the sky and when I see the stars at night I know they're looking down on me as I look up to them.

  • Phoenix Az. by Phoenix Az.
  • 12 years ago

Reading other moms feelings has helped me some. I am 20 years old and I found out I was having a baby at 5 weeks. I was scared and excited. My first doctors app. went fine. My next app wasn't so great. The doctor told me my baby had passed two weeks ago. I'm now telling people I'm fine. But so broken inside. She was my everything. Now she's gone. Thanks to every women who has shared.

  • Joanne Hine by Joanne Hine
  • 12 years ago

I was 5 and a half months pregnant I wasn't well I went for my big scan when the devastating news came my baby boy had severe abnormalities and was told he wasn't going to make it. I can't describe the pain I went through no mother should lose her child we named him Kyle. I got to see him for 9 days. He wasn't alive before saying bye to him. It's been 9 years on the 6th of March 2012 and the pain is awful my heart is broken. I do have 3 beautiful girls that I'm so proud of but to lose my only son breaks my heart. You feel alone and no one understands your pain till you read what other mums say my thoughts are with all those who have lost a child x

  • Brittany by Brittany, NC
  • 13 years ago

I knew in my heart that I was pregnant. I had all of the same symptoms that I had when I was pregnant with my son. I took 5 at home pregnancy tests, all of which came back negative. I was so confused and so my boyfriend and I went to see my doctor to find out what was going on. Three weeks ago today, we found out that we were going to have a baby, but I lost our baby, we had to listen to this all in the same sentence. I feel so lost and confused. Everyone says things happen for a reason, but why would God bless us with a precious angel if he was just going to take our angel back. We were so excited at the thought of having a baby, and devastated by our loss. He has been very supportive and just as upset as I am. Most of everyone else doesn't understand why I am so upset over losing my child. I am upset and hurt because I will never get to meet her, we both wanted a girl so we gave her a girls name. I will never get to feel her kick, or hear her cry. I will never be able to kiss her.

  • Michele by Michele, South Bend Indiana
  • 13 years ago

This poem so relates to how I feel. I was ten weeks along but gestational sac and fetal pole was only 6 weeks. My body didn't show signs of miscarriage. I prayed the doctor was wrong. No heartbeat and no more growth. I had a d and c yesterday after yet another u/s the day before. My heart hurts for this angel that just wasn't meant to be.

  • West Chester by West Chester, PA
  • 13 years ago

It has been one week since I found out that I had lost the baby. I was 13 weeks along. I have felt total devastation in my world and although I put on a good front that I am fine, I am miserable inside. If I insult anyone I apologize, but this poem put me over the edge and think it is the most morbid thing I have read. When reading this it brought me back to that day and made me relive that horrible moment in my life that I wish I could just forget. Words of wisdom, if you want to send something to someone who just lost their child, give them a hug and tell them that you are sorry, don't send them this horrible poem.

  • Cape Town by Cape Town
  • 13 years ago

Yesterday I woke up happy and had a lot of plans for me and my baby. I was going to turn her into a beautiful confident lady I had high hopes and dreams but this morning I had pain lots of pain and blood followed and I was 10 weeks and after doctor told me I'm having a miscarriage I knew everything was over for me. I keep asking why me God? I would have been a perfect mom as I'm laying in hospital now waiting to go into theater I really don't know what's going to happen after theater. I'm 27 years old and pregnant my first time.

  • Chelsea by Chelsea, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

I just lost my baby at 6 weeks. My heart is broken and I am so very empty looking for reasons to explain anything. Your poems help knowing I'm not alone. I went into the doctor and they did more blood work and my levels weren't right. She called me in the next day for an ultra sound. My baby had no heart beat. My world has been tilted upside down. I just so desperately want closure. Something to mend my heart.

  • Peta by Peta, Australia
  • 13 years ago

Dreams can come and go in a flash. It's amazing how in such a short time you can have a whole life planned and then it's just taken, no answers, no reason. I've been through this 5 times now, sometimes I wonder how I'm still sane, but I know I just have to be patient and my angel will come to me when he/she is ready. "my 5 little butterflies" will live in my heart forever.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched my heart and tears well up inside I haven't let fall. I tell everyone I'm fine but learning of a child in my womb for the second time in my life without a heart is so hard. Beautiful poem truly

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