Death Of Partner Poem

Poem Longing To Be Reunited With Late Husband

I'm dedicating this poem to my treasured husband of 23 years, Tim McCoy, born 09-09-1958, died July 12, 2007, at 4:25 pm. My name is Norma Clay McCoy. Tim was the true love of my life. No one can ever take his place in my heart.

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The man I have loved for more than half my life is dying from a blood disorder. Every day he and I are realizing that living for the moment is the most important thing in our lives. We...

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I Wanted To Go With You


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

I was a lonely wanderer, searching for a place to belong.
You came into my life and gave me love, a place to call home.

Home is where the heart is; it doesn't always have four walls.
Sometimes it can be a park bench, a homeless shelter.

No matter where we lay our heads,
we are together, and love counts the most.

We had our trials in life, even a few brief spats and separations,
but you had my heart as no one ever before.

We always made up and got back together,
loving each other even more.

Now you are gone, and I can't be with you for a while.
My aching heart is killing me, I cannot smile.

You became sick and wasted away.
Why, oh why, did you have to leave me alone that day?

I wanted to go with you, but I have to wait,
wait till my name is called.

I hope you come with Jesus to carry me away,
This I wait for impatiently each and every day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Angie Milton by Angie Milton
  • 10 years ago

The man I have loved for more than half my life is dying from a blood disorder. Every day he and I are realizing that living for the moment is the most important thing in our lives. We haven't always been together for all these years, but we have always found each other and felt the love with one single glare. It's sad to think we are just waiting, but we are not wasting time since it has become more valuable to us now more than ever. Reading this poem is exactly how I feel so of course I cried instantly. Thank you for your words, because I can't always find mine. Sorry for your loss.

  • Emerald by Emerald
  • 13 years ago

Be happy for the moments you had; you're blessed to have had that much time. I have loved before and I know I will again but it takes time for a heart to mend. I fell in love so quick and fast. He wasn't from the states and I told him to go back he was so close to his dreams. The week we had no one can take from me, but the years we would have had after he finished his degree....those are all gone. He was called as well. In a natural disaster that no one could have predicted. You're right no one will take the person you loved place, but there might be another space in your heart. It wont be the same so don't try and make it. You have been given 2 gifts- love and life. Remember the love and experience the life. Wonderful poem.

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