Mother Daughter Poem

Poem About Healing The Mother-Daughter Bond

A daughter explains some things to her mother.

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I have a daughter that does this to me. I'll be 50 on the 13th and I'm tired and empty. I love my daughter. I'm so sad deeply, beyond depressed.

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Dear Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

I can never explain the ways I've felt
Growing up without you, playing the cards I was dealt.
There were always many things I wanted to say
My dreams and new thoughts that came each day
I wish I could take back some of the skeptical things I've said
To be more respectful, listen, be positive instead.
At times I felt you were never listening to what I would say,
So I'd get angry and react in the wrong way.
I understand that it took some time for me to change my ways,
I prayed for this each night and even some days.
Although you'd never see the true feelings I'd hide
I love you very much, deep down inside.
Always my mother, and never my friend, so you could not see,
The angry little girl that lay within me
Notice how I've changed each and every day
I've grown to follow your footsteps, but in a different way.
Although I'm quite unsure of where the road might lead,
If you stay by my side I promise to take heed
I am your child and I love you dearly
Thanks for all you've done mom truly and sincerely
To me you're very special like no other,
Loving, caring, and concerned, my dear mother.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Steph by Steph
  • 10 years ago

This poems touch my heart because it's something I went through when I was younger and to this day me and my mom don't have the daughterly and mom communication like everyone else has, but her and my sister do because my sister grew up with her. Sometimes I wish I had that same communication they have.

  • Joanie Sue Anderson by Joanie Sue Anderson, East Greenwich
  • 10 years ago

This poem has truly touched me! I'm at this very point in time, going through this heartache with my daughter. She has given me two beautiful grandchildren who I have not seen in 8 months. She tends to use them against me when she gets angry with me. I so miss them, and not a day goes by that I think about them and my daughter. She is 24 and from what I can see, it does not look like she's going to come around any time soon. I had her fairly late in my life, I'm getting older, and I'm afraid she will not grow up or come to her senses before it's to late. I've always told her "it's ok to be angry, but please don't stay angry for too long" Time is passing very quickly, the children are growing and if she cannot find it in her heart to stop and smell the roses, I fear I will never see her or my grandchildren again. I pray each day and night she will come to me because she knows my heart and door will always and forever be open! I love them dearly, they are my life and the air I breath but I cannot allow her to manipulate and disrespect me any longer. I'm moving on but I have such a big hole in my heart and a huge empty space in my life. If only, if only! Please Dear Lord, pray for us!

  • Sharon by Sharon
  • 10 years ago

This poem was reminiscent of my current relationship with my oldest daughter. We are detached at present and the communication is certainly off kilter. Perhaps if she read this poem she would reassess her thoughts and opinions of me. I am at the brink and have reached a breaking point to where I can no longer enable her to grow up. She is 30 years old with two children and needs to take responsibility for her decisions and the consequences she's brought to herself resulting in chaos. She has everyone else to blame, every excuse or reason why it's others and not herself. I pray for her daily and hope she gets it together and am the person I know she can be. I will never stop loving her no matter what but as of late I have had to make some hard decisions to allow her to make her mistakes and continue to hope for the best yet prepare for the worst. How can a mother do that, I have no idea.

  • Nicole by Nicole
  • 10 years ago

I am currently listening to my roommate yell and disrespect her mom over the phone. She does this a lot so I'm looking for a poem to post on Facebook for her to see and I found this one. This poem explains almost everything I went through and still go through with my mom but I love her and I am sitting on my bed crying my eyes out because I just don't understand why someone could talk to their mom the way my roommate does. I pray that the lord helps her see her mistakes before it's too late and her mother is take away form her.

  • Tricia Granier by Tricia Granier
  • 8 years ago

I have a daughter that does this to me. I'll be 50 on the 13th and I'm tired and empty. I love my daughter.
I'm so sad deeply, beyond depressed.

  • Makaila by Makaila
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem!!(: it is just like me and my mom I am 13 and she is 36 she acts just like my bestfriend I can tell her everything!!(:

  • Kayla by Kayla
  • 15 years ago

wow! this is exactly me and my mom! but she always acts like my best friend than my mother. she still as no idea the pain she has put me through and I'm almost 20.

  • Rose by Rose
  • 16 years ago

This is a very good poem. I felt the same exact way with my mom a lot of the time. When she passed away it was one of the hardest things that I had ever had to go through. And all of the times that I had pulled away from her came back to me the morning that she passed. This poem really hit home in a lot of ways.

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